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20-Apr-2007, 01:23 PM
this is one for the comic book nerds, who is tougher, the origional wolverine or the origional superman?

and by that i mean canadian guy sent to kill the hulk era wolverine and "tall buildings in a single bound" superman. adn leave your krptonite at the door, thsi would be a fiar fight:lol:

edit- just like to point out that "how many times" bit was a copy adn paste error" ignore that bit. its bollox anyway

20-Apr-2007, 01:45 PM
Superman. Even during the "tall buildings" days when he couldn't fly he could still bend metal, take bullets, etc. etc. He would stap Wolverine's three pansy ass fingernails like toothpicks.(I know they're not really nails....it was a joke).

Technically, they're both "men of steel";) , but Supes would kick his hairy little ass all over town.

20-Apr-2007, 02:11 PM
mmm... wolverine, he would get his ass kicked, get back up and get it kicked again till the sun goes down then he has the advantage.

20-Apr-2007, 02:14 PM
that is a good point, even superman runs outta breath after so long, plus wolverines got those animal senses to hide out in woods and stuff and jump him, but then he has a metal skeleton so supes would see him, its such a good match up, definatley a comic crossover id pay to see.

20-Apr-2007, 03:11 PM
That's what I was thinking too.


*A badass mofo with the ability to regenerate and heal himself.
*Has an indestructable skeleton
*can kick some serious ass and continue to come back for more even if he has his ass handed to him (regeneration is a wonderful thing!)
*no known weaknesses (that I know of - someone correct me if i'm wrong here)

However, on the other side, we have (and we're assuming that superman and wolverine are here on planet earth):


*indestructable man of steel. As long as our sun is burning bright, he's indestructable (don't bring kryptonite into this yet, I'll address that in a sec)
*has powers that dwarf anything wolverine is capable of (lasers from eyes, blizzard breath, can fly, etc)
*only weakness is kyrptonite

So, the way I look at it is like this: although superman is the man of steel, I think Wolverine, techinically, would be the tougher opponent. Think about it - wolverine has no known weaknesses, but superman can easily be brought down with kryptonie (although, where do you find that sh*t? a corner store market place? don't think so. :lol:)

Since wolverine also has the capability to heal himself and regenerate parts of his body, I'd say he has the advantage, but a EXTREMELY slight advantage at that. If he gets his ass kicked, he's still going to come back for more. If Superman, however, was weakenedd with kryptonie, his life force would be easily extinguishable.

Advantage: Wolverine.

However, if there was no way to find kryptonite, this would be a stalemate as far as i'm concerned. ;)

Oh, btw, I voted "NERDS!" :lol:

20-Apr-2007, 03:43 PM
wait until sundown beat the crap out of him, when he cant even stand put hinm in a lead lined metal box and drop it in the middle of the ocean with a thousand pounds of weight attached, Superman would still be alive but couldnt do ****. No matter what you do to wolverine he would regenerate, melt him into a puddle and the puddle will reform. I suppose you could defeat wolverine by breaking him apart on a molecular level though.

20-Apr-2007, 04:22 PM
Superman doesn't constantly have to be in the Sun for his powers to work. I think it's more like a battery that charges him up and when his juice runs low, he can simply fly into space or the other part of the Earth.

Speaking of space.....all Supes would have to do is take Wolverine into space and he's done for.

Of course, this would all be the flying Superman and not so much the "tall building" superman. Although the "tall building" superman period didn't last very long at all.

20-Apr-2007, 05:01 PM
Speaking of space.....all Supes would have to do is take Wolverine into space and he's done for.

Good point, bassman - I never even thought about that possibility. :D

20-Apr-2007, 05:37 PM
Wolverine! <swipes claws> "Schnickedy, schnickedy, schnoinch!" :cool:

20-Apr-2007, 07:40 PM
Superman flies up with Wolverine into space and throws him into the sun, then see how much of a superhero he is...:evil: :evil:

20-Apr-2007, 08:07 PM
How's Superman gonna fly after having his arms and legs sliced off by Wolverine's claws?

"Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's SUPERTORSO!" :lol:

"This episode of Superman is sponsored by Brylcreem!"

20-Apr-2007, 08:10 PM
Voted Wolverine simply cos Hugh Jackman is HOT and I think that is how I might rate the rest of these, by the who is hottest train of thought :D

20-Apr-2007, 08:12 PM
How's Superman gonna fly after having his arms and legs sliced off by Wolverine's claws?

"Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's SUPERTORSO!" :lol:

"This episode of Superman is sponsored by Brylcreem!"

He can't have his arms sliced off, man. He's the man of f*cking steel. If anything, Wolverine would break his pretty little nails if he tries to slash Kal El.:p

20-Apr-2007, 08:22 PM
Don't think so... indestructable claws, indestructable full stop. One burn from the Sun and he's instantly healed. All he has to do is chuck a little piece of green booger-like rock at Supe and that's it!

21-Apr-2007, 07:17 AM
dude nerds all the way have you seen revenge of the nerds

21-Apr-2007, 05:31 PM
nothing wrong with being a nerd...

21-Apr-2007, 05:43 PM
There are several comics where they show Supermans hair as being indestructable. So I'm pretty sure his arms are as well!

I can think of several ways Superman can beat Wolverine. One would simply be to fry him with his laser eyes until Wolverine passed out or "died" and then grab his body and chuck him out into space.

Or why not slap him in chains and put a weight on him and toss him into the deep sea. When he reached the very deep sea his body would implode and all that would be left would be his skeleton. If he somehow survived the implosion, he'd still be out of air and never ever in a capacity to break free. So it'd be an eternal prison of... hell. But then again, the human body needs air to function so I think this would surely kill Wolverine.

Another way would be to simply punch Wolverine. Superman can stop a ****ing train with his bare hands. Imagine what kind of power that punch packs. It wouldn't be like the comics where the guy says "oof!" and falls over passed out, Wolverines entire face would be mangled. Superman would be able to tear Wolverines flesh off his skeleton with his mere fingers.

If Wolverine extracted his claws, Superman could just fry them with his laser and the heat would burn Wolverines hands. Also, it wouldn't surprise me if Supermans laser would simply be capable of cutting off Wolverines head, save for the skeleton.

Now, for ways Wolverine can kill Superman. He can find kryptonite, and it's pretty hard to come by. If it was a spontaneous fight, Wolverine would be ****ed. And if it was a planned fight, then Wolverine wouldn't show up because he knew he'd get toast.

21-Apr-2007, 08:34 PM

They'll bicker back and forth till they're blue in the face, they'll re-iterate their opinions back and forth without realising it, then laugh about it, then go back to reiteration-without-realisation. :p:lol: (Yes, I'm included in there, I'm such a nerd for zombies, so shaddup any "nyah!!!!" pokers ... ... well, that sentence made sense to me at least!)