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16-Apr-2007, 02:22 PM
There has been a lot of debate on IMDB about John "Yippy ki Yay mutherfcuker" McClane vs. Jack "24 die twice" Bauer. So I needed a poll to see the real outcome.

Who do you feel is the bigger badass, and who would win the fight?

I gotta go McClane, he uses police cars to take out helicopters when he runs out of bullets. :D

16-Apr-2007, 02:53 PM
"ho ho ho, now ive got a machine gun", legendary line from a legendary character, maclain all the way man!:D

16-Apr-2007, 02:56 PM
Kicks ass and without a decent pair of kicks

16-Apr-2007, 03:07 PM
I didn't vote. They are both pussies.

16-Apr-2007, 03:17 PM
I am keeping my eye on you Capn

16-Apr-2007, 03:22 PM
So are many other people here it seems. :lol:

16-Apr-2007, 04:08 PM
I am keeping my eye on you Capn

i shouldnt find that as funny as i do, damn im retarded:lol:

16-Apr-2007, 04:12 PM
McClane.....no contest.

16-Apr-2007, 05:04 PM
bauer kicks ass, there is more action in one episode of 24, than in any of the die hard films (imho):skull:

16-Apr-2007, 05:06 PM
yeaaah, but this is about two characters, not the show/ movie themselves, and jack bower has loads of back up and has lots of help, jhon maclain didnt even have shoes let alone a gun to bein with.

16-Apr-2007, 05:27 PM
Get bauer in "lost boys" mode and we may have a close fight :p

As it stands i reckon mclane would kick ass AND leave a cheery note about it :lol:

16-Apr-2007, 05:50 PM
As much as Die Hard rocks my socks, Jack Bauer is definitely more badass.

Jack Bauer 24 spoilers-a-go-go from now on:

The dude loses his wife to a terrorist who used him and lied to him for months/years. His daughter blames him for her death and never really gets back to a normal relationship with him.

Jack was (until a secret (and dying) stowaway changed the plans) going to sacrifice his own life to fly a nuclear bomb to the desert to then ditch it. However, due to plan changes, he parachutes out and hides behind a mountain/hill thing as the bomb goes off a bit away.

The dude is constantly forced to coerce his targets and do some pretty f*cked up things. He himself is tortured in season 2 and FREAKIN' DIES, only to be brought back to life a few minutes later, he spends the rest of the season with a dodgy ticker weighing him down, even during his bad-ass battle royale in the LA stadium.

He went undercover, got addicted to heroin to join a group of terrorist drug dealers for a case, he then re-infiltrates them by orchestrating a prison riot, during which he's forced to play Russian Roulette with a guard (who loses).

Just when he gets his life back on track again, he ends up having to infiltrate the Chinese Embassy to kidnap someone who ends up getting shot, in order to save the person's life, he has to sacrifice the dying (in an operation) ex-husband of his current girlfriend/partner (whom Jack tortured hours earlier, and survived an assault on a gunshop where he was hiding, by a squad of marine type soldier people), whom he rescued hours earlier from being executed by terrorists by going into their base on his own and pwning terrorist ass left, right and centre. Having infiltrated the embassy, the Chinese are demanding who was responsible - Jack - he has to fake his own death (he succeeds - but nearly dies in the process) and as a result, has to assume a new identity and flee Los Angeles to start a new life, disconnecting all contact from his daughter and his partner (Audrey).

Then he is forced out of hiding after his friends start getting assassinated (those who know of his actual state of good health), he goes through another sh*tty day, and finally gets back on his feet and gets back together with Audrey, who's delighted to be back in his manly-man-manwich arms. But then - DOUBLE CROSS - the f*cking President of the USA (Logan) calls the fuzz on Jack, alerting the Chinese to his whereabouts, they then KIDNAP him and TORTURE him for OVER A YEAR. Jack gives up jack-shiite and is released from captivity, only so he can be used as a pawn in a terrorist's sick little game (which would mean Jack dies) - HOWEVER, Jack survives, just about, after being tortured a bit - but then he goes all feral on this terrorist and bites his f*cking neck out.

Jack then ends up shooting and killing one of his own friends who goes barmy (long story :p), has a breakdown just as a nuclear bomb goes off nearby. He then ends up being double crossed by his own father, has to torture his own brother (father of his nephew, husband of an ex-lover) (who helped set him up and seek to kill him in the previous season) and is lead to believe Audrey was killed while searching China for him...

Later on he holds on to the underneath of a garbage truck, driven by the escaped terrorist leader, and ends up where the remaining bombs are. Jack them goes all commando and storms the place single handedly, at the end of which he has a massive ruck with the lead terrorist - all the while he's had a broken rib, which is causing some internal bleeding.

