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View Full Version : The Video Graveyard Review - 2 stars out of 4

05-Apr-2007, 12:54 PM
Read on and enjoy.


score card now

14 - Good
2 - So So
2 bad

05-Apr-2007, 04:47 PM
You got sack for putting up even the bad and meh reviews. I have to give you credit, youre pretty fearless as far as that is concerned. I am not sure I could do the same thing.
At least most of the first paragraph is complimentary. ;)

05-Apr-2007, 05:16 PM
You're right coma, he's got balls the size of texas to post the bad or even 'meh' reviews. :D I don't know many others willing to do that.

This was something we discussed early on and he's said since day one - there's no hiding anything. Bad reviews, good reviews, reviews that say "This Dj guy must be on crack if he thinks he can make a movie" :lol: Everything goes out in the open for all to see. How else can you gauge the true reaction of your audience? If you bullsh*t people by only posting good reviews, and they get it and think "This sucks!" then they're going to rip you apart three ways to Sunday because they WILL find the bad reviews, and they will GLADLY try and spread them around.

A review is a review - and even if it's harsh on the film, at least we got someone to watch it. :D We don't expect to please everyone, but so far our track record isn't too bad.

The good thing is, even with it's flaws, people recognize that with a proper budget, cast & crew, Dj could make an incredible film. It's a shame most reviewers aren't reviewing it with that (the miniscule budget) in mind, but, alas, it is what it is.

I'll take 'em, good or bad. The only thing I don't care for is when a reviewer is careless with his review - y'know, comparing the DL budget to the original NOTL (which wasn't even remotely close to the tiny DL:TR budget), getting names of actors, cast & crew ass-backwards. That kinda stuff annoys the sh*t me, but when they get their facts straight? and still say they don't like it? I respect that 100% and have no problems with it whatsoever.


09-Apr-2007, 01:44 PM
I just checked my balls and they are not the size of texas, more like baseballs actually. :D

09-Apr-2007, 01:57 PM
Still, baseballs are freakin' huge aren't they? Not like the piffling Rounders balls we get here in the UK, that's like hitting a bullseye flying at you with a tooth pick. :lol:

Aye, like Lou was saying, I've no respect for a review that can't get it's facts right, or be bothered to actually watch it, or compare the budget of Night to DLTR, which are so far apart the dude might as well have compared the budget to that of Terminator 2 or something...:rolleyes:

Aye, props for the mature approach to the reviews, no matter what the outcome, but clearly the main outcome is very good, so the majority of people "get" this film ... personally, the reviews that aren't so hot, I reckon they don't "get" this movie...that's what I feel anyway.

09-Apr-2007, 08:31 PM
If people want to buy it they will buy it. The reviews will only help aid in their decision. I need to pick through all the links and just put it in one easy to find thread...

So So-