View Full Version : Ken Livingston - numpty incarnate...

19-Apr-2007, 08:12 PM

First off - Kill Bill? Talk about missing the boat...

Secondly - 24? ... they've already lowered the amount of torture in the latest series (which they were gonna do anyway as they'd used it enough thus far), also, Keifer Sutherland hosted a talk with military personel to lay it on the line to young and dumb soldiers who didn't "get" the use of torture in the show.

Meanwhile I'm sure all other fans of the show understand it's use, no doubt Livingstone hasn't watched the show, it's always someone who hasn't watched/listened/played the media they're bitching about that seems to think it's responsible, meanwhile the actual media consumers are fully aware it's fictional and are fully aware of the difference between that and reality.

And *ahem*, excuse me, but wasn't it under Labour that we ended up with the unhappiest and most disollusioned teenagers in the developed world? :rockbrow: That's right, blame a government that hasn't been in power for 10 years. :rolleyes:

I'm sorry, but I didn't notice unusual levels of disaffection back in the early 1990s ... I don't even think there's that much now, no doubt some increase, but with constant 24 hour news battering you over the head, well ... 24 hours a day, these things get blown out of proportion...there's still a problem to deal with, but somehow I doubt 24 and Kill Bill are to blame. :rolleyes:

Livingstone - what a dick.

20-Apr-2007, 07:57 PM
Ken Livingstone will do anything to get his face on the news, it also takes peoples minds off what a crap job he's doing of being mayor...

20-Apr-2007, 11:04 PM
Maybe that's why Jack Thompson constantly spouts bollocks about videogames, to keep people's minds off his complete inability to be a decent lawyer. Did you see the clip of him on Kotaku?

What a freakin' douchebag, that guy gets his facts so out of order he might as well go and work for that Italian TV station that though Richard Hammond was a car salesman showing off his cars by driving them behind a plane...:rolleyes:

20-Apr-2007, 11:05 PM
MINION! What did I tell you about that website!!

Delete it from your history! For **** sake!!! :rolleyes:

20-Apr-2007, 11:13 PM
WTF you on about? :confused::p:shifty:

21-Apr-2007, 11:22 AM
red ken is a pandering moron.

he's a doctor who fan though, so i'll cut him a bit of slack (i could have called him a retard).

23-Apr-2007, 11:48 AM
mmm... I know lets create congestion charging whilst hiking up the price of public transport, whilst leaving it unrealiable and tell you what when the Olympics come into town lets tell people they should go on holiday so as to not knock out the presently unsuitable PT system. mmm.... With the way things are going I might just take a perm holiday and pay taxes in another country.

Why take anything this guy says seriously

23-Apr-2007, 03:48 PM
He's right though. All that stuff causes people to be violent.

You know why? Because EVERYTHING causes people to be violent!

23-Apr-2007, 05:44 PM
lol, the media-unsavvy fire & brimstone rantings of numpties like ken livingston and jack thompson make me angry, I'd gladly punch them in the nob-headed maw.

Like the BBFC smartly pointed out in some recent research, those who have piss all idea of the cultures behind videogames (or rock music, or horror movies etc) are the ones who bleater on about how sick and disgusting they are (often without even watching/playing them - the mary whitehouse effect basically - yes I am not bothered to capitalise their names, they don't command that sort of respect. :lol:)

23-Apr-2007, 08:00 PM

I like how this guy shoots himself in the foot on so many occasions. Like, for instance, he believes that the guy was playing Counter Strike and that caused him to shoot up the school.

Second, when confronted with this evidence it turns out that the only source is that the guys roommate from four years ago has a vague memory of seeing the shooter playing CS (most of the time he was just writing reports on his computer). And after that there are absolutly no witnesses to suggest that he actually kept playing the game.

But this guy comes to this outrageous conclusion:

The guy was playing CS four years ago, and he's an expert on teenage behavior so he calculates that the guy never stopped playing CS. How does he arrive at this conclusion? Well, he estimates that 80% of the male population plays CS and in his experience "they just don't stop" when they go to College. That's like saying that whoever plays basket for fun is very unlikely to stop playing basket when they enter College. Not enough to base an argument around.
If 80% of male teenagers (or whatever demographic he was referring too) plays shooters, wouldn't it be a fascist thing to do outlaw them? Considering 80% of todays teenagers are NOT killers, they just like to have a good time. Even so, if 80% of todays teenagers are playing shooters, that puts the people who play video games and also commit school shootings in to the extremely unnoticeable minority. It's like saying that swimming every once in awhile will cause you to go berserk, because you could probably link school shootings to the shooter having been swimming at least once or twice the last year.

23-Apr-2007, 08:24 PM
Ug, tell me about it, this guy is a f*cking lunatic, fortunately a couple of news channels have challenged him on his retarded view of the situation - I loved the quote calling him a "massacre chaser", because that's exactly what the scumbag is - check out gamepolitics.com and you'll find a YouTube video of him being confronted with that quote, by the end of the clip you can tell he's steamed.

The guy needs his license to practice law completely revoked, he's a disgusting human being ultimately.

Still, hilarious that Rockstar blocked him from bringing about any attempt to block the sale of their upcoming games (including GTA IV). :lol:

Seriously, the guy needs to get bitchslapped or laid like seriously quickly...