Then - the dastardly Chinese give him a bell and tell him they've got Audrey - alive - in their custody and now he has to do (no doubt) some dirty for them to get her back!


Spoilers end here.

All-in-all, Jack Bauer is a mega-bad-ass of awesome proportions, and that was just the stuff I could remember off the top of my head! It all sounds a bit daft when listed out like that, but the dude's amazing - who else would have his show renamed amongst fans as "The Jack Bauer Power Hour"?! :cool::thumbsup:

And hellsing - do you even watch 24? Jack Bauer spends half his time going it alone, working behind the big guy's backs and is often left swinging in the wind by those who are supposed to be backing him up, the dude's a one man army, protecting an entire country from psycho terrorists.

And John McClane had the whole NYPD etc backing him up in Die Hard 3, so not even he's beyond a bit of help now and then, in fact, in DH3 he had help throughout from Samuel L mofo'in Jackson! :D

16-Apr-2007, 07:14 PM
McClane obviously... 24 sucks ass :rockbrow:

16-Apr-2007, 07:36 PM
McClane obviously... 24 sucks ass :rockbrow:

whew....I'm glad that i'm not the only one around here with that opinion. I was scared to say it.:shifty: :p

16-Apr-2007, 08:04 PM
nope same here guys, id rather watch lost than 24 and thats sayin' something.

16-Apr-2007, 08:10 PM
Couldn't agree with hells and bassman more there, nic likes that 24 and to be honest i think i would get more entertainment out of splashing some paint on the wall and watching it dry.

16-Apr-2007, 10:15 PM
YOU SUCK, YOU ALL SUCK, 24 ROCKS COCK!!! :eek::mad::eek:



I bet none of you have even given it the time of day and have just written it off, perceiving it to be some kind of Republican-loving conspiracy-lovers spoodge festival ... when in fact, that couldn't be further from the truth...

A Republican president is complicit in the assassination of a Democrat president ... a BLACK Democrat president ... for cryin' out loud!!!

And I've been watching it since it first aired on BBC2, it still tickles my bell like no other, top drawer TV.

Yes, John McClane's kick ass, and very macho, but Jack Bauer is a hardcore dude, the guy's suffered for his country to endless lengths and it's all a part of his job, he's assumed the role of protector and, like true legends, gets on with sh*t - GUMPTION!!!!! :cool:

16-Apr-2007, 10:18 PM
well to each his own eh?, but my votes still going for jhon maclain, hes so badass samuel L. was his sidekick for gods sake!:lol:

17-Apr-2007, 03:07 PM
lets go on bodycount DIE HARD averages about 200 per film, but in one episode of 24 a nuclear bomb goes off leaving 12,000 people dead, IN ONE EPISODE...also there is more plot twists in one 24 than in all three Die Hard films put together.

17-Apr-2007, 03:44 PM
actually i belive the highest death count in the die hard films ,onscreenly speaking is only about 37.

"in a row?":lol:

17-Apr-2007, 04:03 PM
"Jack Bauer" will always be the nerdy Dr. Schreber, if you ask me.



17-Apr-2007, 04:33 PM
This is a no-contest poll. McClane would win this every time.

Not to mention, I have watched 24 many times because everyone brags to me how great it is - well, dammit, I do not get the mass appeal at all.

...and body counts have nothing to do with who is more of a badass. :D

17-Apr-2007, 04:53 PM
Sorry Hellsing but in Die Hard 2 the bad guys crash a passenger plane killing over 200 people

17-Apr-2007, 07:40 PM
Jack Bauer ? Are you kidding me ?

John McClane would ****ing murder him.

17-Apr-2007, 10:12 PM
At worst, McClane takes a beating and cuts up his feet. At worst, Jack Bauer gets f*cking KILLED and then gets brought back to life (when being tortured) and then he kicks all their arses.

The dude's a freakin' LEGEND.

McClane is a cool mofo, but Bauer is a badass all the way.

18-Apr-2007, 02:23 PM
John McClane climbed via a wire from a bridge to a ship, when the wire and truck went off the bridge he swung into action, the cable sliced the bad guy in half, and him and SLMFJ cleaned up the mess by carrying off both halves of the body.

J. McClane has the better kills, so therefore he is the bigger bad ass. Lets not forget he did walk into Harlem wearing a sign that said he hated N*****s. I never seen Jack Bauer do something crazy like that.

18-Apr-2007, 05:04 PM
Wait a sec, are you telling me the guy who managed to get himself KILLED is the bigger badass, MZ??

