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View Full Version : Why I hate youtube

11-Apr-2007, 10:32 PM
cuz all the goddamn videos on there are music videos made by some acne ridden **** head in his basement with nothing else better to do then utterly ruin something so kick ass as a guy getting his face ripped off in land of the dead by playing Rob zombie in the background. I wish that there was a button you could push that would cause all these assholes to explode and die.

seriusly, try looking for a scene from a movie you like alot (such as 300 or Land of the Dead) and you'll find the scene, it's the one you've been looking for, but some moron had the brilliant idea to put heavy metal music on it and get rid of all the sound and music of the original scene. I Want to smash these people. And the dickheads who make anime tribute videos to great songs...POST THE ACTUAL MUSIC VIDEO ITSELF INSTEAD OF SOME ASS THING YOU MADE. I swear To Buddha The next time I see one I will friggin scream.

Sometimes there is good stuff though...just gotta shift through all the bullsh*t

11-Apr-2007, 11:36 PM
I swear To Buddha

12-Apr-2007, 12:22 AM
I have to agree with you man. You Tube is full to the brim with talentless no marks wanting their five microseconds of fame. All you wanna do is hit a song by your favourite artist and then you get taken to some butt ugly cretin who has never dipped his pee pee into anything other than the neighbours dog, warbling out his own awful rendition of the song with an out of tune guitar, thus killing it to death and your desire to hear it anymore. Yeah pisses me off as well to be honest.

12-Apr-2007, 08:12 AM
i dont mind youtube,but yeah the stupid metal soundtracks really do my nut in!its like im into paintball,so sometimes i look up videos of paintball events on there & you can absoluetly god damn guarantee that every single one has a sh*t metal soundtrack bolted onto it,or any other "extreme sport" clip for that matter :mad:

However,youporn is a quality site :p i wont post the link as this is a forum for all ages (even though dead films are usually 18 rated) but its easy to find ;)

12-Apr-2007, 11:23 AM
its the same with any anime ,though instead of metal its eveanescence:rolleyes:

12-Apr-2007, 02:58 PM
However, youporn is a quality site :p
I think I'm going to check this for er... research purposes. ;)

12-Apr-2007, 04:01 PM
AMVs, i think theyre called.

endless music videos made up of clips from movies. why.


also, slideshows of pictures set to music.

for god's sake WHY

12-Apr-2007, 07:41 PM
I guess because they think it'll make em look like they have talent...like capn said, they want their 5 microseconds of fame....I hate amvs, i hate....pmvs...(painballmv) and I hate it
I absolutely hate it

when they destroy a good movie by blasting music over it. assholes.