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15-Apr-2007, 01:02 AM

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to update this and let you know Permuted Press' latest zombie vs vampires novel Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines by D.L. Snell is now officially available from many booksellers including:

Permuted Press (http://www.permutedpress.com)
Amazon US (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0978970713/permutedpress-20)
Amazon UK (http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0978970713/permutedpress-21)
Amazon Canada (http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/ASIN/0978970713/permutedpre0b-20)
Amazon.de (http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/0978970713/)
Barnes & Noble (http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?isbn=0978970713)
Shocklines (http://shocklines.stores.yahoo.net/roofblonbavi.html) (Note books ordered here are delayed for signing)
Many Others (http://www.bestwebbuys.com/0978970713)

Roses of Blood tells the harrowing tale of an enclave of vampires breeding human livestock in a post-apocalyptic world overrun with the living dead. But the dead are just now evolving into something far more lethal, something with tentacles--and that's just the beginning!

"Violent and visceral and yet also unexpectedly beautiful and erotic, Snell’s debut novel is a non-stop tirade of horrific, nightmare images, a startling vision of the remains of the human race trapped between two of the greatest evils ever to scar the face of the planet. With hordes of deadly zombies on one side and an incredibly powerful army of vampires on the other, mankind’s days are numbered."
--David Moody, Author of the Autumn series

Help Spread the Word!
You can help D.L. Snell and Permuted Press spread the word about Roses of Blood by

Starting (or joining) a discussion about Roses of Blood on your favorite message board(s). But please don't spam!
Posting a review on Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0978970713/permutedpress-20), your website, and/or your blog.
Posting about Roses of Blood on your blog, MySpace page, newsletter, website, etc.
Visiting your local library and asking them to stock Roses of Blood (you'll need the ISBN: 0978970713).


16-Apr-2007, 02:49 AM
All who pre-order Roses of Blood will automatically be entered into a raffle for a free zombie self-portrait. That’s right--a picture of you as a zombie!

Kind of like the one I'm using for my avatar :D

16-Apr-2007, 03:16 AM
well the vmapires keeping human livestock deal was done before in a few novels, "piggies" is one i remember, but the dead mutanting?, sounds cool.

unless the "tentacles" note was a hint at some legend of the overfeind type stuff:dead:

17-Apr-2007, 10:21 PM
I am very interested in the vampire culture (history, practices etc) and was initially baffled by the idea of combining zombies with vampires in the same story. Now that I've got a bit more of a look, it don't seem half bad.

Roses of Blood tells the harrowing tale of an enclave of vampires breeding human livestock in a post-apocalyptic world overrun with the living dead...
I don't know about yous guys but that sounds a bit good. :elol:

18-Apr-2007, 04:38 AM
Hellsing, CapnKnut, thanks for dropping by.

well the vmapires keeping human livestock deal was done before in a few novels, "piggies" is one i remember, but the dead mutanting?, sounds cool. unless the "tentacles" note was a hint at some legend of the overfeind type

True, vampires have kept human livestock before. But it’s the reason they do it that distinguishes Roses. What else are vampires going to do when zombies are eating their food supply? :elol:

The mutating zombies, as far as I know, are unique. They become like circus freaks--and then they become something worse.

I am very interested in the vampire culture (history, practices etc) and was initially baffled by the idea of combining zombies with vampires in the same story. Now that I've got a bit more of a look, it don't seem half bad.

Some people have had similar reservations--until they read the sample chapters. I think the label “zombie/vampire” might evoke images of cheesy horror films, but I’ve done my best to make a dark, atmospheric novel. If you like gore and action, there’s plenty of that--but I’ve also added a decadent style that I hope will appeal to the reader’s senses.

21-Apr-2007, 07:08 PM
All who pre-order Roses of Blood will automatically be entered into a raffle for a free zombie self-portrait. That’s right--a picture of you as a zombie!

If you pre-order more than one copy of Roses, you will be entered into the raffle more than once, thus increasing your odds of winning the zombie portrait. For example, if you buy two copies, you will be entered twice; three copies, thrice; and so on and so forth. So if you have friends who may be interested, Roses might make a magnificent gift. Or if you want a copy for your collection and one other to read, dog-ear, and crease--well, you can do that too. After all, isn’t a picture of yourself as a zombie worth it? ;)

25-Apr-2007, 05:02 AM
I like the idea that you've created here, DL_Snell. Most people do tend to cring or immediately discard a crossing of monster genres, but the story line makes it pretty believable. I'm rather curious to see the relationship between the vampires/humans, particularly the position of the humans becoming a status equivalent to cows.