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Now THAT has to be the funniest thing you've ever posted here. :lol:

If he was such a badass he would've never been killed in the first place. Case closed. :p

(patiently awaiting the :finger: smiley from MZ)

18-Apr-2007, 05:12 PM

The man has a very good point there, MZ. And I would like to add that the title of the McClane films are "Die Hard". So obviously he's not going to die.:p

18-Apr-2007, 05:14 PM
i think MZs point is that even death couldn't stop Jack Bauer from kicking ass , so lets see John Mcclean top that . 24 ROCKS...:D :D :D

18-Apr-2007, 05:17 PM
i think MZs point is that even death couldn't stop Jack Bauer from kicking ass , so lets see John Mcclean top that . 24 ROCKS...:D :D :D

We understand that, but if he's such a badass, how did he manage to get himself killed in the first place?

McClane never did - he's such a badass he'd never let that happen, and hasn't so far. ;)

18-Apr-2007, 05:24 PM
Bauer beat Death itself, ( not to mention terrorists, assassins and having his own wife being murdered ) now that is a badass :evil: :evil: :evil:

18-Apr-2007, 05:32 PM
He didn't "beat" death, HE WAS KILLED - then brought back to life, he didn't come back on his own. If he did, THAT would've been badass! :lol:

McClane > Bauer

That's all there is to it. Anyone who allows themselves to get killed ain't badass in my opinion. Even if they rise from the grave and eat brains. :lol:

18-Apr-2007, 05:46 PM
Lets settle this argument the way all poll related arguments are settled, 11-4 says Mcclain > 24 guy.

I think that speaks for itself :p

Besides have you guys actually heard yourselves? "he beat death itself"?


Killing someone then bringing them back is the biggest television cheat ever, it isnt cool at all it means some executive with absolutly no imagination has killed off a lead character to grab your attention and then brought him back straight away, if i was a fan of any show that did that id say "LAME" and id seriously not watch again, whatever the show :rolleyes:

18-Apr-2007, 05:48 PM
SO there you have it... John "Yippi Ki Yay Mutherfcukin' McClane whups Jack "pussy ass 24" Bauer in a clean and even fight.

Poll data is not scientific, but who is gonna challenge such a sweeping margin?

18-Apr-2007, 05:56 PM
McClane wouldn't be able to bring himself back from death, nobody can, it's physically impossible ... *flips bird at Lou* :sneaky::p

I can't remember off the top of my head how Jack ended up in terrorist hands, no doubt distracted and then pounced on from behind - and McClane's been in the same situation, so nyah-nah!

From Wikipedia:

After completing his schooling, and after joining the U.S. Army and tuning his skills as a soldier, he was asked to join the U.S. Army's elite special forces unit Delta Force, was offered a membership to the elite army brigade "Coral Snake", and worked as a Los Angeles Police Department SWAT team member. It is also known that Bauer did work for the CIA before being seconded to the Counter Terrorist Unit. While at CTU, he was the Team Leader for an action known as Operation Proteus and the Section Captain during the incident of the Hotel Los Angeles attack[3]. He later uncovered evidence that three CTU agents were taking bribes. Jack gained a reputation as a whistleblower and lost favor with the CTU hierarchy[4].

Jack's service at CTU and in various prior jobs has given him many relevant survival skills. He is an expert shooter and is competent in hand to hand combat. He is also a capable pilot (both airplanes and helicopters). On many occasions, he has demonstrated that he is a ruthless and efficient interrogator of suspected terrorists, relying on his knowledge and experience of human psychology (and anatomy), and has also shown remarkable ability at resisting torture when subjected to it himself. However, he also utilizes such information to help those who are wounded or victimized by the days' events.

The dude even speaks Spanish, Russian and understands Serbian ... and he understands Los Angeles lingo too! :lol:

He appears to be entirely utilitarian and consequentialist in his moral thinking: when innocent lives are in danger he behaves as though obtaining a desired result is more important than how he obtains it, and he frequently performs controversial actions if he thinks they will achieve an important goal. His philosophy was perhaps best expressed after he shot and beheaded with a hacksaw a witness in front of George Mason, then-CTU Special Agent in Charge.

The dude even executed the head of CTU in season 3 at the request of the terrorists, it was the only thing left to do. He tried his utmost to save the guy, but there was no saving him, he had to kill his own collegue (and has had to do the same thing, under different circumstances, in the latest season)...the guy is the king at making ruthlessly tough decisions to get the job done - THAT is absolutely badass...it's the definition, mate. :cool:

Alternatively, he doesn't sacrifice innocent lives to achieve a goal, as seen in season 5 where he manages to save almost all of a shopping mall full of people from nerve gas, he goes against his orders and takes out the terrorists himself, and even gives his gas mask to a little girl whom he then rescues and revives.

He has absolutely no fear of death - again, definition of badass.

