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View Full Version : Opinion of ZOMBIE (Lucio Fulci's film)

28-Mar-2006, 03:41 AM
What does every one think about Lucio Fulci's Zombie. Looks tacky, but also looks to have great zombie and gore effects. Opinions?

28-Mar-2006, 03:57 AM
a classic, IMHO

28-Mar-2006, 10:10 AM
I really like Fulci's "Zombie". One of the classic horrormovies. I personally like Romero's movies more, but right behind them "Zombie" is one of the best.

Especially the look of the Undead is really good, and it also has some nice gory scenes. This movie should be in every zombiemoviefans collection.

28-Mar-2006, 10:51 AM
I agree it should be in every zombie fans collection, but Zombie is not the type of film you rent for a good story or character development. This is one you get just for the gore.

28-Mar-2006, 10:41 PM
What does every one think about Lucio Fulci's Zombie. Looks tacky, but also looks to have great zombie and gore effects. Opinions?

I am a HUGE Fulci fan. Zombie being my personal favorite of his "Horror/Zombie-Genre" Works. This movie is backed by a great score and some decent actors/Actresses. If your looking for a zombie film that even remotely comes close to GAR caliber stuff, Look no further than Fulci's zombie!

29-Mar-2006, 12:57 AM
it is tacky. very, very tacky. But its good. Decent make-up effects and the music is decent. Of course, there are a few minutes that make you cringe simply because either the dialogue is terrible or you might just want to take a break from hearing the music played over and over and over again.

29-Mar-2006, 01:10 AM
I'm also a MASSIVE fan of Lucio Fulci. In fact he is my 2nd favourite horror director of all-time right behind G.A.R.

"Zombie" (Zombie Flesh Eaters as it is known here in England) is a real classic. I love it. Best zombies I've ever seen.

29-Mar-2006, 02:25 AM
I consider Fulci's Zombie as one of the elites in terms of zombie films. The story itself is just there to provide some semblance of a plot, but it's all about the zombies and the gore. The splinter eye-gouge scene and the way its prolonged is still one of the best gore sequences. Then the gory tableaux of the wife as the zombies sat around casually picking up little morsels of flesh just capped it all off.

29-Mar-2006, 04:01 AM
In addition to the gore, there are some very atmospheric and creepy scenes in the film. The zombie vs. shark scene is classic. I still prefer LET SLEEPING CORPSES LIE/BREAKFAST AT MANCHESTER MORGUE as my fave non-Romero zombie flick (Gianetto De Rossi did the gore effects for both, I believe), but ZOMBIE is good.

I was lucky enough to catch ZOMBIE on the big screen recently here in Sacramento at our annual Trash Film Orgy. The (mostly) unsuspecting crowd was having a great time shouting smartass remarks at the screen regarding the general cheesiness (dubbing, 70's clothes, etc), as is the tradition at the Orgy. The splinter scene changed that, however. Those who hadn't seen the film previously were clearly blindsided by the gratuitous and unflinching nature of it. That quieted most of them down for a while. The second feature that night was NOTLD, by the way.

More info on the upcoming Orgy for any fans in Northern California:

29-Mar-2006, 04:00 PM
I'm gonna break this party.

I hate that film. I think it's horrible, cheesy and stupid beyond salvation. The plot needs to be at least a BIT engaging for me to like a film. If that fails, give me something I can at least like. This film didn't have that. The conquistadores zombie which took one minute to prepare himself for an attack on a girl one meter away (who just stood there, screaming). horrible, horrible crap.

The shark scene is alright (and I'm amazed at how they pulled it off) and the main theme is catchy (but not fitting). Overall, I hate every part of the film.

29-Mar-2006, 04:09 PM
The conquistadores zombie which took one minute to prepare himself for an attack on a girl one meter away (who just stood there, screaming).

