View Full Version : Time to double-bag-it methinks...

15-Apr-2007, 01:48 PM
The sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea is now among the 'superbugs' resistant to common antibiotics, leading U.S. health officials to recommend wider use of a different class of drugs to avert a public health crisis.

The resistant form accounts for more than one in every four gonorrhea cases among heterosexual men in Philadelphia and nearly that many in San Francisco.

Gonorrhea, which is believed to infect more than 700,000 people in the United States each year, can leave both men and women infertile and puts people at higher risk of getting the AIDS virus.

Since the early 1990s, a class of drugs known as fluoroquinolones has provided a relatively easy cure. These antibiotics, taken as tablets, include the drug Cipro.

But a growing number of gonorrhea cases is resistant to those drugs, and officials at the CDC for the first time are urging doctors to stop using fluoroquinolones and switch to cephalosporins, a different class of antibiotics, to treat everyone.

Those drugs, which include the generic ceftriaxone or brand name Rocephin, must be given as a shot and aren't as readily stocked as Cipro on most doctor's shelves.

Gonorrhea has now joined the list of other superbugs for which treatment options have become dangerously few, said Dr. Henry Masur, president of the Infectious Disease Society of America. To make a bad problem even worse, we're also seeing a decline in the development of new antibiotics to treat these infections.

Described by Douglas as a 'very wily' disease, gonorrhea has worked its way through decades of other treatment regimens, from sulfa drugs used in the 1930s and 1940s, to penicillin, which was used from the 1940s until the mid-1980s.

Gonorrhea's spread is preventable through consistent and proper use of condoms, experts said.


15-Apr-2007, 03:54 PM
One in four men in Philadelphia?!?! Great. I don't feel like going to get an STD test. :mad:

15-Apr-2007, 04:02 PM
Ooh, sh*t, see what you mean by your details ... couldn't hurt anyway! :eek:

Do you spelunk in a lot of dirty, smelly, clammy holes ... or just now and then? :):p

15-Apr-2007, 04:15 PM
get it checked out before it falls off:dead:

15-Apr-2007, 06:08 PM
Ive had a couple of check ups before,it knacks when they stick the swab down the hogs eye :eek: its almost as bad as the fact that its a bloke doing it :barf:

15-Apr-2007, 06:14 PM
:eek: Down the friggin' jap's eye?! Dude ... not cool. :barf: That's a one way street as far as I'm concerned, just like the backdoor! :lol:

15-Apr-2007, 06:26 PM
:eek: Down the friggin' jap's eye?! Dude ... not cool. :barf: That's a one way street as far as I'm concerned, just like the backdoor! :lol:

Yup,and this is what they use...

Its definately taliban i can tell you!:eek: :eek:

15-Apr-2007, 06:34 PM
:barf: :barf: :barf: OUCH :barf: :barf: :barf:

15-Apr-2007, 07:11 PM
*faints on the keyboard*....sdhsiofhsiohfdgnlakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkkkkkkk:lol:

seriously, if i was in philly right now id go around wearing gloves 24/7

15-Apr-2007, 07:38 PM
Guys will say they got checked for VD and when you ask them if they got the swab teest, they look at you all disgusted. If you didnt get the swab test, you NEVER had a VD check up.
The Doctor has to jerk your bird to lubricate the interior of the urethra. A really Ick experience. I looked at the wall and thought of England:p. I wish it was a hot girl, but it never seems to be. My new Doc, however, is smokin'.:kiss:. I really want a testicular exam:D

In High School This dude I knew had drip dick (gonorrheas). He said "check this out" and exposed his underwear which had a green and yellow crust in front. YUUUCK. He didnt know what to do, so he went to his Dad and told him the story.
Dad's only comment?
"I guess you done f**ked the wrong girl"

15-Apr-2007, 07:54 PM

*triple bags it, South Park style*

15-Apr-2007, 08:11 PM
or go the family guy route ,Peter holding up a garbage bag and a condom: Umm, Meg; Hefty, hefty, hefty! Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy

15-Apr-2007, 08:37 PM
that swab thing is nightmarish.

