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View Full Version : Finally played a PS3...

09-Apr-2007, 04:36 PM
Well,i finally got chance to play on a PS3 this weekend,and i have to say i like it!luckily my friend had downloaded the resistance demo so i got a good go on that,its impressive and definately "next generation",also motor storm is great fun and graphically very good.Other games i got a blast on were tekken 5,ridge racer,lemmings,some samurai sword fighting one similar to devil may cry & grand turismo.Typical launch titles,but impressive nontheless!

When the PS2 came out the first game i got for it was Red Faction,which i was seriously impressed with at the time,and Resistance:fall of man has a very similar feel to it,a solid blaster with great visuals but probably easily forgotten once completed.
I have faith in the PS3,it does seem a good machine

09-Apr-2007, 04:44 PM
Okay, who's gonna start or shall I?

Edit: I guess no-ones gonna be starting then. :rolleyes:

09-Apr-2007, 05:14 PM
Well, I like the system. Its just over priced and lacks the game selection. But its new, so that is forgiveable. After all, has any system had a great game selection around launch? And no. One or two games does not count.

09-Apr-2007, 05:31 PM
Well,i finally got chance to play on a PS3 this weekend,and i have to say i like it!luckily my friend had downloaded the resistance demo so i got a good go on that,its impressive and definately "next generation",also motor storm is great fun and graphically very good.Other games i got a blast on were tekken 5,ridge racer,lemmings,some samurai sword fighting one similar to devil may cry & grand turismo.Typical launch titles,but impressive nontheless!

When the PS2 came out the first game i got for it was Red Faction,which i was seriously impressed with at the time,and Resistance:fall of man has a very similar feel to it,a solid blaster with great visuals but probably easily forgotten once completed.
I have faith in the PS3,it does seem a good machine
My brother got a PS3 on the day it came out, i know what you mean about the power man.. i played that resistance : fall of man up at his house and you can certainly the difference between it and the 360.

I Might have to get one next payday..

Oh btw, any smartass replies in here and people are gonna get pulled, kapeesh?

i want one topic where we can talk about the PS3 without the antisony crowd taking over it.

09-Apr-2007, 06:26 PM
i want one topic where we can talk about the PS3 without the antisony crowd taking over it.



09-Apr-2007, 07:08 PM
f*ck Dollar-ony in their ass!!!

:elol::p:sneaky: (in case my onslaught of smilies isn't enough - I'm f*cking joking, FUUUUUUUUCK!!! :eek:) 'avin' a larf...a giggle...

Geez, give a man a break...

Anyway...what I object to is the sheer corporate arrogance displayed throughout the whole "coming of" period...so my key objections were always with the company/people behind the console, rather than the console itself.

That said, I've never really liked the Playstation...I've played both in my time, and enjoyed myself, but the joypads are awful, they're so uncomfortable on the fingers - is the new one's joypad the same, or is it round-and-soft-buttoned like the Xbox? I tell ya, my thumbs kill after even just half an hour on a Playstation, but 3 hours on an Xbox and I'm getting a bit worn out, but could go on a bit longer...I remember in the Sixth Form someone brought in a PS1 to play on in our free periods and fudge me sideways my thumbs were raw! :eek:

Yeah the graphics look good, yeah there'll be some good games for it, but it's far too expensive for many I think, and the 360 is fine and dandy quite easily, I'm still up for a 360 and that is that. :sneaky: The graphics on the 360 rock cock, and I'll be interested to see how Xbox comes out fightin' in reaction to the PS3...so that'll be intriguing...

That ain't me bitching, that's me clarifying and being even handed - don't censor me, I'm too lazy to go standing in front of tanks today...

For further clarification - I'm speaking in-jest, I'm having some light-hearted fun. I've had much fun on a Playstation console, and no doubt the PS3 will be fun to play. If someone gave me one I'd be on there for hours no doubt - once again - the air surrounding the console's coming, rather than the console itself.

The graphics are lush - no denying that, they are really good, and Resistence is the sort of game I'd certainly have a ball playing, now that's fair and even handed, yeah? :cool:

09-Apr-2007, 07:19 PM
I always dug the small Xbox controllers fit me like a glove......reminded me of a more ergonomic Dreamcast controller....

The PS2 Dual analogue controllers always bugged me....Id always hit the R3 unplanned during intense sequences which would make for fustrating moments during GTA....This being said I hated the Gamecube controllers as well....Im still hoping someone will go Dreamcast again and put player specific information back into the pad....great for sports games....

09-Apr-2007, 07:29 PM
While not that ergonomic by today's standards (noticed this only recently, lol) I still dig the simple ABC joypad for the Mega Drive 2. I found that really nice to hold back in the day, but since the original Xbox I've been spoiled. I do like the chunky ass on that 'pad...though it does fill your hands quite a bit and puts stress on the joints in your fingers at the hand-end ... if that makes sense.