McClane is cool-as, but Bauer is blatantly the ultimate badass - it's "The Jack Bauer Power Hour"!!!

18-Apr-2007, 05:56 PM
McClane.....no contest.


18-Apr-2007, 05:57 PM
McClane is cool-as, but Bauer is blatantly the ultimate badass - it's "The Jack Bauer Power Hour"!!!

Really? cuz the poll says different :p

18-Apr-2007, 05:59 PM
Really? cuz the poll says different :p
*mocks Andy & Co with silly gestures and so on*

Yeah, cos 16 people out of 6 billion is conclusive. :rolleyes:

Where did you learn that from, Labour? :lol::lol: And likewise, just going "cos he is" ain't good enough, I and my 24-loving cohorts have been laying facts all over your asses, Jack has done waaaaaaaaaaay more badass stuff than John "merry japes" McClane.

McClane is a cool customer, he kicks ass ... but when you compare the stats, he just ain't the bigger badass.

What you lot are saying is essentially like saying Britain has a bigger population than America - it just doesn't work.

18-Apr-2007, 06:00 PM
*mocks Andy & Co with silly gestures and so on*

Yeah, cos 16 people out of 6 billion is conclusive. :rolleyes:

Where did you learn that from, Labour? :lol::lol:

McClane is a cool customer, he kicks ass ... but when you compare the stats, he just ain't the bigger badass.

What you lot are saying is essentially like saying Britain has a bigger population than America - it just doesn't work

24 has 6 billion fans?

Considering there's about 6,602,224,175 (https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/print/xx.html) people in the world, your telling me 99% of the worlds population are 24 fans?

And no, its more like you guys trying to tell us some lame TV show character is better than the great john mcclain? you and your 3 other fan's who voted for 24 are being shot down big time, accept it.

18-Apr-2007, 06:02 PM
McClane is cool-as, but Bauer is blatantly the ultimate badass - it's "The Jack Bauer Power Hour"!!!

Dude....scoreboard? You're living in la-la land. McClane is clearly the favorite. Jack "soap opera" Bauer doesn't have sh*t on McClane.

18-Apr-2007, 06:03 PM
24 has 6 billion fans?

Where do you get this statistic from becuase i would be very interested to see it.
Geez, see, childish "cos" tactics - 16 people out of the entire world took part in this poll, ya dingus - THAT'S my point! :rolleyes:

If I was Jack Bauer I'd have bitchslapped your ass with my glock by now and be flying a nuclear bomb away from a population centre.

Bassman - again, just going with "cos he is" arguments. Read the facts on Jack and it's blatantly obvious he's notched up far more "badass kudos" than McClane.

18-Apr-2007, 06:04 PM
Geez, see, childish "cos" tactics - 16 people out of the entire world took part in this poll, ya dingus - THAT'S my point! :rolleyes:

What non-HPotD members did you expect to participate in this poll?:rockbrow:


18-Apr-2007, 06:14 PM
What non-HPotD members did you expect to participate in this poll?:rockbrow:

Again, not seeing what I'm saying, cripes!

16 people doesn't decide anything, that's what I'm saying, and especially not when people resort to "cos he is" playground "la la la, not listening" brick-wall tactics ... who are you, John Reid's fan club? :elol: What the hell are all of you huffin' tonight?

18-Apr-2007, 06:20 PM
So when exactly did you carry out this survey amongst the other 599999999985 people to find out their hardcore 24 fans then?

My point is that you have been shot down, i aint bothered about what fanboy statements have been typed by the 4 of you, a poll was created for all HPotD members to vote, they have voted and you have been shot down. admit it.

18-Apr-2007, 06:30 PM
my girlfriend just went for John Mcclean, excuse me while i bitchslap her:evil: :evil:

18-Apr-2007, 06:35 PM
So when exactly did you carry out this survey amongst the other 599999999985 people to find out their hardcore 24 fans then?

My point is that you have been shot down, i aint bothered about what fanboy statements have been typed by the 4 of you, a poll was created for all HPotD members to vote, they have voted and you have been shot down. admit it.

You STILL aren't seeing what I'm trying to say, I'm not saying I asked 6 billion people, or wanted to, or would, or whatever - but what I'm saying is that 16 people out of the entire planet earth isn't conclusive...hell, 12 people versus 4 people out of over 1000 isn't conclusive, so shove that up your ass and smoke it, if you're gonna resort to that kinda playground argument talk. :sneaky::evil:

Shot down - by a bunch of people who use "nyah, cos he is" arguments to bulldoze over anyone who has a whole list of reasons to think otherwise, christ!