15-Apr-2007, 08:44 PM
sounds like the voice of experience.....:sneaky:

15-Apr-2007, 08:44 PM
that swab thing is nightmarish.
Better than having a buttload of Chicks talking about how you gave them a dose.

15-Apr-2007, 09:21 PM
Better than having a buttload of Chicks talking about how you gave them a dose.

:lol: :lol: thats the puppy!

15-Apr-2007, 10:53 PM
i wonder what other things are on that superbug list hmm...

15-Apr-2007, 11:28 PM
i wonder what other things are on that superbug list hmm...
Staph infection's you get from Surgery soemyimes. You have to IV antibiotics for 5 months if you get one. Thats IF you make iy.

16-Apr-2007, 02:06 AM
One in four men in Philadelphia?!?! Great. I don't feel like going to get an STD test. :mad:

You misread it. It said one out of every four men in Philadelphia infected with it have the resistant strain, not one in four men in Philadelphia have it.

So don't worry, Little Mike is probably ok.

16-Apr-2007, 02:24 AM
the old qtip down the slit is no joy

i had fun when i took my nephew to get rid of his
std that his girlfriend gave him (long story)
i knew that they were gonna give him the swab but didnt say anything

he was white as a sheet when he came out and looked like
he was gonna pass out
i had to bring him home and let him go to sleep

it was funny
for me not for him

16-Apr-2007, 02:26 AM
^ more awkward than ****ing a pie and having your father walk in?, now THAT is american pie type **** right there.
that must be the most awqward father son day ever. seriously, can anyone name anythign more awkward?

16-Apr-2007, 03:06 AM
Never got the tip down the tip, but I can kinda imagine how horrible that could be. Is it the same for femalews, q-tip up the urethra? I've never heard that being catherterized is any fun, and that's like a 1/16 of an inch. Argh.

The staph is some bad-ass ****. Anthrax, no problem, take some Cipro. Hospital borne, drug resistant staph (similar to the cause of the zombies in Gary's flick) is evil. It's standard procedure that everyone who comes in physical contact with a patient needs to do a proper 30 second hand scrubdown between patients. But they don't. Got that on pretty good authority from a friend who's mom was a head nurse in a large metropolitan hospital. So they spread these truly evil germs around, cuz their thinking like civil servants.

So all you can do is throw harsher and harsher antibiotics at them, and they come back kicking. So it's been, what, 65 years or so since the burning pee was done for with an easy cure? And now it's done. Oh, joy.

If you've never had truly massive antibiotic treatment, it ain't no fun. One of the main things it does is kill every last bit of your necessary-for-life intestinal flora and fauna. You're born with 'em, you live with 'em, and then you slaughter them down to the last cell. So you can't digest for ****. And they never come back quite right.

So now you generally have to do that for the clap? Geez. Can't have any fun no more.

16-Apr-2007, 03:13 AM
^ k, mz can call me jaded but thats the kinda stuff why i get paranoid about touching door handles in hospitals.:lol:

16-Apr-2007, 05:26 AM
It's only a matter of time until they start to gene sequence some of the more common STD's. Who knows in thirty years the doctor might simply give you a shot to get rid of the disease. Turn the proper gene off = no more problem.

16-Apr-2007, 07:13 AM
"warning said administered shot may include after effects of waking up the next day as the brundlefly":lol:

16-Apr-2007, 10:32 AM
^ k, mz can call me jaded but thats the kinda stuff why i get paranoid about touching door handles in hospitals.:lol:
Don't worry hellsing, I'll sat in the same room on this issue, with all this kinda talk you don't wanna touch anything. If in a public toilet, I always open the door with my sleeve over my hand, or open it at the very bottom of the handle (if it's a vertical handle) as that's where people have least been touching it ... yeah germs can spread, but it just makes me feel better about touching those handles...

Then when I get home I have to scrubs my hands up right nice, they always feel dirty after being out all day, it's kinda odd...