This looks much more ergonomic than previous Playstation pads ... hopefully the buttons won't be as sharp on the thumbs (just a personal observation, has anyone else found the buttons on the PS pads to be a bit harsh and unforgiving?) Otherwise, that pad seems like it'd be quite ergonomic ... nice. An improvement on the old ones...:cool:

09-Apr-2007, 07:49 PM
The PS3 controller is much the same as the PS2,except the buttons are much more analogue,they feel a lot softer to press so for example you can do that steady accelerating in driving games,rather than all or nothing throttle.The tilt function is a bit crap though,its gimmicky and i cant see it having much practical use.The wireless works well,and theres a battery metre on the controller telling you how much power is left in it,and when it gets low a message comes up on the screen to warn you.

09-Apr-2007, 07:58 PM
I don't care too much for the L2 and R2 buttons on the PS3. I keep hitting them by accident. Especially, when I was playing God of War 2.

09-Apr-2007, 09:58 PM
Aye, I always found that four 'shoulder buttons' was a bit excessive and would frequently press the wrong one, two triggers (a la Xbox) suits me better I've found, plus there's the joy of pulling triggers, lol ... great for PGR3 - it's like a mini brake pedal and a mini accelerator in your hands. :p

Softer buttons? About time, them bitches killed my thumbs back in the day, I also never really felt they were responding to my presses, there wasn't enough 'give', unlike the Xbox controller that had the give which definitely told me I'd pressed the button, rather than sliding my sore thumbs over them ... that ain't bitching, just my personal thumb reaction to the respective controllers, so if PS3 have 'softened' their controllers - GOOD. :)

But yeah ... the six-axis thing ... meh. I think only Wii should get flung about - it's an integral feature of that console, with PS3 (and if Xbox did it too I'll add) it just feels tacked on and not that useful for the majority, that's the feeling I get, and that's the feeling I'd get from the same thing on a 360 pad if they do it.

I think it's easier to control a game by waving the Wiimote around like a sword, or a stick, or a racket or whatever, rather than a two handed hold on a joypad, cos think about it - when you're holding the joypad, you wrists don't bend up and down when your hands are holding the pad, so it seems like it'd be a bit clumsy/uncomfortable.

Sounds like I'm bitching a lot doesn't it? Hey, I'm just waxing lyrical on the ins and outs, and now seemingly ups and downs of console-joypadding.

09-Apr-2007, 10:24 PM
i played one, i was hoping for a face smasher but theyre a but naff to be honest.

boo sucks to sony innit

09-Apr-2007, 11:03 PM
I'm f*cking joking, haviin' a larf...a giggle...
Ray? Is that you??? :eek::D

10-Apr-2007, 12:41 AM
i agree the ps3 is a great console, though i aint too keen on the controller, it just feels different to ym ps2 one, and not in a good way. the lack of games and price are what put me off, theres not one exclusive i want, though taht camera card gaem were you put a card down and the camera showd this on the screen but the creatures and spells actually came out the cards on the screen, that was swanky, honestly the wii doesnt have too many wow games right nwo either, though more than the ps3, the nintendo ds and the xbox 360 are really were its at gameing wise right now.

and youd never think youd see a playstationa dn an xbox next to each other adn say (bugger me that playstations a chuffin' brick!" would you?

-seriously these things are massive.

10-Apr-2007, 03:46 AM
I tried to play one and after a few minutes it crashed. Motor Storm was fun for the minutes I got to play it, but so far there is nothing that Sony can offer with the PS3 that would make me buy it, especially with all the problems I have had with the Sony products I have had in the past. Not even Final Fantasy 13 is going to suck me into another Sony product. Honestly, I might buy one in a few years when it has more than 5 good games on it and the price drops, but right now I have better things to do with $600.

However, I am glad you enjoyed it. If you get one I wish you the best of luck with it.

10-Apr-2007, 12:01 PM
I always dug the small Xbox controllers fit me like a glove...
Same here, I love the small Xbox controllers. When you've been playing games with an Xbox controller for a few days, try using a (dollar)ony controller - it practically impossible. So fiddly.

the lack of games and price are what put me off, theres not one exclusive i want...
Not wanting to deliberately slag off the system but I have to agree with you Hellz. There's absolutely NO WAY I am buying one. I mean, if I win a P(dollar)3 in a competition (I have entered many) then that's all fine and dandy but I don't think think it's worth the (pound)450 price tag at all. I also agree that there's NOT ONE exclusive that I want.

I was very disappointed with it graphic-wise as well. After (dollar)ony's claims that the P(dollar)3's graphics would knock the 360 out of the water, I was initially intrigued but I have played this console a number of times now and I have to say, it's only a slight tad shinier. No vast leap, in fact not even a small skip.

Honestly, I might buy one in a few years when it has more than 5 good games on it and the price drops, but right now I have better things to do with $600.
Yeah, I might have thought about buying one if it had kept some of those exclusives but what's the point of lashing out (pound)450 if the games are coming to the 360? The thing has to come down in price, no question about it. I don't care if it's got Blu-Ray, I want a games console not a hi-tech dvd player.

I would like to state again, that this is not a P(dollar)3 flame-a-thon, more like a strong criticism. No offense to the folks that have one already - I reiterate, when it comes down in price I MIGHT get one.

10-Apr-2007, 03:40 PM
I would buy one, but if the price was a lil more reasonable, below the £300 mark would be a good start.