When I watched the Blue Underground special edition DVD a couple months back, I started laughing at that scene. It reminded me so much of the scene in the first Austin Powers where the henchman started screaming Nooo!!! at the steamroller slowly straight at him. :lol:

29-Mar-2006, 04:12 PM
When I watched the Blue Underground special edition DVD a couple months back, I started laughing at that scene. It reminded me so much of the scene in the first Austin Powers where the henchman started screaming Nooo!!! at the steamroller slowly straight at him. :lol:

Haha, I never thought of that! If someone ever binds me a chair and forces me to watch Zombie again, I'll be sure to think of that ;)

29-Mar-2006, 05:15 PM
I bought this after reading about it on HPotD MB (the old one btw) and was sorely disappointed. Terrible acting, dubbing, and the so annoying replays of the same clips over and over ruined it for me. Slow and boring...i could go on and on.

I have watched it once, and will prolly never give it another view.

29-Mar-2006, 06:32 PM
I think people are forgetting something important -

1. If the woman put her hand up, closed her eyes, or moved her head there wouldn't be a scene.

2. When Brian's girlfriend gets bitten on the neck, if she ran away, there wouldn't be a scene.

You have to make allowances for films. They'd be very boring if they were 100% realistic all the time.

29-Mar-2006, 09:35 PM
I think people are forgetting something important -

1. If the woman put her hand up, closed her eyes, or moved her head there wouldn't be a scene.

2. When Brian's girlfriend gets bitten on the neck, if she ran away, there wouldn't be a scene.

You have to make allowances for films. They'd be very boring if they were 100% realistic all the time.

Following that logic, we could just wonder why Stephen (In Dawn of the Dead) didn't just stand infront of the zombies and let them eat him. Or heck, why didn't any character do that? I mean, if they didn't we wouldn't have a scene, right?

Well, we got our scene. In the end. Where it made sense.

29-Mar-2006, 09:45 PM
when the first one comes up out the dirt my jaw dropper i thought "god damn this was before dawn right and they dont have blue zombies!" .

and didnt it have a zombie fighting a shark?, nuff said.

30-Mar-2006, 03:26 AM
Sorry...but Bruno Mattei's Night of the Zombies was enough to put me off Italian Horror FOREVER!:confused:

31-Mar-2006, 12:27 PM
i definitly dug it, what can you say bad about it (besideds the acting), great gore, good story, great ending

31-Mar-2006, 12:36 PM
on the topic of bad acting, anyone seen the extra scenes added the the 30th aniversary edition of notld?, now THAT is bad acting.

31-Mar-2006, 01:02 PM
on the topic of bad acting, anyone seen the extra scenes added the the 30th aniversary edition of notld?, now THAT is bad acting.

Do you mean to say that you didn't like Reverend Buck-tooth?:rolleyes:

31-Mar-2006, 02:13 PM
Do you mean to say that you didn't like Reverend Buck-tooth?:rolleyes:

a classic character for all time :barf:

On Zombi 2, its a pretty decent 3 1/2 star affair, a bit slow in places but it really cranks up at the end, the gore is great, tho' how anyone could be caught and eaten by those 0.05 MPH zombies is beyond me. :D

31-Mar-2006, 07:03 PM
"god damn this was before dawn right and they dont have blue zombies!" .

and didnt it have a zombie fighting a shark?, nuff said.


Fulci fmade this film BECAUSE of Dawn's success. Dawn came first, which was called "Zombie" in some markets and this was called Zombie 2 in an attempt to make people think it was Dawn's sequal, which it was not!

Nope, Dawn came first, then Zombie!

31-Mar-2006, 07:43 PM

Fulci fmade this film BECAUSE of Dawn's success. Dawn came first, which was called "Zombie" in some markets and this was called Zombie 2 in an attempt to make people think it was Dawn's sequal, which it was not!

Nope, Dawn came first, then Zombie!

Yeah but ZOMBIE was WITTEN before Dawn.

31-Mar-2006, 08:05 PM
Yeah but ZOMBIE was WITTEN before Dawn.

I completely disagree with that statement!

Please substantiate that with verifiable facts.

Fulci made Zombie strictly to cash in on Romero's Dawn. GAR wrote Dawn in 75/76, but the idea had been festering since the early 70's when GAR took a tour of the Monroeville Mall. Filming began in Dec of 77.

Fulci's film was shot in 1979!

31-Mar-2006, 08:13 PM
I completely disagree with that statement!

