View Full Version : What a load of old shiite...(2 new serial killer bio type movies)

17-Apr-2007, 10:46 PM
Watched two movies today, that can both be best described as:

a load of old penis

What were they?


Rampage! : The Hillside Strangler Murders ... and ... Ed Gein: Butcher of Plainfield ...


Some spoilers ahead, but seriously, it doesn't matter a single jot...trust me implicitly on this.

Rampage - *sigh* - there was no rampage to speak of, not many hills, a smidge of strangling and piss all murders (it seemed anyway) throughout an exceptionally long 80 minutes ... there was an abundance of "the" though...so fans of the word "the" will be sitting pretty.

Not a single scene (or even shot, if memory serves) that doesn't involve excessive Dolly use, or excessive (not so steady) steadicam footage. The camera constantly lolls around the scene, constantly spinning and cutting to double/triple/quadruple/too-f*cking-many-to-count exposures. It barely makes a scrap of sense and has a completely piss poor script.

At least "The Hillside Strangler" (which came first a couple of years ago) made sense, was based more in truth and actually delivered the grimness you were expecting ... in this "Rampage" shiite version, there's not a jot of it, the main bit of grimness comes in the first few minutes, and is at times blurred/blacked out - there's even couples rutting each other completely blurred out, and it looks rediculous...and it makes no sense as to why they were blurred out...


Ed Gein 2007 is a complete shedload of shiite. I thought the 2000 version with Steve Railsback as the psycho himself was actually quite good, it was about the man, rather than the crimes ... or a load of piss-poorly-written characters so loosely based on the real people it's the literary equivalent of a Moo-Moo dress.

Railsback suited the character of Gein exactly, physically he suited the character, and characteristically he suited the nutter himself. His performance was timid and quiet, coming from an underpowered and average loner...

What do we have in EG2007? ... *sigh* ... Kane freaking Hodder.

Yes, a guy who'd best be suited doing the body-doubles for Hulk Hogan: The Movie or taking a job as a load-bearing structure. Hodder rocked as Jason Voorhees, but he couldn't be any worse for the role of Gein. It's COMPLETELY THE WORST CASTING I THINK I'VE EVER EVER EVER COME ACROSS.

Timid? Nope. Underpowered? Certainly not. Quiet? Barely. Blatantly a psycho killer when walking around town? Yep. Any good at properly acting? Nope. Are you distracted by his massive neck? Yep.

The film is "based on a true story", but barely any of it makes sense, or is even remotely like the true events. Michael Berryman drops by for a short cameo as Gein's grave robbing cohort (you wot?! :confused:). The famous store owner found deer-hung isn't found headless. Gein's house isn't a hovel caked in bodyparts and decay, it's actually pretty clean ... when you see it for the odd moment. The son of the store owner is now a rookie cop of epic proportions, a whiny little dick who is constantly distracted by his lame girlfriend who just gets in the way and doesn't even flash any boobs, which you'd have been expecting with the way the writing was going...

Speaking of the writing - it's awful. Writer/Producer/Director whatever-his-name-is has just wasted a load of other people's money making a movie that had been properly made 7 years ago by more talented people, and it was covered with at least a modicum of respect back then.

Oh dear, dear, dear ... it's just so bloody bad.

Steer clear of both of these films.

17-Apr-2007, 11:12 PM
Never seen the flicks but i'll make sure to steer clear. I did see a documentary on Ed Gein one time that I thought was fantastic, though.