25-Apr-2007, 11:39 PM
I like the idea that you've created here, DL_Snell. Most people do tend to cring or immediately discard a crossing of monster genres, but the story line makes it pretty believable. I'm rather curious to see the relationship between the vampires/humans, particularly the position of the humans becoming a status equivalent to cows.

Thank you for the post, Rightwing. Call me David.

humans becoming a status equivalent to cows

If you’re referring to how veal is raised, then you’re on the right track :elol:

If you're interested, the link in my banner will take you to my website, where you can read sample chapters; they briefly mention how the vampires treat humans.

26-Apr-2007, 02:00 AM
Thank you for the post, Call me David.

Or, if you want to annoy him, call him Dave. I always do! :D

Check out the video trailer for Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines!

* Lower quality, faster loading version (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AB2DiESOuc)

* Higher quality, slower loading version (http://www.rosesofblood.com/rob_redux.wmv)

I've read the book (of course), and this trailer makes me immediately want to go read it again. :D

Please feel free to embed it in your site/blog (code for embedding is at the low quality link), or link to it from anywhere. Any help spreading the word is appreciated!


05-May-2007, 09:14 PM
Shocklines is now taking pre-orders for signed copies of Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines! Shipping is FREE, and all pre-order customers will automatically enter a raffle for a zombie self-portrait. That’s right--a picture of you as a zombie! Pre-order Roses now (http://www.permutedpress.com/preorders.php)!

If you’ve read the sample chapters (http://www.rosesofblood.com/read.php), I would love to hear your thoughts or questions.

Also, check out this new mutated zombie sketch (http://permutedpress.com/smf/index.php?topic=265.msg11257#msg11257) that my friend drew for the book. That’s right--my zombies can grow extra heads!

06-May-2007, 01:08 AM
Well, I read the sample chapters, so here's my take.

I thought the twist in the beginning with the vampires rescuing the small grouup of people on the brink of getting eaten was great. The way you wrote how their jubilation of being saved changed almost instantly to terror when they realize just what had saved them was priceless.
Another thing I really enjoyed was the casting aside of formalities that the vampires had for humans. Though it seems that they have always considered humans in the same sense that we consider cattle, they're finally putting that perception into motion.
The best thing I read in reguards to character conflict was how the vampires are trying to hold back their thirst until they can breed enough humans to return to their bloodlust ways, although it seems in the first few chapters that they are not doing very well at controling themselves.

The only thing that I didn't like was that the vampire princess (I can't remember her name) seemed to give in to the plan of her deceased father's right hand man a little too easily. I can understand that he appealed to the deepest desires of her very nature, but she also had all of these grand visions of what her father saw the city as after the dead were cleared out. The dreams made it appear to be more old world oriented, with the vampires being the lords of the city, while the humans would be the serfs that would serve them and the food that they could prey upon. Maybe I haven't read enough, but it kind of seems hard for her to just give up on that grand dream of her father to appeal with her dark desires.

I will say this. Not many have tried to combine genres into a novel other than vampires and werewolves. With yours, the story and its characters work nicely. I would certainly enjoy reading the rest of the tale.

06-May-2007, 01:20 AM
that doesnt sound too bad, ive heard a hell of a lot worse, so did the zombies come to be becuase of the vampries, or is just a coicindence, or if its a spoiler just leave a genric "youll have to read it to find out" comment.

14-May-2007, 05:54 PM
Rightwing, thanks for the feedback! Glad you liked the sample chapters. I agree, by the way, that Shade gives in too easily--which is why she doesn’t give in for long. In her next chapter (chp. 4), Frost’s seduction begins to wane, and she realizes the mistake she has made. She decides to correct it--if she can. That’s one of the biggest conflicts of the novel.

Hellsing, the zombies and vampires are fairly unrelated. They do share some similarities, like the fact that these zombies can heal in the later stages of mutation, but one race did not spawn the other.

16-May-2007, 01:42 AM

Pre-orders are officially closed for my zombie/vampire novel Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines. The novel is now available from many booksellers, including:

* Permuted Press (http://www.permutedpress.com/)
* Amazon US (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0978970713/permutedpress-20)
* Amazon UK (http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0978970713/permutedpress-21)
* Amazon Canada (http://www.amazon.ca/exec/obidos/ASIN/0978970713/permutedpre0b-20)
* Amazon.de (http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/0978970713/)
* Barnes & Noble (http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?isbn=0978970713)
* Shocklines (http://shocklines.stores.yahoo.net/roofblonbavi.html) (Note books ordered here are delayed for signing)
* Your local bookstore (ISBN: 0978970713)
* Many other fine sellers

Roses of Blood tells the harrowing tale of an enclave of vampires breeding human livestock in a post-apocalyptic world overrun with the living dead. But the dead are just now evolving into something far more lethal, something with tentacles--and that's just the beginning!

"Violent and visceral and yet also unexpectedly beautiful and erotic, Snell's debut novel is a nonstop tirade of horrific, nightmare images, a startling vision of the remains of the human race trapped between two of the greatest evils ever to scar the face of the planet. With hordes of deadly zombies on one side and an incredibly powerful army of vampires on the other, mankind's days are numbered."--David Moody, Author of the Autumn series

Help Spread the Word!
* Start (or join) a discussion about Roses of Blood on your favorite message board(s). Please don't spam!
* Post a review on Amazon.com (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0978970713/permutedpress-20), your website, and/or your blog.
* Post about Roses of Blood on your blog, MySpace page, newsletter, website, etc.
* Ask your local library to stock Roses of Blood (you'll need the ISBN: 0978970713).

Thanks everybody! The winner of the zombie portrait raffle will be announced in June!

21-May-2007, 02:14 AM
well the vmapires keeping human livestock deal was done before in a few novels, "piggies" is one i remember, but the dead mutanting?, sounds cool.

unless the "tentacles" note was a hint at some legend of the overfeind type stuff:dead:

So, Good luck to D with the sales. Unfortunately I've been staying away from like sounding fiction while finalizing the last draft of my own novel, Preservation of A Species, based loosely on the short story posted here several years ago. Fortunately it seems that your novel spins the premise off in a very different direction from mine, so there shouldn't be any conflict there.
Still, thought I'd drop by and wish you well.

Wayne Z

21-May-2007, 03:29 AM

Sales are doing well. Roses ranked #3 on Shocklines' bestselling advance order list (http://p082.ezboard.com/fshocklinesforumfrm2.showMessage?topicID=46713.top ic)--thanks to everybody who pre-ordered!

Also, Collin has created another fan sketch of a Snell zombie (http://sketch.smugmug.com/photos/153082780-L.jpg).

Anyway, good luck, Wayne--kick some ass!

21-May-2007, 06:49 AM
Nice to hear the book's doing well. I'll read that sampler soon bro and let you know.

21-May-2007, 06:00 PM
Thanks, Capn. Looking forward to it.

29-May-2007, 12:02 AM
Want to win a signed copy of Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines? Check out this contest sponsored by Dr. Pus.

Hey Ho good Permuted Press folks. Here to announce that y'all will have a chance to win a copy of the new and wonderful "Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines" by D.L. Snell. What you have to do is call in your "best" zombie groan to the "Library of the Living Dead" zombie hotline and groan your guts out. All calls will be played on Episode #11 and the winner will be announced. The best three will win a book. And bonus of all boni, DL will be personally inscribing the book to the winners!! What's to lose?

Call in now to the "Zombie Hotline": 1-206-350-8029


31-May-2007, 04:24 PM
The first reviews of Roses of Blood are trickling in! Here’s one from Horror Reader...

“[A] rush of high excitement and cinematic ultra violence... [W]ith Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines, D.L. Snell has crafted a solid entertainment, an action packed flick for the theatre of the mind's eye.”--Daniel Robichaud, Horror Reader

Read the full review (http://www.horrorreader.com/horror_reader/2007/05/roses_of_blood_.html).

More forthcoming!

02-Jun-2007, 07:41 PM
D.L. Snell is an Affiliate member of the Horror Writers Association, a graduate of Pacific University's Creative Writing program, and an editor for Permuted Press. His horror stories have appeared in anthologies such as Chimeraworld #3, Raw Meat, and The Undead: Skin & Bones. Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines is Snell's first novel and is based on his short story, "Limbless Bodies Swaying," first printed in Hellbound Books' zombie anthology, Cold Flesh. For more info, visit his website, www.exit66.net.

