View Full Version : Would you drive to Maryland to see DAWN 78 on the big screen again?

24-Apr-2007, 10:28 PM
PM me to find out more.



24-Apr-2007, 10:33 PM
dont need to ,im getting my ass down to the foree fest in stafforshire this august to do the very same thing:D

25-Apr-2007, 12:45 AM
lol. no.

25-Apr-2007, 03:26 AM
hell yeah... if i had a car.. and was 16

25-Apr-2007, 10:28 AM
hell yeah... if i had a car.. and was 16

i wonder how much it would cost for a ferry to the sates from australia?

25-Apr-2007, 05:44 PM
Cinematic screenings of Dawn aren't that rare anymore. I know of 3 screenings in the UK alone during the last 6 months.

25-Apr-2007, 06:19 PM
If you said the Big Big screen aka DRIVE IN, I would be there:D
I saw aDawn and Day (missed Night) at the museum of television and radio and GAR was there and it rocked so I am satisfied for a few years. One day I'll get to see NOTLD on the silver screen, I hope:)

25-Apr-2007, 06:35 PM
One day I'll get to see NOTLD on the silver screen, I hope:)
They played it at Max Brook's Zombiethon in London recently. I hear the theatrical print of Night looks f**king awesome man.

25-Apr-2007, 09:29 PM
I would love to see it on the big screen again but, I have enought trouble getting a ride just to get the theater 30 minutes away...hours away noo way!! I would love to tho!!
Are they showing Deadlands too? That would be awesome to see it on the big screen too! :)

25-Apr-2007, 09:44 PM
I recently aquired a digital projector (for a mere $100) so we turned my buddies garage into a miniature movie theater; pretty big screen (takes up one whole wall) and seats about 16 people. So lately we've been having double/triple features there. An upcoming one is Night/Dawn/Day. So, to make a short answer really long... no, I wouldn't go down to MD for it. If this were happening before I had gotten my projector I'd say yes.

25-Apr-2007, 11:12 PM
Short of buying my own theater and of course that's not going to happen for about ten years... YES and where?

26-Apr-2007, 01:45 AM
I would do this, but I am going to be a bit short on the cash for the next month or two.

Either way, I am PMing you for more info.

26-Apr-2007, 11:17 AM
Well it is happening this weekend.

PM aka Private Message me for details.

I would love to see it on the big screen again but, I have enought trouble getting a ride just to get the theater 30 minutes away...hours away noo way!! I would love to tho!!
Are they showing Deadlands too? That would be awesome to see it on the big screen too! :)

It would be a triple feature

DAWN 1978, DAWN 2004, and Deadlands: The Rising

Happening as I said this weekend. All in Dolby Digital EX surround.

26-Apr-2007, 05:14 PM
I'm only 7 hours from Marlyland but I probably wouldn't drive an hour to see it on the big screen.

26-Apr-2007, 05:51 PM
I recently aquired a digital projector (for a mere $100) so we turned my buddies garage into a miniature movie theater; pretty big screen (takes up one whole wall) and seats about 16 people. So lately we've been having double/triple features there. An upcoming one is Night/Dawn/Day.
Seriously, that is awesome. "hey guys, lets have a show" like an old Mickey Rooney movie. Sweet!
I used to peoject My 8mm movies on my NEighbors big white garage wall that faced my backyard back in the day.

I'm only 7 hours from Marlyland but I probably wouldn't drive an hour to see it on the big screen.
Have you ever actually seen it on a big screen? It's an event if you havent, and even if you had.

Though I wouldnt drive one block to see Dawn04. I might drive an hour to get away from it:p

26-Apr-2007, 07:03 PM
Have you ever actually seen it on a big screen? It's an event if you havent, and even if you had.

In fact, I have seen it on the big screen (drive-in).

DAWN 04 kicked ass. :cool: To this day; i wonder how so called 'Zombie Fans' insist on trouncing Dawn-04.

