View Full Version : Wow

general tbag
15-Apr-2007, 05:19 AM
Anyone else playing it?

seems very repetative.Trying the trial and cant believe how much is charged for the month * ouch * :(

It makes me wonder how much milking blizzard will do....

what next world of diablo?

or world of starcraft?

Pushead Jim
15-Apr-2007, 11:49 AM
i played it for a few months this winter. it is very repetitive. basically the same quest over and over.Gather X amount of an item, or kill X amount of monsters over and over again. kinda sucked

15-Apr-2007, 12:19 PM
technically thts every rpg though isnt it?, i play maplestory cus its free and people i know play it so its not just me at like 3am playing by myself, cus that kinda defeats the point of a mmorpg.

15-Apr-2007, 02:36 PM
I play Oblivion cause then i don't have to take the assholeishness of people online.

17-Apr-2007, 04:34 PM
I've thought about frittering my life away of World Of Warcraft but I ain't got the time. Seriously considering Maplestory though, I've heard nothing but goodness about the game and when I got a spare day (or month) I might throw myself into it. Plus I'm halfway through Oblivion - gotta finish that before I get involved with another life-consuming game. :D

17-Apr-2007, 11:17 PM
WoW blows...Diablo all the way. Wats maplestory?

18-Apr-2007, 11:22 AM
its a free 2-d mmorpg/platformer, bout 3 mil users and...uhh, its free.


edit- in fact capn i recommend it, just today in fact a whole new area, a volcano, with a town based on old korean culture was added with a bunch of new stuff, yeah it also does all the expansions for free, burning crusade can bite me.

18-Apr-2007, 11:56 AM
Ever see the episode of South Park about this game? It's hillarious.

18-Apr-2007, 06:58 PM
its a free 2-d mmorpg/platformer, bout 3 mil users and... uhh, its free.
Man, they should appoint you head of promotion or suttin'. :D

just today in fact a whole new area, a volcano, with a town based on old korean culture was added with a bunch of new stuff, yeah it also does all the expansions for free, burning crusade can bite me.
Actually that sounds pretty awesome, you can never get enough exotic locations in an RPG. Sounds like they update this one regularly too.

18-Apr-2007, 07:29 PM
yeah i tried it out today its so different, the game starts all mario and leda-ey but this are is totally like something from 7 samurai, and you fight proper asian oni type demons and tigers and crap, beats slimes by miles:)

i totally recommend it cap'n you got the same taste in games as me so im pretty sure youll like it.