"Fanboy statements" - like those of you behind John McClane you mean? :sneaky: Clearly you're not bothered about listed comparisons, nor character facts, nor anything else - again, schoolyard "cos he is" assertions.

Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna go watch Jack pwn some slippery, shady Chinese government types as he ignores his internal bleeding like a proper man and gets on with it.

18-Apr-2007, 06:41 PM
couldn't have put it better myself MZ:D :D :D

18-Apr-2007, 06:44 PM
*after reading the whole thread*

....and people call me jaded.

18-Apr-2007, 06:44 PM
Look back through this topic and give me one fanboy statement that ive posted.. ive simply said that i personally prefer die hard and dont like 24. thats opinion, i never claimed anything as fact, it is merely my opinion.. and the majority of our members have agreed with me.

Thats what you refuse to accept.

Now as for the playground tactics, it looks to me like your the one throwing your toys around becuase your not winning the argument :p

18-Apr-2007, 06:46 PM
^ id just like to point out two adults are haveing a "whos tougher" argument.

dont mind me ,continue:p

18-Apr-2007, 06:56 PM
i know childish or what ( but Bauer is stiil the baddest badass )

18-Apr-2007, 06:57 PM
Im not trying to point out "facts" about a fictional show, i dont like 24 at all.. i think its boring.. im not posting that as fact im posting it as my opinion and your little facts you've got off wikipedia arn't changing my opinion of the show or characters.

I Pointed out that the majority of members seem to agree with my opinion and all this comes out and then i get accused of "playground" tactics by someone who is literally throwing his toys around becuase i wont accept his "facts". 24 is fictional, die hard is fictional, they are the only facts in this argument.. the rest is opinion, i dont like 24, i like die hard.. therefore john mcclain is the biggest bad ass in my opinion, and that is all there is to it SO ACCEPT IT BECUASE IT ISNT CHANGING.

More members agree with my opinion than yours on a poll which was created to gather members opinions.. your trying to pass this off as irrelevant? this is the desperate playground tactic of someone who has been trampled on in a argument. sorry but it is.

18-Apr-2007, 07:37 PM
McClane blew up a plane full of Rogue army guys (Domestic Terrorists) and managed to create runway lights to save 12-15 planes in die hard 2, that would equal close to 4000 people, whats is in a mall at any given moment, maybe 1000.

John McClane the ultimate badass that ever walked the planet. I mean the guy uses a police car to take out a helicopter... and when asked why... "I ran out of bullets" :D

:FINGER: to the Nth degree :D

18-Apr-2007, 07:44 PM

This thread is becoming more and more amusing.

Also, McClane has driven a Mercedes through the concrete wall of a bridge, landed it, and drives aways casually.:shifty:

He's surfed on top of a semi.:shifty:

He's been ejected at the last minute from an exploding air craft.

He's fell down an elevator shaft.

He's stabbed a man in the eye with a f*cking piece of ice.

The list goes on and on. And he's done alot of this while he has one hell of a hang over that he got from his suspension of smoking cigerettes and watching Captain Kangaroo.:p

Now THAT is a badass.

18-Apr-2007, 07:44 PM
McClane wouldn't be able to bring himself back from death, nobody can, it's physically impossible ... *flips bird at Lou* :sneaky::p

Exactly, MZ. No one can bring themselves back, but that doesn't change the fact that Bauer DIED - McClane never did.

What does that mean?

McClane was enough of a badass to keep himself from buying the farm.

Debate over.



He's stabbed a man in the eye with a f*cking piece of ice.

This alone seals the deal. :lol:

18-Apr-2007, 09:26 PM
*responding to Lou's "icicle to the eye" death*

Ah, but on the other hand, Jack Bauer hacksawed the head off a paedophile criminal to use as proof-of-allegience to a gang of criminals so he could gain covert access to their set-up to try and track down the threat at hand. :)


I'm shocked by how brick-wall you're being Andy. You seem arrogant about 12 people versus 4, that is what pisses me off, because it's lame. And I didn't mean you specifically, oh heaven forbid I not write every single word exactly right the first time around - I've got TV to watch in the background you know! :sneaky: - and what I'm saying is, what I feel you're saying is, that you take this poll as some be-all and end-all over the two characters...that's the impression I get...when it's just a bit of fun.

And unlike you, I love both 24 and Die Hard, I was getting technical, like I've said before - McClane's a cool-customer-cop-with-a-gun, Bauer is a serious hard nut.

Fictional show or not, the "facts" are still relevant to the characters in question, and out of the two characters Bauer has the much tougher and badassy background and present day story. As for the backhand over Wikipedia, it's a quick reference so I don't have to summarise, but being an avid fan of the show, I know that what's written there is completely accurate.