26-Apr-2007, 10:56 PM
DAWN 04 kicked ass. :cool: To this day; I wonder how so called 'Zombie Fans' insist on trouncing Dawn 04.
Oh not this old chesnut again. Let's just say we all agree to co-exist. :D

I saw Dawn 04 (see no Yawn like most haterz call it) at the theater twice and I have to say, that on first viewing it was okay. There's no doubt in my mind it's a very cinematic movie and it was great in the sense that it made you watch the entire credit sequence but it just doesn't have the same impact on a small screen. The second time I saw it theatrically, I wanted to leave halfway in. Really, it just looked like an MTV music video. A pure bubblegum movie; which loses it's flavour halfway through.

I try to be optimistic with Day 07 (let's face it haterz, you know you're gonna be watchin' it :sneaky:) but I wont hold my breath. Anyhoo, back to the topic at hand...

28-Apr-2007, 11:36 PM
Well it is happening this weekend.

PM aka Private Message me for details.

It would be a triple feature

DAWN 1978, DAWN 2004, and Deadlands: The Rising

Happening as I said this weekend. All in Dolby Digital EX surround.

That is sweet I wish I could be there but, even if I could go I had a prior comment! :(

28-Apr-2007, 11:50 PM
Oh not this old chesnut again. Let's just say we all agree to co-exist. :D

I saw Dawn 04 (see no Yawn like most haterz call it) at the theater twice and I have to say, that on first viewing it was okay. There's no doubt in my mind it's a very cinematic movie and it was great in the sense that it made you watch the entire credit sequence but it just doesn't have the same impact on a small screen. The second time I saw it theatrically, I wanted to leave halfway though. Really, it just looked like an MTV music video. A pure bubblegum movie; which loses it's flavour halfway through.

I try to be optimistic with Day 07 (let's face it haterz, you know you're gonna be watchin' it :sneaky:) but I wont hold my breath. Anyhoo, back to the topic at hand...

thats a really good analagy of the film, seriously, bang on man.

29-Apr-2007, 12:17 AM
Opinions vary of course.

I remember going in (and I was not one of the few who saw the 'First 6 Minutes') and not expecting too much. But to this day, I absolutely love it.

It is not perfect, but it is Top 5 Zombie Films for me easily. As much as I love Romero's DAWN 78 and and DAY, they are so rudiment and cheesy at times

With DAWNS blue zombies, absurd acting, the silly biker sequence, the overall silly chain of events .... I love it, I really do. But it is hard to watch as an adult with all of it's low-budget silliness and to be honest, not very well directed.

Romero is just not a 'gifted' filmmaker.


Zach's Dawn was all fun. The characters were likable and had personality, it had enough gore to satisfy me, it had great action sequences and a fun atmosphere. It was truly zombie chaos; that opening sequence rules.

It is not perfect, obviously limited by the budget and a producers eye but overall a satisfying filmgoing experience.

I'll say again and again:

You're a zombie fan and you don't dig it ?

How many quality zombie films do we even get ? I can't name 10 GREAT zombie films in film history. I sometimes wonder how much Romero fanboy elitism jades the boards when comapring 78 and 04

My TOP 10 Zombie FIlms

The Return of the Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead 04
Shaun of the Dead
Day of the Dead
Night of the Living Dead 90
Dawn of the Dead 78
28 Weeks Later (Yeah, yeah, not true zombies)
Dead Alive
Night of the Living Dead


When it comes to LAND; man. Romero just dropped the ball on that one. Horrible effin movie. Almost sad.

IMO .02 :eek:

For what is worth; if my filmmaking dream ever happens; I'm making a ZOMBIE EPIC to end all discussions ! :D :D :confused: :o

29-Apr-2007, 12:31 AM
eff no
gas just went up 15 cubits
brits aint sed no personell's been kidnapped

29-Apr-2007, 12:52 AM
I forgot to add

I am driving to MD this fall to watch my beloved Red Sox spank the Orioles! :D :cool:

29-Apr-2007, 02:11 AM
Romero is just not a 'gifted' filmmaker.
In Dawn 04 there were legions of CGI zombies... there was none of that in original. Romero managed to pull of claustrophobia in the sense that the viewer felt surrounded by zombies even though there wasn't thousands onscreen. I think that's pretty 'gifted'. :rolleyes:

29-Apr-2007, 03:00 AM
It (DAWN04) is not perfect, obviously limited by the budget and a producers eye but overall a satisfying filmgoing experience.