Come and chat with DL about his newest release, Roses of Blood.
Roses of Blood tells the harrowing tale of an enclave of vampires breeding human livestock in a post-apocalyptic world overrun with the living dead. But the dead are just now evolving into something far more lethal, something with tentacles--and that's just the beginning!

Join us on June 4th at 10 PM ET at The Lost and The Damned. (http://lostdamned.com)


05-Jun-2007, 04:22 PM
More reviews for Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines! Here's an excerpt from Nick Cato's write-up, slated to appear in the 17th issue of THE HORROR FICTION REVIEW...

"Snell's Roses of Blood is a no-nonsense, cult-film-type of story that sets the adrenaline level on high, then keeps getting higher. Everything disappointed horror fans expected out of the Underworld films happens with gusto here--and then some: gore hounds will be in for a treat, zombie fans will get a charge over the little Cthulhu-like creatures that control the undead, and anyone looking for a non-stop action fest should look no further."

And here's a review and interview from Alex Zawacki at Class-b.net: review (http://www.class-b.net/bookreviews/view.php?action=view&id=22), interview (http://www.class-b.net/interviews/view.php?action=view&id=2).

More to come in the following weeks! And the winner of the zombie portrait raffle should be announced this week or next! Stay tuned...

08-Jun-2007, 10:45 PM
Collin has finished his Snell zombie, and I incorporated it into an ad. Check it out!

http://www.exit66.net/banners/rosesad.jpg (http://www.rosesofblood.com/)

13-Jun-2007, 03:46 PM
Another great review, this one from Shawn Rutledge at Skullring.org...

The characterization is believable, the dialogue is brilliant, and the settings are splendidly stark and vivid. I must warn though that this book is not for the weak of will. There are graphic depictions of sex and violence, and nary a page goes by without at least a mention of the red stuff.... Snell definitely knows his chosen field and his subject quite well, and has a love for the genre that shines through.
Full Review>> (http://mattstaggs.blogspot.com/2007/06/review-of-roses-of-blood-on-barbwire.html)

06-Jul-2007, 03:38 PM
Everyone who pre-ordered my zombie/vampire novel Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines was bitten. But the zombie virus could only survive in one lucky individual, which means only one zombie could be produced. Eric J. “feedussnacks” is that individual. Eric will be zombified by the Roses cover artist, Stephen Blundell. He won the lottery. So welcome, Eric! Congrats! Oh, and--BRAAAAAAINNNNS!!!


31-Jul-2007, 05:36 PM
Joe McKinney, author of Dead City, reviewed Roses of Blood!

D.L. Snell is a wonderful writer. His prose is sharp, and his pacing is superbly balanced. His characters, though numerous, are well drawn, and his dialogue sizzles.... There are some especially elaborate [descriptive] passages that didn't work for me, but in the main the book is a rock solid tour de force of exceptionally well-crafted writing. Snell's characters are, after all, larger than life, and their world demands a more stylized language.... You're in capable hands with Snell. He's written a great story.

07-Sep-2007, 04:16 PM
New interview (http://www.fatally-yours.com/interviews/interview-with-dl-snell-author-of-roses-of-blood-on-barbwire-vines/) and review (http://www.fatally-yours.com/horror-literature/roses-of-blood-on-barbwire-vines-by-dl-snell/) on Fatally-Yours.com! Also, new reviews on...

* Apex Digest (http://www.apexdigest.com/Online/review070807.shtml)
* HorrorScope (http://ozhorrorscope.blogspot.com/2007/08/review-roses-of-blood-on-barbwire-vines.html)

03-Oct-2007, 07:25 PM
To celebrate Halloween, Homepage of the Dead is raffling a free copy of my zombie/vampire novel, Roses of Blood on Barbwire Vines! Just click here (http://www.homepageofthedead.com/competition/rosesofblood.html) and answer the question correctly to enter the raffle. The winner will be drawn on Nov. 4th.

09-Apr-2008, 06:16 AM
Roses is currently 10% off at Amazon... (http://astore.amazon.com/permutedstore-20/detail/0978970713/103-1820172-8698203)

24-Apr-2008, 09:02 PM
Read it. Enjoyed it. Excellent book.

Do you have another book lined up?

30-May-2008, 07:44 PM
Love it!

D.L. Snell has 8 posts over ten months, then I posted a reply and we have heard nothing from him since!