I'm arguing my view from rationality and looking at it technically, yet you're just being that ever-so-annoying-child who repeats what you've just said, but in a stupid voice, and I'm taken aback by this, it's uncharacteristic of you.

Did I ever intend to change your opinion? No, I'm engaging actively in a fun debate and I'm laying out my personal opinion with points, backstory, clarity and rationality - like I've constantly said, McClane is still majorly kick ass, but under the specific question of the poll, I personally believe Bauer is the bigger badass - but I was always just stating my view, and as people bitched back with "cos he is" for McClane, I entered the fun of the debate, but with my typically organised rationality ... yet you seem to be really enjoying acting like a little kid putting on silly voices.

As I've said before, I don't give a squat, because McClane is (albeit slightly skew-wif to Bauer's character at the base level) a worthy adversary/opponent/whatever in this fun poll.

The reason why I've responded these recent times is to clarify myself as I despise people taking my words out of context or finding some odd, unintended meaning in them. I'm historically a stickler for providing accuracy and definition in my text, and that is why I've been responding to this last slew of posts in this poll.

Nuff said, I'm off to watch Grand Designs.

18-Apr-2007, 09:50 PM
"Can't we all just get along?"

*runs around and kicks everyone in the shin*

Ok, now that we got that outta the way, back to the fun. :p

MZ - an ice pick in the eye is a lot more inventive than a hacksaw.

Advantage: McClane.


(this thread rocks I might add. :lol:)

18-Apr-2007, 10:03 PM
Inventive? Hmmm ... spur of the moment I'd say, cool - yes.

I'd personally say the hacksawed-paedo-head-as-covert-crime-gang-access is inventive. :cool::lol:

Bauer secretely infiltrated an airport during a hostage situation, used his mobile phone and pocket-scope to organise covertly action to be taken by teams waiting outside, when forced to give himself up (to save the life of the kid of his possible-f*ck-buddy) he played the terrorists and pwned them superbly by deliberately using an out-of-date call sign for distress (Flank-Two position, if memory serves) and managed to dish own some serious pwnage...now that's crafty...and he goes straight from one lass back to his lass from the previous season (who had been lead to believe he was dead) - so he's a pimp daddy too. :cool::p

18-Apr-2007, 10:10 PM
but he allowed himself to expire.

Death = instant removal of badass status.


*runs and hides*

18-Apr-2007, 10:42 PM
Oh bollocks to it! I went for Brucie 'cos he would so blantly kick Kiefer's ass in a cage fight. Stick think the pair of 'em are sissies though, I only voted 'cos I wanted to see who was winning. :D

19-Apr-2007, 10:01 AM
Ah but it's about the characters, not the actors.

Brucie definitely has a greater number of badass roles ... although Keifer has done some great roles in his time (Stand by Me, Lost Boys etc), but the poll's about these two specific characters, not the actors portraying them.

I duno, I'd have a feeling that Brucie might be too busy getting his ego stroked somewhere by some good looking ladies while a bunch of Die Hard fans take pictures of him, from what I've heard he's got a bit of an ego going ... meanwhile (as seen in the documentary "I Trust You To Kill Me", Sutherland is completely disorganised, likes to party and get hammered and tackle Christmas trees in his time off - and it's hilarious).

He didn't allow himself to get killed, he was captured for good reason, he didn't just bend over and say "have fun", and I'm sure if Die Hard was tortured as brutally as 24 was, he'd give up the ghost too. If memory serves it was constant electric shock treatment to the chest ... which isn't too good for the ticker. But once brought back for more torture, the dude takes them all out - with a bum ticker - and then proceeds on to a stadium shoot out.

Annnnd ... in season 5, he kidnaps the scumbag President Logan by impersonating one of the chopper pilots (whom he takes out with a swift choke hold to conk him out). Then he takes said Prezza to an abandoned location and interrogates him, gun to head as well, but because he's inherently a good man with strong morals, it's just impossible to shoot the President, even if he is a complete dick (besides, it wouldn't work story wise).

Also in season five, he infiltrates a hotel at the scene of the big assassination, which is swarming with government agents who are specifically on the look out for Jack himself as they go about their work. Bauer sneaks in and does some crafty computer hacking as well as managing to escape the whole mess when the agents found out he's inside...now that's one crafty, sneaky bugger right there. :cool:

19-Apr-2007, 10:51 AM
But he doesn't have the coolest catch phrase in the history of coolest catch phrases... "Yippy Ki Ya" Baby!

McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane McClane

:D :D :D :D :D


This thread is becoming more and more amusing.

Also, McClane has driven a Mercedes through the concrete wall of a bridge, landed it, and drives aways casually.:shifty:

He's surfed on top of a semi.:shifty:

He's been ejected at the last minute from an exploding air craft.