Limited by budget? The most expensive zombie movie ever made was limited by budget? That film didn't lack money. It lacked ideas. Just like your shallow analysis of these films.

29-Apr-2007, 03:18 AM
Limited by budget? The most expensive zombie movie ever made was limited by budget? That film didn't lack money. It lacked ideas. Just like your shallow analysis of these films.

Hi ! I appreciate the personal attack; no really. It is just an opinion geek.

Dawn 04 is a fun ride; deal with it.

In Dawn 04 there were legions of CGI zombies... there was none of that in original. Romero managed to pull of claustrophobia in the sense that the viewer felt surrounded by zombies even though there wasn't thousands onscreen. I think that's pretty 'gifted'. :rolleyes:

Again; opinion opinion opinion

Romero simply is not the auteur. Made a couple cool zombiue B grade films ? Yes. Nothing else.

29-Apr-2007, 11:01 AM
Hi ! I appreciate the personal attack; no really. It is just an opinion geek.

How does pointing out the flawed nature of your argument constitute a personal attack? If there's a 'geek' here that should be 'dealing with it', I think I've got a bloody good idea who it is. If you can't handle criticism, maybe you should stop dishing it out, yeah?

29-Apr-2007, 01:12 PM
It would be a triple feature

DAWN 1978, DAWN 2004, and Deadlands: The Rising

Happening as I said this weekend. All in Dolby Digital EX surround.

So this is just a fancy way of saying 'we'll be projecting the DVDs'? I don't think I'd drive across town for that, although I would go to catch the third act :)

29-Apr-2007, 03:54 PM
How does pointing out the flawed nature of your argument constitute a personal attack? If there's a 'geek' here that should be 'dealing with it', I think I've got a bloody good idea who it is. If you can't handle criticism, maybe you should stop dishing it out, yeah?

the flawed nature of my argument ? or was it the shallow analysis ? If I can't handle criticism ? Are we discussing the films here or are we now critisizing eachothers reviews and opinions ?

Are you lame or something ?


Yawn -


Enlighten us on how my opinion (And it is an opinion) is not up to par. Or are you one of those GAR GEEK defenders ?

There is nothing flawed about my take; I can go deeper into a more serious film commentary; but why ?

LAND sucked; DAWN 04 was Hell 'O' Fun. Don't start crying about it; give us some idea of why you disagree ? :confused:

29-Apr-2007, 05:47 PM
So this is just a fancy way of saying 'we'll be projecting the DVDs'? I don't think I'd drive across town for that, although I would go to catch the third act :)

True they are based off DVD's, but... They are not a DVD put into a DVD player and projected in that way, they are actually loaded onto a full size $250,000 Digital Projector that spits out 17,000 LUMENS on a 40ft screen. Shown in HD (720P)

Limited by budget? The most expensive zombie movie ever made was limited by budget? That film didn't lack money. It lacked ideas. Just like your shallow analysis of these films.

Actually Resident Evil 2 had a higher budget.

RE2 - $50,000,000
DAWN 04 - $26,000,000

Opinions vary of course.

I remember going in (and I was not one of the few who saw the 'First 6 Minutes') and not expecting too much. But to this day, I absolutely love it.

It is not perfect, but it is Top 5 Zombie Films for me easily. As much as I love Romero's DAWN 78 and and DAY, they are so rudiment and cheesy at times

With DAWNS blue zombies, absurd acting, the silly biker sequence, the overall silly chain of events .... I love it, I really do. But it is hard to watch as an adult with all of it's low-budget silliness and to be honest, not very well directed.

Romero is just not a 'gifted' filmmaker.

