View Full Version : Tom Savini appearance for "Grindhouse" in Pittsburgh

04-Apr-2007, 07:51 PM
Hi, a few weeks back I posted that Tom Savini would be appearing at our theatre in Pittsburgh for "Grindhouse" opening weekend. Then it looked like he would not be able to make it due to other prior commitments. Well, things have changed again! Tom called me today to let me know he will be in Pittsburgh opening weekend. So, if you live in the Pittsburgh area and were planning on going to see "Grindhouse" opening weekend, then makes plans to watch it at the Waterworks Cinemas in Pittsburgh. We are located at 930 Freeport Road. Our phone number is 412-784-1217 or 412-784-1416, if you have any questions.
Tom will be at the theatre on Saturday, April 7 at 8:30pm. The show is scheduled to start at 8:45pm, but will probably start around 9pm, so that we can do a mini Q&A with Tom. I have some original "Grindhouse" one-sheets that I will be giving away to some lucky patrons as well. Thank you!


04-Apr-2007, 08:43 PM
He was a combat photographer in Vietnam ... He was etched by the reality of horror ; he is king of the artistic approach to the cinematic appearance of grievious bodily harm . I met him at Full Sail in Orlando FL in 03 , he signed my Dawn of the Dead hat .
A buddy and I will attend a showing Saturday in the DC area ,but it would be great to have the $ to drive up and meet him & see the flick .
Grindhouse will be fun , I am sure .

05-Apr-2007, 01:25 AM
Hi, a few weeks back I posted that Tom Savini would be appearing at our theatre in Pittsburgh for "Grindhouse" opening weekend. Then it looked like he would not be able to make it due to other prior commitments. Well, things have changed again! Tom called me today to let me know he will be in Pittsburgh opening weekend. So, if you live in the Pittsburgh area and were planning on going to see "Grindhouse" opening weekend, then makes plans to watch it at the Waterworks Cinemas in Pittsburgh.
Good news man, hope it goes well.