View Full Version : Wanna waste 90 minutes of your life?

08-Apr-2007, 03:37 PM
SIMPLE - watch Hills Have Eyes II (2007).

- thar be spoilers ahead, but it doesn't matter as the film is so piss-poor-awful you wouldn't be able to spoil it in a million years -

Just got done watching this sack of sh*t and OH MY GEEZ IN HEAVEN IT IS ATROCIOUS.

I was/am a fan of the original remake (Aja's), it had the odd eye rolling moment of a cliched nature, but was over all a solid horror movie, and a remake of a film that wasn't that great to begin with anyway.

I'll do a simple bitch list to keep this nice and simple:

MinionZombie's "Hills Have Eyes II (2007)" Super-Duper-Serial Bitch List:

1) Unrealistic mutants - e.g. retarded lizard tongue, the rest are just fat-headed morons. In Aja's they actually looked like proper radioactive mutations, not wrestlers with a halloween mask on.

2) Second half is just running around shouting at each other very loudly in the dark.

3) The protagonists are supposed to be soldiers, but they're the worst soldiers I've ever seen committed to film. They cry and whinge and bitch back at each other like the cast of The Real O.C. If this is what the average soldier is like, I weep for humanity.

4) Nowhere near enough gore, what there was wasn't that good.

5) Despite saying "let's stick together", they persist with splitting up, even wandering off to take a piss despite the fact they've just been in a scuffle with a mutant, so they go to take a whizz as if everything's hunky dory and are surprised they're attacked.

6) The friendly mutant ... oh for crying out loud - it's been done before, and it was done properly with a female child mutant, not a thick-as-sh*t male mutant who is so massive should really be pummeling people, what else are all those muscles for? A little girl's tea party?

7) Angry Latino guy - F*CK OFF YOU WANKER.

8) Did I mention the complete and utter lack of discipline or even basic knowledge of how to act like a soldier these apparent soldiers display? Oh man it was bad.

9) So wide open for a sequel you'd think it was wanting you to f*ck it, the film's legs were that far apart - MEGA LAME.

10) Why exactly are the military putting so much effort into finding out 'what is in them thar hills'? It's a nuclear testing ground used for nothing else before or since ... why the fairly large scale operation with fancy equipment?

11) You know sh*t is going down, you're all alone amongst the rocks, perfect time to pull out your mobile phone (EPIC SIZED ADVERT THAT REPEATS AT LEAST TWO MORE TIMES THROUGHOUT THE MOVIE) and watch a video clip of your child ... yes, perfect time for that sort of piss-poor character design, eh?


13) The writing was ATROCIOUS - EVEN WORSE THAN YAWN04, AND YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I THINK THAT MOVIE SUCKS BALLS. By comparison, the characters of Yawn04 are deep, emotional and 3-dimensional beings of Shakespearean proportions.

14) Too many more to be bothered mentioning...I'm off to watch porn...


08-Apr-2007, 03:41 PM
No offense, mz......but you couldn't tell by the trailer?:rockbrow:

08-Apr-2007, 03:48 PM
No offense, mz......but you couldn't tell by the trailer?:rockbrow:
I didn't watch the trailer. :p

And my review of the entire film goes into detail and explains why it's atrocious ... if you leave people with the trailer there's the danger they might actually spend money on this pile of AIDs. :eek:

08-Apr-2007, 04:03 PM
Golden rule... never see the sequel to a remake... man, you should know this! :eek:

08-Apr-2007, 04:09 PM
My girlfriend was trying to get me to see this today. I told her "hell no".

08-Apr-2007, 04:39 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You had to sit there and watch that piece of crap. :p

08-Apr-2007, 05:05 PM
14) Too many more to be bothered mentioning...I'm off to watch porn...

:lol: That just made me laugh for some reason

So I take it that this film is not worth watching then even if I do have a cinema pass so see as many films as possible every month just to get my monies worth.

08-Apr-2007, 06:12 PM
:lol: That just made me laugh for some reason

So I take it that this film is not worth watching then even if I do have a cinema pass so see as many films as possible every month just to get my monies worth.
Trust me, I downloaded it, and despite seeing it for free, I still want my money back! :eek::lol:

It's not one of those times when "it's so bad it's good", far from it ... it's a case of "it's so bad it's a complete and utter pile of f*cking sh*t on top of a bucket of AIDs". :dead:

The original remake was wicked, this sequel-to-a-remake was complete and utter cockblocking throughout. Not even KNB's involvement could lift it anywhere above a generous 1 start out of 5 ... and that's bloody generous.

08-Apr-2007, 06:23 PM
...the characters of Yawn04 are deep, emotional and 3-dimensional beings of Shakespearean proportions.

/me frames the out of context quote on the wall.

08-Apr-2007, 06:27 PM
*pokes Aces in the eye*

Stop taking me out of my context, ya pirate! :lol:

Comparatively speaking I was...Yawn04 still blows balls all over it's sweaty, ball-smelling chin. :elol:

09-Apr-2007, 12:53 AM
Was it sh!ttier than the Hills 2 from the 80's?

09-Apr-2007, 12:58 AM
honestly man, what did you expect?, there was no way i would have expected that to be good.

Pushead Jim
09-Apr-2007, 01:52 AM
Thanks for the heads up minion.it didn't look that good from the trailer. Of course i thought the first one was kind of lame too.

09-Apr-2007, 03:42 AM
Those mutants wouldn't have lasted 10 seconds against the Soldiers from Black Hawk Down as opposed to the Soldiers from the OC. :D

09-Apr-2007, 10:29 AM
lol erisi, damn straight!

They even had two soldiers who had a 'back story' that they were *O.C. style giggling* doing IT...teehee-hee-hee!!!

Slick - I think the Craven original beats this sequel-to-the-remake with ease.

And to all the "ah geez, what did ya fink it'd be?" sorts - fudge off. :elol: Trailers can often mean squat when it comes to the film, at least I'm judging (harshly) the film on the film itself, rather than the trailer alone. :sneaky:

*settles down on the higher ground throne*

NYAH! :p

09-Apr-2007, 12:23 PM
Is there ever going to be another film without a sequel? Theres so many films that could do without sequels, that are just good on their own. The Hills Have Eyes, despite the fact it's a remake, is one of them.

09-Apr-2007, 12:31 PM
Is there ever going to be another film without a sequel? Theres so many films that could do without sequels, that are just good on their own. The Hills Have Eyes, despite the fact it's a remake, is one of them.

But it made money. Of course they were going to make a sequel. Story quality doesn't matter as long as it makes money.:rolleyes:

09-Apr-2007, 02:50 PM
The Craven directed sequel sucked major asshole. :barf:

09-Apr-2007, 05:05 PM
Hills 2 80's version did suck. And MZ is saying the new one is worse than that. :confused:

09-Apr-2007, 06:36 PM
Yes, HillsII'07 is that nob-shrinkingly bad. :eek:

*shudders* ah mate!

09-Apr-2007, 08:23 PM
That's pretty bad. I was watching it with a friend on cable 2 months ago. We couldn't stop laughing on how sh!tty it was. Especially, the Reaper riding on a motorcycle.