See, I do disagree with you here. Because I still find DAWN 1978 to be the most epic of Romero's 4 dead films. DAWN, to this day still captures for me the horror of a zombie apocalypse. I sit down and see past the blue zombies and see a world in chaos... I world left to the dead.

In the beginning of the movie although you feel like things are out of control, Romero gives you a sense of security by showing the hunting posse's and Nation guard doing their thing, but after Roger passes the feeling has changed. The brilliant thing about DAWN is that you never feel a sense of loss until Petere is out playing Tennis on the roof. When he goes to leave and the ball drops down to street level and you see all those zombies... then the sense of hopelessness kicks in for that film, and that is just one of the most brilliant moments in DAWN 1978.

BTW, The screening went well. Since there was no major advertising for the event a nice amount of people showed up. Everyone had a good time, and seemed to really get into the mood.

The theaters Dolby Digital Sound System really brings a smile to your face when the remixed 5.1 audio of the film starts pumping out into the auditorium.

29-Apr-2007, 06:17 PM
True they are based off DVD's, but... They are not a DVD put into a DVD player and projected in that way, they are actually loaded onto a full size $250,000 Digital Projector that spits out 17,000 LUMENS on a 40ft screen. Shown in HD (720P)

I feel ya. It'd just take some analog 35mm to get me out of the house and separate me from my $7.50.

29-Apr-2007, 06:21 PM
I would take digital over 35mm anyday, especially if you had seen the picture on the screen. This projector makes it look like film and takes all the pristine look of the image and crushes it a bit.

29-Apr-2007, 07:00 PM
This projector makes it look like film

I'd rather see a newly struck print from the remastered negative. Upconverted MPEG-2 compression will never compare to 35mm. Would the upconverted DVD look better than some ratty 35mm print? Sure.

29-Apr-2007, 07:54 PM
i gotta agree, one of my favrouite thigns about cinema is the grainyness of the projection, especially in films like 'ring' its part of the charm and character of actually seeing it in the cinema rather than on your dvd player in your living room.

29-Apr-2007, 08:11 PM
[QUOTE=MikePizzoff;82779]I recently aquired a digital projector (for a mere $100) so we turned my buddies garage into a miniature movie theaterQUOTE]

You lucky, lucky zombie freak!

29-Apr-2007, 08:27 PM

I 100% see what you're saying about DAWN 78's epci feel; I expected more with LAND; more epic, more apacalypse ....


Anyways; It's really splitting hairs at times; a zombie film is a good film usually due to having zombies :D

30-Apr-2007, 07:49 AM
the flawed nature of my argument ? or was it the shallow analysis ? If I can't handle criticism ? Are we discussing the films here or are we now critisizing eachothers reviews and opinions ?

I said DAWN04 lacked ideas but I didn't insult Zack Snyder just like I called bullsh*t on your analysis but I didn't heap sh*t on you. But you're obviously too precious to have made that distinction by immediately crying foul and calling people names and making lame supposition.

Mate, I'm done with you.

01-May-2007, 05:44 PM
Had to do family stuff that night, I was bummed. But life goes on ...Doesnt it?...Or not?
Ahem I am alive you know , I am breathing right now...
I want to eat someones arm. :elol: Its my favorite part.

01-May-2007, 05:49 PM
Was a good turn out, not great but nice all the same. On May 12th they're showing Exorcist and The Omen, then on may 26th... The Lost Boys and John Carpenter's Vampires.

01-May-2007, 05:50 PM
In Dawn 04 there were legions of CGI zombies... there was none of that in original. Romero managed to pull of claustrophobia in the sense that the viewer felt surrounded by zombies even though there wasn't thousands onscreen. I think that's pretty 'gifted'. :rolleyes:

Fragging correct ...I dont know why someone would come to a site where fans that respect someones work and rag on that?:rockbrow:

darth los
13-Jun-2007, 06:16 AM
I'd rather see a newly struck print from the remastered negative. Upconverted MPEG-2 compression will never compare to 35mm. Would the upconverted DVD look better than some ratty 35mm print? Sure.

Uh, WHAT!?! :confused: lol