He's fell down an elevator shaft.

He's stabbed a man in the eye with a f*cking piece of ice.

The list goes on and on. And he's done alot of this while he has one hell of a hang over that he got from his suspension of smoking cigerettes and watching Captain Kangaroo.:p

Now THAT is a badass.

Lets also not forget his trip in the vault elevator with 4 rather larger Nazi terrorist thiefs, that he single handidly takes out by himself in a 6x4 space.

Top that Jack.

19-Apr-2007, 12:16 PM
Jack can't top that, he's too busy getting himself killed by terrorists. :lol: :lol:

John McClane - a lion's roar

Jack Bauer - a kitten's meow

:p :D

19-Apr-2007, 12:43 PM
Just read over my posts regarding Jack, he tops all that mate. The dude takes on commandos on top of the usual slew of terrorists and bad guys.

He has his own catchphrases, including:

"Please", "excuse me" and "DAMNIT!" - it's not the words, it's the delivery, which is another thing, Jack has a trade mark voice patter, that hushed, yet pretty loud, whisper.

www.bauercount.com - his kills, tallied and detailed.

Season Six - 23 so far.
Season Five - 38
Season Four - 44
Season Three - 14 (when he was being manly and coming off heroin cold turky whilst tracking down biological weapons)
Season Two - 30
Season One - 10 (back when he was a family man)

And those counts are within 24 hour periods, some methods of killing include:

* Punch to the heart
* Neck breaks
* Hand-to-hand knife combat
* Knife to the gut
* Knife to the spine
* Knife to the neck
* Throat slit
* Steam
* Strangulation
* A whole shedload of gun kills across a wide variety of pistols (silenced or otherwise), shotguns and assault rifles
* The smoothest, fastest and stealthiest neck pwnage you've ever seen
* Tearing the neck out of a terrorist with his own teeth - now THAT is unbeatable ... just think about it, he tore the neck out of a terrorist with his own teeth


stealthy neck breaking pwnage

slice that neck, bitch!

some neck stabbing

The dude punches somebody in the heart and it stops, I mean come on. :p:)

19-Apr-2007, 12:56 PM
You're not giving up, are you MZ? :lol:

it's not the words, it's the delivery

You're right, and there's only so many times I can hear Bauer say "THERE'S NO TIME!!!!!" before it gets really old. :lol:

However, words do not determine a persons badass status, and like I said a few pages ago, neither does their body count.

Bauer has bought the farm, and McClane never has because he was badass enough to never get himself into that predicament. Jack can cut off all the heads he wants and punch people in the chest and kill them all he wants, but he was killed by his enemies. Doesn't matter if he came back, he was killed, period.

That removes your badass status permanently.

Next. :lol:

(this thread still rules :D)

**edited to add - look at this, Bauer couldn't even beat out INDIANA JONES for badass status:

Make with the clickey... (http://www.bullz-eye.com/entertainment/features/2007/bad_ass_bracket/round1/jack_bauer_v_indiana_jones.htm)

19-Apr-2007, 01:46 PM
So if he died and was brought back does that make him a zombie? :D

If it is that would be cool, but McClane would just shot him in the head and put him down.

So if he died and was brought back does that make him a zombie? :D

If it is that would be cool, but McClane would just shot him in the head and put him down.

Lets also not forget John McClane lives in, works in, and was born in NYC. That alone is badass.

my girlfriend just went for John Mcclean

Tell you girlfriend I want to Marry her. :D

19-Apr-2007, 05:17 PM
after that revalation , you can have her ...:lol: :lol: :lol:

19-Apr-2007, 07:31 PM
I still firmly believe Bauer's the ultimate badass out of the two, McClane doesn't even get close enough to the action to get himself double-crossed or captured, that sh*t happens when you're nose-deep in it.

The idea of dying removing all badass status makes no sense - what about the commandos who sailed a ship full of explosives through German lines and smashed it into their dock and blew it up, loads of blokes died doing that, does that mean they're no longer badasses?

See my point, it's a daft argument. :sneaky::p

Dying means you were eyeball-to-eyeball with whatever was going down, not hanging out a few floors above eating twinkies. :lol:

19-Apr-2007, 10:39 PM
I still firmly believe Bauer's the ultimate badass out of the two, McClane doesn't even get close enough to the action to get himself double-crossed or captured, that sh*t happens when you're nose-deep in it.

The idea of dying removing all badass status makes no sense - what about the commandos who sailed a ship full of explosives through German lines and smashed it into their dock and blew it up, loads of blokes died doing that, does that mean they're no longer badasses?

