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View Full Version : Them thar Scientologists just get weirder...

28-Mar-2006, 02:42 PM
Nipped over to IMDb to see which celebs were having birthdays (lol), good to hear Scarlett Johansson is FHM's sexiest woman (darn tootin'), but then came across an article that The Grinning Midget's partner Holmes is going to have a "silent birth" - as in, mother who is in labour, shoving a big old baby through a small hole mustn't scream during the ordeal.

Scientology - could only have been thought up by a bloke, eh? lol - giving birth hurts ... a lot ... not that I'll ever know (or want to know) ... but it's pretty friggin' obvious that bustin' out a 9-pounder from 'down there' isn't something which lends itself to library-level-decibels...

What a bunch of flids. :rolleyes: :barf:

28-Mar-2006, 02:49 PM
Forget all that....seems too painful to keep quiet.

What is it with all these famous people wanting to have their babies in "new" ways? I remember hearing about Britney Spears giving birth to her kid in a hot tub full of...get this....bottled spring water. WTF???

Crazy celebrities...

But hey, "Mission: Impossible III" looks better and better with each day. So I can look past the whole "Scientology" thing for a good ol' fashioned action flick.

28-Mar-2006, 02:49 PM
Scientology is one of the downfalls of freedom of "religion".

I actually read Dianetics about ten years ago and took it at face value. I never became dedicated to it or anything, but I did agree with some of what was in it. The kicker of Scientology is that the basic tech works. It is based on part "black magic" and part basic psychology. This is what gets people hooked. The first part works, but it never goes any higher. They promise the universe and deliver nothing. Apparently the books get a lot crazier after Dianetics. I read that online novel about our boy L. Ron on that Xenu website. Imagine if Gene Roddenberry went nuts and started a religion, and that in a nutshell is Scientology.

28-Mar-2006, 02:50 PM
Scientology....finally, a religion that makes Mormons seem "normal" by comparison.

That's why I'm a deacon down at Jim Jones' Peoples Temple. Mainstream religion has just gotten too crazy for me.....:elol:

28-Mar-2006, 02:52 PM
Oh, I think if Roddenberry went all L. Ron on everyone I think his religion would promise hot, sexy alien women on top of hot, sexy cyborg women. Scientology has nothing on that if Trekology ever came to being.

28-Mar-2006, 09:37 PM
And also, one of the things about jizztology - that attacts all these damn celebs - is that it goes all Judaism and tells them how to live. While the whole Jewish thing essentially teaches how to live a healthy life - back in those days - scientology tells celebs how to deal with vast amounts of money and drug addiction ... among other 'very celebrity' things.

28-Mar-2006, 10:25 PM
I'm surprised the Mindheads....I mean Scientologists haven't gone Super Adventure Club on their kids.

28-Mar-2006, 10:30 PM
lol - wasn't that just the best episode of South Park? Or at least one of the best.

28-Mar-2006, 10:45 PM
lol - wasn't that just the best episode of South Park? Or at least one of the best.

Chef: "I want to put...My salty chocolate balls...in your rectum...Kyle"

I like how they didn't even decide to want to sync the recordings properly together. :lol:

28-Mar-2006, 11:47 PM
I belive the rules of the forums state that one is not to slander any form of religion. Although I'd love to slander all forms, I'll abide by the rules. YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER, MINION! :D

28-Mar-2006, 11:49 PM
The US government does not grant them tax-free status, so they aren't recognized as a religion.

29-Mar-2006, 09:32 AM
Yeh, Scientology isn't a religion, it's a questionable cult. A religion is Christianity, or Budism, or Islam ... jizztology is some crazy celebrity fad, invented by a science fiction writer. I think we can all agree it definately isn't a religion, and even if it was, it's certainly not deserving of any kind of praise.

And yeh, it was cool how they left the dialogue unsynched like they did, made a joke out of the fact that Hayes wasn't around anymore, made me chuckle plenty.

29-Mar-2006, 10:19 PM
Oh, I think if Roddenberry went all L. Ron on everyone I think his religion would promise hot, sexy alien women on top of hot, sexy cyborg women. Scientology has nothing on that if Trekology ever came to being.

or jedi.

29-Mar-2006, 10:37 PM
or jedi.

Church of Lightsiders with its eternal rival in the Temple of Darksiders....

Which side will you take?!

29-Mar-2006, 10:52 PM
Church of Lightsiders with its eternal rival in the Temple of Darksiders....

Which side will you take?!

id take jedi over sith anyday, as i told the local council people, as it turns out so did my dad before me.

the smith family ,jedi for two generations now,lol.