*shudders* All this talk about "jap's eye" prodding, yeuch!

16-Apr-2007, 04:27 PM
Don't worry hellsing, I'll sat in the same room on this issue, with all this kinda talk you don't wanna touch anything. If in a public toilet, I always open the door with my sleeve over my hand, or open it at the very bottom of the handle (if it's a vertical handle) as that's where people have least been touching it ... yeah germs can spread, but it just makes me feel better about touching those handles...

Then when I get home I have to scrubs my hands up right nice, they always feel dirty after being out all day, it's kinda odd...

*shudders* All this talk about "jap's eye" prodding, yeuch!
I wash my Mitts BEFORE I use a public crapper AND after. I am not touching my Johnny with Some dudes Dink juice on it. I am not germaphobic, but I wash my hands all the time.
Whats all thats japs eye ****? You mean the opening in the tip looks like a Japanese persons eye? Thats pretty racist, in case you havent thought about it.

16-Apr-2007, 05:03 PM
lol, it's an old school Brit term for the winky-woo-door, never really thought about it, as I never think about Japanese people when I say it, I think about the winky-woo-door (not like a whole field of them, don't go puttin' new spins on my context! :lol:)...

It's just a term we have here in the UK, the connection to anything remotely Japanese has long since disappeared from the term, it's precisely just another term for whatever the medical term is for the winky-woo-door (aka the WWD). :lol:

16-Apr-2007, 05:18 PM
Come on,the japs eye isnt that racist!my japanese mate calls it his japs eye so it cant be that bad!he isnt bothered by being called "the yellow man" either,he's just as bad anyway as he refers to another of our gang as "that spic tw*t" but its all in jest :D

@ MZ,definate OCD traits there dude!its like me if i touch something i perceive as dirty,that part of my body almost tingles until ive washed it,i know how stupid and irrational it is yet i cant just leave it,im weird lol :confused:

16-Apr-2007, 05:58 PM
Aye, I do wash my hands quite a bit, even after taking a whizz (which, I was shocked to discover, many blokes don't do! :eek: I'm not Senoir Rotten Down Under, but dude - you piss from there ... it's just common sense - WASH YOUR FREAKIN' HANDS!!! :eek:)

Clean hands feel nice anyway, my hands don't 'tingle' with dirt, but they just don't feel right either when I've been out all day, get some liquid soap sloshed on there, that'll sort it. :cool:

16-Apr-2007, 07:00 PM
I wash my hands all day long because I work on computers. Every time I'm done working on someone else's PC, it off to the bathroom I go. I keep seeing on the news that there are more germs and bacteria on the average person's desk than there is in a public bathroom. If that's true, God help us all!

At my old job, my buddy and I worked with this guy who used to sneeze, cough and choke all day. His monitor must have sprouted some lifeforms because he never wiped it off. Plus he usually had a finger up his nose 50% of the day. Sometimes after he left work, my buddy and I would go over to his desk and dare each other just to touch his mouse. We never did.

17-Apr-2007, 04:48 PM
:barf: :barf: :barf: GROSS :barf: :barf: :barf:

17-Apr-2007, 05:55 PM
Come on,the japs eye isnt that racist!my japanese mate calls it his japs eye so it cant be that bad!he isnt bothered by being called "the yellow man" either,he's just as bad anyway as he refers to another of our gang as "that spic tw*t" but its all in jest :D

See what happens when its one white guy and the rest are something else. The reaction to that kind of thing is much differnt. I dont call my friends racist **** even in "jest". Its just not cricket, mate. Have you considered that your friend may simply not have the nuts to stand up for himself over that stuff? And, yes, no matter what is said, japeye is virulent. Dont you guys think about how others feel? Those arguments sound so unsophisticated. "I dont think its offensive, so it's not", but it's not directed at you. anyways....

One eyed Willie the wonderworm. Thats the closest I ever heard for the opening, and thats really just a dink nickname.Maybe "dickhole". I dont think I have ever heard anything more colorful for it 'round here.