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View Full Version : 28 Weeks Later Official Trailer on YouTube:

04-Apr-2007, 11:10 PM
Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0oSdqQuzdU

Here is the embed video: (If it works- if not, admins, please correct)
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Y0oSdqQuzdU"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Y0oSdqQuzdU" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

:dead: Dawg

04-Apr-2007, 11:49 PM

its in the faq how to do tshi, its really easy and then with the stuff after the = in the address to input a video, simple as.


as for the trailer im not impressed, very predictable adn i dont think it will hold up to the origional, looks like resident evil apocalypse trying to be a danny boyle film, plus the lack of brian eno means major loss of brownie points right off the start.

05-Apr-2007, 01:11 AM
im so excited ive waited along time for this. but seeing it now. eh do i want to be dissapointed?

05-Apr-2007, 02:15 AM
It wont touch the original.

Pushead Jim
05-Apr-2007, 03:26 AM
went into 28 days not knowing what to expect and was blown away. 28 weeks I'm expecting a lot and i got a feeling I'm going to be disappointed :(

05-Apr-2007, 11:04 PM
Great, they ruined it.

Head Shotz
06-Apr-2007, 12:17 AM
Come on folks! Lets at least see it, then dog it!:confused: :confused: :confused:

08-Apr-2007, 02:22 AM
Where's the British Army? Where's the European Union's response force? How about the whereabouts of the French...did they think the Germans had taken over England?

08-Apr-2007, 05:36 PM
Where's the British Army? Where's the European Union's response force? How about the whereabouts of the French...did they think the Germans had taken over England?

The US Army must have had to come in and save the day! ;)

:dead: Dawg

08-Apr-2007, 06:20 PM
I'd imagine the armed forces of the UK would be hard pressed, a majority infected and dead and their naval power cordoning off and patrolling a blackout zone off the coasts. Who else would step in and help out? The UN? Sure. But who would really be put in harm's way?

08-Apr-2007, 06:59 PM
wait this isnt a zombie film like it was expected to be, the virus is re released into the public. I thought the infected from the last out break were to die then come back as zombies???

08-Apr-2007, 11:16 PM
** plot spoilers **

Don't read if you don't want to know...

According to the press release

The film picks up six months after the Rage virus has decimated the city of London. The U.S. Army has restored order and is repopulating the quarantined city, when a carrier of the Rage virus enters London and unknowingly re-ignites the spread of the deadly infection, wreaking havoc on the entire population.

08-Apr-2007, 11:46 PM
They announced that 'spoiler' like three months ago.

09-Apr-2007, 12:23 AM
** plot spoilers **

Don't read if you don't want to know...

According to the press release

The film picks up six months after the Rage virus has decimated the city of London. The U.S. Army has restored order and is repopulating the quarantined city, when a carrier of the Rage virus enters London and unknowingly re-ignites the spread of the deadly infection, wreaking havoc on the entire population.

dude i think anyone who knows of the film knows about this:rolleyes:

09-Apr-2007, 04:19 AM
dude i think anyone who knows of the film knows about this:rolleyes:


I was asking a rhetorical question. :skull:

12-Apr-2007, 01:41 PM
lobby stand ups begin to ship to theatres 2 days ago(or more)

13-Apr-2007, 04:43 AM
I must say that i am looking forward to this one,im sure some will agree that it is the kind of sequel that repeats its formula of the first one with alittle more of a zap!

i think this one will give me a dawn o4 feeling "having my doubts but at the end think its a decent movie,i believe i will see this one in the theatre!

Besides i think the english still understand the formula of good horror movies!:D

13-Apr-2007, 03:55 PM

13-Apr-2007, 04:00 PM
Besides i think the english still understand the formula of good horror movies!:D
Yeah but only just.

13-Apr-2007, 04:38 PM
Why do I get the feeling that this is a Land of the Dead rip-off? Anyway... It looks like a great film none the less, I am really excited about this film but I think we already know it will not be as good as the first.


13-Apr-2007, 06:19 PM
the first film really surprised me, i was expecting it to suck, but i ended up really enjoying it:D

19-Apr-2007, 09:16 PM
It looks real good . I am going to see this at the theater ... :mad:

25-Apr-2007, 04:49 AM
Looks much better than I thought it would be.

25-Apr-2007, 09:51 AM
this movie is going to rock the ****ing house

although i like robert carlyle i feel that he might not be suited to this role even though he rocked nuts in the tv show hamish mcbeth it was a bit spooky seeing him play hitler in the rise of evil

25-Apr-2007, 09:41 PM
I have said it before and will say it again, I am ready for any zombie movie bring them on!!!
We are zombie fans and if we go see the films they will make more films!
Even if we have to see some rotten ones there will be some good ones in the lot dont ya think?:| :p

26-Apr-2007, 12:41 AM
Yeah Deb, but you are a total zomb fangirl whether it's good, bad or ugly. In other words, you are zombtastic! :D