View Full Version : You can't get shot of this verruca scumbag slapper can ya?!

10-Apr-2007, 04:54 PM



10-Apr-2007, 04:55 PM
how could she think that was a good idea?:rolleyes:

10-Apr-2007, 05:03 PM

She's like AIDs in human form, once she's thrust upon society she can't be scrubbed away ... not even her being a (possibly-racist) complete and utter bully scumbag with that twig-like limp boyfriend of hers...that guy is such a dick, thinking he's some Justin Timberlake dressin' mofo ... yeuch...they all need neutering.

It's sick how society rewards scumbags like this with all this money, meanwhile nurses scratch by on piss all - and they're saving people's lives up to the elbows in piss, sh*t, blood, puss and vomit. :eek::barf:

10-Apr-2007, 05:05 PM
Oh FFS not again! Return of the mutant Mick Jagger lookalike. Why are tv execs intent on force feeding us this ugly dumb tart? Did they not listen to the booing when she came out of the BB house? WE DON'T LIKE HER OKAY!!!

10-Apr-2007, 05:19 PM
Why cant she just f*ck off!i hoped that celebrity big brother fiasco had destroyed her "career" but obviously TV producers think we all have short memories & that her staged trip to india got her off the hook :rolleyes:

10-Apr-2007, 07:31 PM
Well my memory is stubborn and long-winded, jade baddie can piss-the-f*ck-off forever, her "career" was pathetic, she just turned up on talk shows/channel 4 comedy panel shows and acted like a retard and people clapped and laughed like they were monkeys f*cking with their own faecal matter. :eek:

It'd be hilarious if the show got blasted down with a second wave of "ya boo sucks" towards "am I minging" and "rake-thin-numpty-boy"...:elol:

10-Apr-2007, 07:40 PM
I take it you don't like her very much.

11-Apr-2007, 09:10 AM
I take it you don't like her very much.
Geez, doi...

They can both f*ck off and have their genitals run over by a truck so they can't spread their moronic filth any further into our society.

11-Apr-2007, 11:50 AM
That faye turney who was captured in Iran can also "do one" as far as im concerned,selling her story for £100,000!wanting a medal for it,and being hailed as a hero and brave by the media!she doesnt deserve any of it,it was hardly a stay at the hanoi hilton and the whole lot of them were pathetic.All they had to do was give name,rank and serial number,not stab their own country in the back.No doubt she will have a future stint on celebrity big brother lined up and her own chat show!how she passed the Armed forces fitness test is beyond me.The brave service people are the ones out there fighting and dying,or those who come back maimed and receive peanuts from the government,not cowards who allow themselves to be our enemies puppets.:rolleyes:

12-Apr-2007, 02:37 PM
it amazes me that the british people made Jade a star for being thick, ugly and not having one talented bone in her fat body ( and she looks uncannily like Jabba the Hutt):rockbrow:

Chic Freak
14-Apr-2007, 11:34 AM
it amazes me that the british people made Jade a star for being thick, ugly and not having one talented bone in her fat body ( and she looks uncannily like Jabba the Hutt):rockbrow:

My mum and I were chatting about this (she hates Jade). The more I talked about it the more I developed a bizarre and grudging respect for her (Jade, not my mum). She has managed to remain in the C-list spotlight despite:

* not having actually done anything
* not being an actor, singer, model, or anything like that
* not being good at anything
* completely lacking in charisma
* completely lacking in any sort of talent, intelligence, rappor, fashion sense or other interesting features

It's not like you can even say, "ah well, she's just a pretty face." Yet... here she is. Amazing.

14-Apr-2007, 12:00 PM
She's only here because she pays someone to make sure she's still around, she couldn't do it on her own, it's all down to her PA's, managers and such, they do the work of getting her fugly mug around. It's down to those people, people with vested monetary interests in her, that keep her around...*yeuch*

14-Apr-2007, 02:09 PM
sorry to disagree MZ but the only reason shes still with us is that the british public still watch any crap programme she appears on. God herpes is easier to get rid of than jabba( sorry i meant jade, easy mistake to make though):evil:

14-Apr-2007, 03:59 PM
She's only here because she pays someone to make sure she's still around, she couldn't do it on her own, it's all down to her PA's, managers and such, they do the work of getting her fugly mug around.

Sorry to disagree MZ but the only reason shes still with us is that the british public still watch any crap programme she appears on.

Actually it's a mixture of the two.

15-Apr-2007, 04:21 PM
ps i'm just joking about the herpes ( honstly ):rockbrow:

17-Apr-2007, 08:41 PM
Well we have the new series of Big Brother arriving soon and with NO SMOKING in the house. Weird situation + no cigarettes = destruction, haven't Channel 4 learned their lesson already? :rolleyes:

I hear that EA have just announced a Big Brother game with Endemol. No doubt they'll bung in Jade Goody as another pathetic excuse to kickstart her career. Imagine the challenge that would be to a graphics artist - Mick Jagger's lips, flabby sillicone tits and pixellated kebab rolls! :D

17-Apr-2007, 10:24 PM
Big Brother ... game?! ... No doubt a Sims rip off ... but that might be interesting, I'll be honest, I'm a Big Brother whore, I've watched every series since it started, just a bit of tabloidy type cheese to consume rather swiftly and then ditch like a cheap slapper...some people have soap operas and The O.C. ... I've got Big Brother once a year. :p

Plus there's the odd fitty on, so that's nice to watch for a while, haha!

No smoking, eh?! Nice one...:elol::sneaky:

It must be sh*t in there if you're a non-smoker, cos you're gonna be surrounded by smokers who'll be puffing all over the damn house with no respect for non-smokers. You can take smoke elsewhere, but you can't clean the air afterwards or create a safe 'n' clean air box around you. :rolleyes:

Ooooooh ... no smoking eh ... ah mate it's all gonna be kicking off ... wankers. :elol:

Remember that man-woman one from Portugal? Geez, I've never seen someone so pathetically addicted to cigarettes, not just a bit grumpy, throwing tantrums like a f*cking toddler and threatening violence and walking out of the house you spent months competing to get into in the first place - you've been briefed, you're gonna come across not having fags for a while, deal with it or piss off. :evil:

17-Apr-2007, 11:55 PM
Big Brother ... game?!

CANNES, FRANCE, - April 16, 2007

Electronic Arts, the world’s leading interactive entertainment software company, and the Endemol group, a global leader in television and other audiovisual entertainment, today announced a creative partnership for the development of Virtual Me, a new digital entertainment concept that bridges the divide between traditional TV and videogames. The all-new online offering is being prepared to debut in Endemol’s top-rated Big Brother.
I think it's fair to say it's on the cards dear chap. :D

It must be sh*t in there if you're a non-smoker, cos you're gonna be surrounded by smokers who'll be puffing all over the damn house with no respect for non-smokers.
I think that was one of the main diary room complaints in the train wreck that was Celebrity Big Brother '07.

18-Apr-2007, 10:50 AM
As they're getting topical and possibly political on Big Brother (with the smoking ban), I wonder what else they'll do ... speed cameras around the pool to cut down on dangerous bombing?

No protesting allowed?

No discussion of anything that might offend Muslims? Topics considered offensive won't be run by any actual Muslims of course, it'll all be determined by busy-body white PC-lunatics.

They all have to pay high Council Tax and high-ass rent as they're living in London for the duration? :p

Carpet pricing, so they can't just walk around all day in circles ... same for the garden, which has a higher toll.

And so on. :lol: