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12-Apr-2007, 10:32 AM
This is the word from R* it seems:

# Niko Bellic is the main character.
# Multi-player will be included, but no details yet. It will not be MMO.
# The game has been in development since early 2004.
# Variations in the terrain cause the walking animation to change. The physics have also improved and character movements are more realistic.
# Liberty City is the only location in the game and it takes place in 2007.
# The Xbox 360 version was the version shown to the magazine editors.
# There were no planes in the skies of the demo that the magazine editors saw, and it seems that there will not be airplanes in the game. Other forms of air travel should not be ruled out.
# The MetLife building now bears the name Getalife, the Statue of Liberty is now the Statue of Happiness, and DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass) is called BOABO (Beneath the Offramp of the Algonquin Bridge Overpass).
# Dan Houser of Rockstar Games said that New York City "is an environment we felt had never been done to the level we were envisioning it in a video game. From looking at all of the locations, this was the one that really stood out to us, and really had that impact. It has all of these iconic things that you couldn't put into a game before."
# Within Grand Theft Auto IV, Rockstar North has recreated four of the five boroughs that make up New York City, as well as a section of New Jersey. In the GTA universe, Brooklyn has been transformed to Broker, Manhattan has mutated into Algonquin, Queens is now Dukes, The Bronx is Bohan, and New Jersey has become Alderney.
# It's a smaller geographical mass than San Andreas, but not an inch of this world is wasted or dedicated to vast stretches of country or desert. It's a tightly packed metropolis that captures the eye with its decades of world-class architecture, sun-blocking towers, and extraordinary walks of life.
# The city is brought to life with an amazing level of realism. Sunlight glistens beautifully off of glasswork, illuminates the intricate detailing of century old brick, and even reveals just how realistic an ordinary bag of trash can look. As the sun begins to set, the city takes on a whole different appearance. Buildings that were once eye-popping attractions slowly become ominous obelisks. As any New Yorker will tell you, there's a big difference between New York during the day and New York at night. Liberty City will perfectly capture that quality.
# Niko Bellic's home is in Eastern Europe, and he likely may never have traveled to Liberty City if it wasn't for his cousin Roman. With life not working out in the homeland, "Bellic turns up in Liberty City because he's been receiving e-mails from his cousin Roman, that read like: 'I live this amazing life, it's the American Dream come true. I have two women. I have four hot tubs. I have fifteen sports cars," Houser elaborates. "And [Bellic] believes it." His bid to flee his past for what he thought would be the greener pastures of America couldn't be any further from the truth. Roman has been lying to him. He isn't rich. He isn't popular. And he's actually in a load of trouble. He lied to his cousin to hide his own failures in life.
# Roman, Niko's cousin, is the only person that he knows in America. He serves as one of his main friends, motivations, and connections at the start of the game. Unlike San Andreas, players won't get a chance to see Bellic in his homeland. You will see his life unfold from the moment he steps into Liberty City.
# Niko is a "tough character" while Roman is a "friendly buffoon."
# The story unfolds in a number of different ways. R* is giving people more freedom, more choice and more sense of control over their destiny - the structure of the storyline is quite different to previous games.
# The targeting system details have not been released.

Wooo! No planes! It says other modes might be in there, but no planes means more fun! Also - it kinda makes sense, just imagine how many people would be tempted to fly planes into the buildings ... 'fink abaht-it...

Sounds pretty nifty, although smaller scale than San Andreas, but then they say there won't be wide open areas of relatively nothing (which you do have to admit, there were vast expanses of not much in San Andreas). The order of the day here seems to be concentration, a busy metropolis - and you get part of New Jersey...or their version...it'd be cool if you could get to Leonardo and visit the Quick Stop eh? :p

12-Apr-2007, 10:48 AM
Sounds good!no player controlled planes will be good,but they've got to have the airliners coming into the airport,it added to the atmosphere watching them coming in to land :)
I want gritty,grimey streets and creepy looking "mugger alleys" as well that you dont want to walk down...

12-Apr-2007, 11:22 AM
throw in a little of the atmposphre from the start of a farenhiet adn youve got an award winning game right there.

12-Apr-2007, 12:29 PM
And dodgy stretches of street, I want porno-alleys and different sectors of society doing things, not just walking around, I want people actually doing tasks, having actual conversations with each other...rather than just NPCs walking a predetermined path and fading out within your own sight, I want them living their own lives ... and also, none of that turn around when there's nobody, turn back and there's a squad of cops waiting to kill ya type spawning...have them charge around the corner of the block, or appear in cars etc.

Hopefully the modelling of the cars remains as it is there, like the Taxi cabs and squad cars, they've wimped out before, but I want cars that look like that, so gimme gimme gimme! :p

12-Apr-2007, 01:42 PM
No planes? WTF?!?! That's really lame. I loved flying in San Andreas and Vice City. It was one of my favorite things to do in the game and now I won't be able to do it with this one? Come on.

12-Apr-2007, 03:21 PM
No planes? WTF?!?! That's really lame. I loved flying in San Andreas and Vice City. It was one of my favorite things to do in the game and now I won't be able to do it with this one? Come on.
I share your grief Mike but when a game is reworked from the ground up you have to expect some sacrifices.

12-Apr-2007, 04:09 PM
No planes? WTF?!?! That's really lame. I loved flying in San Andreas and Vice City. It was one of my favorite things to do in the game and now I won't be able to do it with this one? Come on.

There were no planes in the skies of the demo that the magazine editors saw, and it seems that there will not be airplanes in the game. Other forms of air travel should not be ruled out.

There's still a posibility.:)

12-Apr-2007, 04:16 PM
yeah man planes owned, i dont see how no planes means more fun? although the pilot's license was a PAIN IN THE ARSE.

bit of a shame the map is gonna be smaller than san andreas though.

sounds good though. only half a year to go!:confused:

12-Apr-2007, 04:20 PM
although the pilot's license was a PAIN IN THE ARSE.
A surefire way of smokin' MZ out of his underground sex dungeon. :D

12-Apr-2007, 04:25 PM
What is the official release date, anyway?:rockbrow:

12-Apr-2007, 05:47 PM
I wouldnt mind if they left the planes in i suppose,as long as they took the licences away,your stealing it anyway so whats it matter if you have a pilots license? :p

12-Apr-2007, 06:22 PM
October 16th apparently, is when we're all getting pwned up the wazoo.

No planes means no gheay pilot license garbage = YAY!

Also, the fact that CJ could fly a load of planes - including a bloody military fighter - was just over the top and not at all realistic, and flying missions were lame. I want street-level grit, I want realism, I want a story that doesn't feel like it's come out of a cartoon, and from reading the Game Informer (or whatever it's called) 10 page special, it certainly sounds rocking.

Also - think about it - the majority of the game takes place in a city, with high-arse buildings and (for a plane) really narrow streets - what would be the point in having planes? Also, they're just saving themselves a whole messload of trouble in advance by not having planes - manually piloted planes anyway. No doubt there'll be their version of JFK Airport or whatever for atmosphere, but this one seems more about ground-level transportation - which is good, because so many of the cars in San Andreas sucked, they looked crap, they were all wishy-washy looking, they sounded crap, most handled like ass (even with full driving skill), many weren't at all swift, they just sucked basically in general with a few good ones you'd find yourself constantly seeking out.

The plot for San Andreas was idiotic for the most part, or at least once CJ gets out of Los Santos the first time around, all that Men in Black stuff - gheay. It was all far too big and grand, storywise, and it wasn't at all realistic, yes it's a videogame, but come-the-f*ck-on-my-tits...:shifty:... :lol:

They're going for realism in this game, creating situations that suit the terrain and suit the character ... flying a jet fighter when you're just out the ghetto (when you apparently can't even drive a car properly) is retarded. BLATES.

13-Apr-2007, 05:06 AM
Is Rockstar obsessed with October or something? A lot of the GTA Games have been released in that month.

GTA2 in Oct 1999
GTA III in Oct of 2001
Vice City in Oct of 2002
GTA Double Pack in Oct of 2003
San Andreas in Oct of 2004

Thinking back, it really doesn't feel like it was only a year's worth of time between GTA III and Vice City coming out. Seemed like an eternity.

13-Apr-2007, 07:43 AM
I thought the graphics in GTA3 were a lot better than vice city and san andreas as well,its the same game engine,but liberty city just looks so much better detail wise!cant wait to see how this one looks,that'll be when i get my PS3 i reckon :p

13-Apr-2007, 10:08 AM
Hmmm...I duno about that, looking at GTA3 now in comparison to San Andreas and Vice City, looks worse in my eyes. The landscape looks so much more bland, the characters so much more chunky ... like in 'Sim Copter', hehe...

Vice City was the best one in my eyes. Looked great, had that funky-ass 80's vibe, excellent soundtrack, cool protagonist (Ray-freakin'-Liotta, I mean come on!!! :cool:), cool cars, cool city (shame it wasn't that expansive and was pretty (literally) flat throughout, but I overlooked that easily. It had a kick ass story, it just made you wanna play the story through over and over, whereas San Andreas didn't have that. It had scale, but it lost out to Vice City in all the other ways in my eyes...




And then...




Vice City was always the one for me, definitely the much grander visual piece.


13-Apr-2007, 12:55 PM
Damn MZ....you're making me want to start "Vice City" again.:)

13-Apr-2007, 02:48 PM
I hear ya Bassman, those pics make me wanna shove the disc in right now. :D

13-Apr-2007, 06:02 PM
lol, tell me about it, *starts humming "I Ran" by Flock of Seagulls* ... ah mate ... Vice City simply had 'the x factor' (not like the turd show, but that certain something instead). It just works, and it works well...LOVE FIST!!! :p

13-Apr-2007, 07:31 PM
*starts humming "I Ran" by Flock of Seagulls*
That song is about alien abduction btw.