View Full Version : GTA IV Google Map...

20-Apr-2007, 10:45 AM
Someone roughed up a Google map of the GTA IV locale using the real New York state as a template.

It'll no doubt be a bit smaller scale, or somewhat different in the actual game (I believe Rockstar already said that their Manhattan won't be the same size as the real one, I think).

But still, interesting to check out, and further points out why planes would be useless in GTA IV - choppers, on the other hand...

20-Apr-2007, 11:59 AM
Care to share?

20-Apr-2007, 12:10 PM

I coulda sworn I pasted that in when I did the original post, whoops! :p

20-Apr-2007, 05:03 PM
It'll no doubt be a bit smaller scale, or somewhat different in the actual game (I believe Rockstar already said that their Manhattan won't be the same size as the real one, I think).
Yeah Rockstar have pretty much said that GTAIV will have the smallest map yet but have stated that every inch will be filled and that all buildings and objects will be interactive to some degree. That's fine and dandy with me because I've always found the GTA games to be a bit overwhelming. Just like Oblivion; it's nice and all that jazz but it's just a tad too big.

20-Apr-2007, 07:15 PM
pretty much said that GTAIV will have the smallest map yet

Er ... no they haven't ... not that I've seen anyway on GTANews.com ... they did say it's smaller than San Andreas specifically, a bit smaller, but you are spot on with the density, because there were large chunks of San Andreas where it was just empty countryside - it was nice to have, but it isn't completely necessary.

The trailer first of all left me a bit gutted, but after I woke up a bit that morning I liked the trailer better, and as some details have starting seeping in, with the odd pictures (notice how the NPCs all seem to be wearing different outfits :)), I'm popping such a boner for this game now, I cannot f*cking wait for it, as soon as I get my 360, I'm pre-ordering this bitch big style.

Finally - for once I might actually get to play a GTA game along with all the other folk getting it for the first time! :lol: