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08-Apr-2007, 02:30 PM
1. El Wray Never misses
2. Dakota Blocks friends do work quickly
3. it seems that Osama Bin Ladens Dead and Bruce Willis did it (Yippe Ki yay)
4. The bio chemical will cause your testicles to melt off
5. Sicko's enjoy roadkill
6. Zoe Bell is really hot for a Stunt Woman
7. Never f*ck with the wrong mexican

08-Apr-2007, 03:24 PM
6. Zoe Bell is really hot for a Stunt Woman

I know that she was Uma Thurman's stunt double in the "Kill Bill" films, but I just couldnt get over how she looked almost exactly the same. The whole time I was amazed at the similarities. The differences were very small. Other than the Kiwi accent, of course.

Anyway, a few things that I learned:
1) "Death Proof" proved my thoughts from "Kill Bill" that Tarantino may be losing his spark.
2) Somehow, Rodriquez made Fergie look decent and not like a man.:rockbrow:
3) Michael Beihn is still the sh*t.
4) Savini finally got to be ripped up like the effect that he basically created years ago
5) Rodriguez can write movie themes with great hooks. I was whistling the theme to the film all night last night.
6) Scientists like testicles, apparently.:confused:
7) Tarantino still loves his "Reservoir Dogs" style conversation at a table while the camera pans around multiple times.
8) Cherry Darling has a nice ass.....even with no leg.
9) Josh Brolin has become his father when he has facial hair.
10) There might be a decent filmmaker buried somewhere deep within Eli Roth.

and a little bonus: The new "Live Free or Die Hard" trailer is pretty f*cking cool. Mainly because they added in the famous line.

08-Apr-2007, 05:20 PM
8.) You can have sex with a woman who has a table peg leg.
9.) Texas BBQ chefs take their recipes to the grave
10.) Edgar Wright should stick to zombie comedies and Slacker TV shows
11.) Nicolas Cage mae a funny looking asian
12.) Quentin likes to have his actors use the F word a lot.
13.) Mary Elizabeth Winstead looks good in a cheerleader outfit
14.) Rosario Dawson had a horrible haircut.
15.) Stuntman mike likes Nachos
16.) Quentin Tarantino still can't act that well, but he gets an E for effort.

09-Apr-2007, 04:49 PM
1) Quentin makes good decisions on what the public likes in film.
2) Quentin & Rodriguez has the eye for action and situations for 'natural justice'.
3) You can replace a leg with a m16a2 .
4) When reels are missing you miss alot .
5) Blood-borne pathogens are nasty .
6) Dont swerve when you see a deer in the headlights .
7) Trusting a friend pays off .
8) Osama could be dead , keeping his living believed keeps the terror level elevated .
9) Female Stunt Drivers are great ladies .
10) I need to see "Vanishing Point" again .
I loved this double feature , its the shiznit .:lol:

09-Apr-2007, 06:55 PM
im not gonna see this film. looked horrible.

09-Apr-2007, 07:05 PM
im not gonna see this film. looked horrible.

That's a shame, man. It's the most fun I've ever had at the movies.

And how can you turn down a zombie film?:eek:

09-Apr-2007, 07:44 PM
im not gonna see this film. looked horrible.

Planet Terror was really fantastic....throughout Planet Terror I was in a perpetual state of smiling....and I dont smile ever...and generally I hate cheese.....bleh on Death Proof

09-Apr-2007, 07:50 PM
Planet Terror was really fantastic....throughout Planet Terror I was in a perpetual state of smiling....and I dont smile ever...and generally I hate cheese.....bleh on Death Proof

Agree'd. I had so much fun watching Planet Terror. I kept realizing I was smiling extremely wide and would have to stop myself because I probably looked like an idiot.

Cody is either joking or is one of those people that has no clue what grindhouse films were like... or if he does know, he just doesn't "get" them.

4. The bio chemical will cause your testicles to melt off

No, that happens when you DON'T have the chemical running through your system. Remember, Quentin took his mask off?

09-Apr-2007, 08:31 PM
1. Josh Brolin looked like he was channeling Nick Nolte.
2. Quentin Tarantino does look like he's a rapist.
3. Secret BBQ sauce recipe and hordes of zombies will bring estranged siblings back together.
4. Twin Latina babysitters will always turn out to be hot and psychos.
5. Don't mess with people who drive 70's American Muscle cars or they just might run you over.
6. The world will end after Death Proof if Planet Terror is to be believed.
7. Hot female doctors always wear high heels to work and have special hypo-needle projectors strapped to their garter.
8. Kids + gun = brains all over the seat.
9. Cross-eyed Mud Dog football player from Waterboy also owns a Dodge Challenger.
10. Quentin Tarantino really likes women's bare feet.

09-Apr-2007, 09:25 PM
2) Somehow, Rodriquez made Fergie look decent and not like a man.:rockbrow:

Well thats not hard....all you have to adjust for is her face.....her body is nice......and its a couple years younger than her face....

09-Apr-2007, 09:51 PM
We are talking about the tarentino movie with the girl with the gun with the leg right?

if so no, it does not give me wood.

09-Apr-2007, 09:53 PM
We are talking about the tarentino movie with the girl with the gun with the leg right?

if so no, it does not give me wood.

Tarentino's movie is Death Proof.....no girls with fake legs.....

Robert Rog's movie is Planet Terror .....and that has Rose with her fake leg.....