Please substantiate that with verifiable facts.

Fulci made Zombie strictly to cash in on Romero's Dawn. GAR wrote Dawn in 75/76, but the idea had been festering since the early 70's when GAR took a tour of the Monroeville Mall. Filming began in Dec of 77.

Fulci's film was shot in 1979!

Exactly, SHOT, not written. Fucli only CALLED his film "Zombi 2" to cash in on Dawn which was SHOT/RELEASED after Dawn, not written after.

31-Mar-2006, 09:28 PM
Exactly, SHOT, not written. Fucli only CALLED his film "Zombi 2" to cash in on Dawn which was SHOT/RELEASED after Dawn, not written after.

Still, I want to know where this information is coming from, is this just your specualtion, or do you know this as fact???

I don't buy that Zombie was even WRITTEN before Dawn, I believe it was written BECAUSE of Dawn.

Please tell me where you info is coming from.

31-Mar-2006, 09:59 PM
Still, I want to know where this information is coming from, is this just your specualtion, or do you know this as fact???

I don't buy that Zombie was even WRITTEN before Dawn, I believe it was written BECAUSE of Dawn.

Please tell me where you info is coming from.

***EDIT: See http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080057/trivia - first triva fact. ***

I've heard it numerous times around the internet over the years. I can't give you any particular sources, this is just what I've heard. I've heard it so many times that I personally beleive it to be true. Think about it, if Fulci wrote ZOMBIE AFTER Dawn, wouldn't he have made it more inkeeping with Romero's film if he wanted to be able to pass it off as a sequel? ZOMBIE and DAWN are really nothing alike, apart from Zombies - and there are loads of zombie films around.

I'm not saying what I think is FACT, as I don't know 100%. However, I DO personally believe its true.

You don't have to beleive it, and obviously you're free to belive whatever you wish, as am I, but this is what I've always been lead to beleive.

I do agree with you however that Fulci did name his film to cash in on Romero's success. That is documented all over the place.

Princess Flesh Eater
02-Apr-2006, 12:07 PM
Fulci's 'Zombie 2' rocks simply because of the blood, gore and extreme scenes! plus how many times do you see a zombie fight a shark!

03-Apr-2006, 11:51 PM
Zombie was in pre-production and was maybe even production before Dawn of the Dead was released in Italy. It was planned and written before Dawn ever came out.

But originally it was very much more of a voodoo hokus pokus film than it is now. Not only did the film recieve it's "Zombie 2" title due to the success of Dawn, but it also recieved it's opening and ending scenes. Originally, there were no New York scenes. But they wrote them in to make it fit better with Dawn.

04-Apr-2006, 12:21 AM
I have yet to see any of Lucio Fulci's movies. I have heard about them several times but I have not actually gone out to rent any of them. To be honest, I don't think my local video store has any copies for rent and the Blockbuster probably does not have any either. I remember seeing a copy of Zombi at either HMV or Music World but it was something like $25 (CDN) which is way out of my spending limit. I mind as well check my local video store next time I go but I highly doubt they will have any in stock. :confused:

04-Apr-2006, 02:24 AM
I have yet to see any of Lucio Fulci's movies. I have heard about them several times but I have not actually gone out to rent any of them. To be honest, I don't think my local video store has any copies for rent and the Blockbuster probably does not have any either. I remember seeing a copy of Zombi at either HMV or Music World but it was something like $25 (CDN) which is way out of my spending limit. I mind as well check my local video store next time I go but I highly doubt they will have any in stock. :confused:

I STRONGLY recommend you start with "The Beyond" - by far Fulci's best film, with "Zombi 2" coming a close second.

07-Apr-2006, 03:56 AM
Oh come on. Stop blaming everything on Lucio. I have the 2-Disc DVD and on the 98 minute documentry, they say the film was written before Dawn Of The Dead came out in Italy. By the time the movie was finished Dawn Of The Dead came out in Italy and was a major hit, it was the producer's idea to name it Zombi 2 to cash in.

07-Apr-2006, 12:55 PM
I always liked Fulci's Zombie. It seemed to fill a void, as far as I know, in which the dead, raised by Voodoo, eat the living.