View Full Version : OK! You should need a license to reproduce!

20-Apr-2007, 01:11 PM

After a while you realise there's just no hope for the human race!

20-Apr-2007, 01:22 PM
Meh, my pop and lots of other kids pops in my old hood used to encourage us to fight. Not to the death or anything but it certainly wasnt unnatural. This journalist sounds like he needs to grow a pair.

20-Apr-2007, 01:27 PM
i may be just 19 but even i know thats bad parenting, you dont do that kinda **** to children, htats more than a little sick.
that said theres the other side of the spectrum with the phelps clan too just two sides of one particularly nasty coin.

20-Apr-2007, 03:17 PM
What's really disgusting is the fact that someone had sex with that fugly woman. :dead:

20-Apr-2007, 03:45 PM
What's really disgusting is the fact that someone had sex with that fugly woman. :dead:

I suppose there are men that cant get any even if they pay.

20-Apr-2007, 03:52 PM
What's really disgusting is the fact that someone had sex with that fugly woman. :dead:

That's a woman!?

20-Apr-2007, 05:43 PM
I suppose there are men that cant get any even if they pay.

"what?, fat chicks need love to.

-but they gotta pay":lol:

20-Apr-2007, 07:35 PM
That is absolutely sickening. If only forced neutering was an option to. She deserves a far tougher sentence, how about 1000 hours of unpaid work, not just 100?

That seriously is disgusting. :( I hope Karma comes along and bites a huge chunk out of her (no doubt) epic sized arse.

20-Apr-2007, 07:54 PM
god she was hideous, never mind 100 hours community service, 100 hours with a bag over her head would have been far more of a service to the community...

20-Apr-2007, 11:08 PM
Evilned beat me to it.

I would like to slap the stupid out of her, just looking at those druggie eyes I know would enjoy it.

21-Apr-2007, 05:40 PM
I like how the reporter said they participated in something unnatural...

but yea, it is pretty...well, stupid...and the mom is a fat cow.

21-Apr-2007, 09:50 PM
something happened in her childhood...

Thats really sickening. Its sad people need a license to get married but can have children freely as they please. I dont get why people who dont appreciate their kids dont just adopt them out or leave them on the doorstep of a hospital or police station.

22-Apr-2007, 10:28 AM
It's at times like these you start to think - maybe China (or was it Japan ... I can't remember) had a good idea with the 1 child per family thing ... but I guess here it could be 2 (unless you end up having twins or whatever, you can't really control that).

It'd stop people from having about 12 kids (which there are in this country, geeeeeez - USE A FREAKING CONDOM!!! TRIPLE BAG THAT THING!!!)

It'd probably get called the Nanny State, but with sh*t like this going on, saying who can and who most definitely shouldn't have kids might be not a bad idea, when sh*t like this is going on...geeeeeez. It'd be harder than hell to draft and enforce though ... perhaps sperm assassination squads could run out there and defertilise unworthy men and women in their sleep like ninjas? :elol::evil:

22-Apr-2007, 04:36 PM
Meh, my pop and lots of other kids pops in my old hood used to encourage us to fight. Not to the death or anything but it certainly wasnt unnatural. This journalist sounds like he needs to grow a pair.

You don't encourage a 2 year old and 3 year old to fight each other. There's something wrong with you if you do.

The husband should get a divorce and these women should never be allowed to see these kids again.

22-Apr-2007, 06:43 PM
You don't encourage a 2 year old and 3 year old to fight each other. There's something wrong with you if you do.

The husband should get a divorce and these women should never be allowed to see these kids again.
I agree. Thats just despicable. Fighting should be an absolute last resort for any age.

23-Apr-2007, 10:24 AM
It'd be harder than hell to draft and enforce though ... perhaps sperm assassination squads could run out there and defertilise unworthy men and women in their sleep like ninjas? :elol::evil:

It A new manga Movie the Supreme De-fertilisation Ninja squad division 12

SDFNS 12 for short

Chic Freak
23-Apr-2007, 08:53 PM
That's a woman!?

Jesus titty christ! My little bro would be jealous of that 'tache!! :lol:

And yeah, how you could watch your 2 year old grandchild crying from getting hit and do nothing is beyond me. I neither have nor want kids and my mothering instinct is still stronger than that.

She says she did similar things to her kids as part of her defence; I'm going to make a leap here and say something similar was most likely done to her :(

That still doesn't explain her inability to diet or wax that damn lip mind :elol:

24-Apr-2007, 04:10 AM
She looks just like my old boss Ziggy (he probably would have agreed with her, tha turd).

So that's where chavs come from. Now it's all so clear...