See my point, it's a daft argument. :sneaky::p

Dying means you were eyeball-to-eyeball with whatever was going down, not hanging out a few floors above eating twinkies. :lol:

Ouch, the twinky defense. That is a hard thing to come back against. You have a point on that, but...

John McClane is still the better of the two in my opinion.

19-Apr-2007, 10:59 PM
Dying means you were eyeball-to-eyeball with whatever was going down

...yeah, and you lost. So much for being badass... :lol:

19-Apr-2007, 11:10 PM
...yeah, and you lost. So much for being badass... :lol:

He's got a point, if you went eyeball to eyeball and now your dead because of it, doesn't mean you are a bad ass, it means you were fcuking stupid and should have stayed on the top floor eating twinkies. :D

19-Apr-2007, 11:11 PM
it means you were fcuking stupid and should have stayed on the top floor eating twinkies. :D

:lol: :lol:

20-Apr-2007, 09:56 AM
*whips out Commandos-in-WWII argument again*

They were eyeball-to-eyeball, they died, are they not badasses?

*gets philosophical ... looks misty-eyed into the distance*

In war ... nobody wins ... :|


Ah HPOTD, where opinions come to bump up against each other like teenagers fumbling to get their kit off in the back of a Volkswagon...:p

20-Apr-2007, 11:44 AM
ok, John McClane has officially proved to be the bigger badass, and we can now move on to the new poll...

McClane Vs. Snake Plissken started by our very own MZ. :D

20-Apr-2007, 12:15 PM
*whips out Commandos-in-WWII argument again*

They were eyeball-to-eyeball, they died, are they not badasses?

Now wait just a second there, MZ. You are the one that validated Bauer's badass status by saying "he got killed and came back!" - well, if you can use it to prove his status, I can use the fact that he died to prove he isn't a bigger badass than McClane, because McClane never died, hence, proving his superior badass status.

Ya can't have it both ways. :p :D

This thread has been one of the most entertaining i've read here in a long time. :lol: ...and it's a prime example of being able to disagree and still get along. :D

20-Apr-2007, 12:26 PM
I can have it both ways ... although I don't quite follow that statement, anyway, you can die in battle and still be a badass who was there to see themselves reflected back in the eyes of the enemy. Jack got that close, and the terrorists who captured him were so in awe of his awesomeness they simply had to bring him back to gawp at his badass-ed-ness ... and then Jack went postal on their asses.

The angle I'm coming from is purely from the characters, methinks some folk in this thread might have been coming from a different angle, more like 'what if Bruce Willis and Keifer Sutherland had a fight'...duno, just a theory on this particular thought...:p

*back to the McClane/Plissken poll :cool:*

20-Apr-2007, 12:32 PM
What i'm saying is, if you validate the fact that bauer is a badass because he faced an enemy and died and came back, it is perfectly fair for me to say he is not a badass because of the simple fact that he died facing his enemies.

Now, McClean on the other hand, he has faced just a vicious of enemies but never got killed in the process. I think that speaks volumes to the topic at hand. It has nothing to do with Sutherland or Willis personally, we're talking about their characters here.

I'm on the same page with ya, don't worry. :)

Now, onto the Plisskin vs. McClean question... Hmmm..

20-Apr-2007, 12:38 PM
Nah I mean some people might have been thinking (even subconsciously) about Willis/Sutherland at some point, or as a part of their final decision anyway.

And on the died/came back thing, that was one of my many reasons as previously listed why I'm in the Jack Bauer Power Hour camp. :)

But McClane never took on an evil-doing, weak-chinned, Republican President of the United States, nor did he take on the Chinese government, and those guys are nuttahz! :stunned::D McClane also didn't survive almost two years of torture at the hands of the Chinese without giving up any information. :sneaky: Now that takes some balls, poor old Jack is covered in f*cked up scars these days ... I wonder how Audrey's gonna react to that...bah, she'll still shag his brains out - it's Power Hour himself! :cool::)

And it's McClane - you're bugging the tits off me with that! :lol::p j/k

20-Apr-2007, 12:42 PM
And it's McClane - you're bugging the tits off me with that! :lol::p j/k

Good, I hope they fall off! :lol: :lol:


(read the plisskin vs. mcclane thread for my no-coffee-it's-pre-9am-I-can't-spell-excuse.. :lol:)

20-Apr-2007, 06:46 PM
In that case I'll let you off, I keep forgetting the time distance. My brain doesn't work in the morning either ... and not that well after lunch ... or dinner ... around about 11pm it's ready to rock for a couple of hours in a sharply declining capacity ... then bed. :lol:

20-Apr-2007, 07:33 PM
Bauer still wins hands down ( imho).....

20-Apr-2007, 07:59 PM
Are you related to MZ by any chance Farty? :rolleyes: