View Full Version : Something weird today

24-Apr-2007, 10:56 PM
Im not sure if this is THAT dead related but here goes:

Today in psychology class we were watching a video on free will vs determinism debate. Anyway one of the cases listed was of a mister Garabidian.

Mister Garabidian worked at a large chemical plant constantly dealing with chemicals but when a new instecticide was brought to the plant he worked at he suffered burning eyes and headaches.

After a week from his first exposure to the insecticide he developed Dioherrea aswell as very bad Nightmares. According to accounts he was a fairly friendly dosile sort of a guy but after his exposure to this insecticide in the following weeks he became very violent and angry. He argued with his younger sister and shoved her around.

Things turned nasty when on a sales call Mister Garabidian took a leak down the side of a house because he thought the owners away. The female owner came out and yelled at him, basically he beat her to death then threw several large rocks at this womans face. He says he could see it happening but he couldnt controll it, this rage constantly heightening since he had come into contact with this insecticide.

Court found him guilty and he went to jail. Maybe the guy was pulling the leg of the courts trying to get out but the thing that got me was the same insecticide used by Gardbidian also led to similair incidents around the country.

One account was of a Harvard professor who sprayed his cat. The cat was apparently very lazy in the past being a stereotypical "fat cat" but after exposure to the insecticide took to killing birds, rodents and other cats aswell as attacking dogs and the owner. The professor himself found himself becoming excessivly violent and argumentative with his wife.

Could just be the romero gene going "Dude, this is weird" but this seems a little like the rage from 28 days? Takes a while to build up and the chemicals do burn out but I still think its fuggin crazy that there was an insecticide on the market all around the US that caused extreme rage and acts of violence.

Maybe its jus the psychology video giving it a intresting twist but there was alot of science studying the effect of the drugs on the human brain and it seemed TOO possible.

25-Apr-2007, 04:10 PM
Im not sure if this is THAT dead related but here goes:

Today in psychology class we were watching a video on free will vs determinism debate. Anyway one of the cases listed was of a mister Garabidian.

Mister Garabidian worked at a large chemical plant constantly dealing with chemicals but when a new instecticide was brought to the plant he worked at he suffered burning eyes and headaches.

After a week from his first exposure to the insecticide he developed Dioherrea aswell as very bad Nightmares. According to accounts he was a fairly friendly dosile sort of a guy but after his exposure to this insecticide in the following weeks he became very violent and angry. He argued with his younger sister and shoved her around.

Things turned nasty when on a sales call Mister Garabidian took a leak down the side of a house because he thought the owners away. The female owner came out and yelled at him, basically he beat her to death then threw several large rocks at this womans face. He says he could see it happening but he couldnt controll it, this rage constantly heightening since he had come into contact with this insecticide.

Court found him guilty and he went to jail. Maybe the guy was pulling the leg of the courts trying to get out but the thing that got me was the same insecticide used by Gardbidian also led to similair incidents around the country.

One account was of a Harvard professor who sprayed his cat. The cat was apparently very lazy in the past being a stereotypical "fat cat" but after exposure to the insecticide took to killing birds, rodents and other cats aswell as attacking dogs and the owner. The professor himself found himself becoming excessivly violent and argumentative with his wife.

Could just be the romero gene going "Dude, this is weird" but this seems a little like the rage from 28 days? Takes a while to build up and the chemicals do burn out but I still think its fuggin crazy that there was an insecticide on the market all around the US that caused extreme rage and acts of violence.

Maybe its jus the psychology video giving it a intresting twist but there was alot of science studying the effect of the drugs on the human brain and it seemed TOO possible.
sounds more like something from 28 days/weeks later.

25-Apr-2007, 04:25 PM
uhh yeah... thats exactly what he says at the end of the post, more like 28 days than what?:|

26-Apr-2007, 09:47 PM
than Full Metal Jacket? Lol Just thought it was weird that there was a chemical that caused rage mild compared to 28 days but to have something go from the screen to reality is a bit like " Oh shizzle mah nizzle not bitch"

29-Apr-2007, 04:01 AM
I think it could be mere coincidence. There's a lot of cases of people just turning into a person they aren't normally in a fit of rage and it could be attributed to any number of additions to their diet or enviroment. But I can't say definitively that it would be likely this substance would actually turn a person into someone else and make them attack another person. Why wouldn't he react in the same manner as the feline and attack everything? And as far as the cat is concerned i've known personally many a cat who were the epitome of fat and lazy who killed every thing they could get their paws on and attacked dogs. My cat snowball as a kid was more like snowmountain he was like 20 pounds and just obese. To this day I dont know he did it but he actually balanced all his weight on his tiny little legs on top of my Explorer's side mirror and stood there for several minutes. He even climbed up a poplar tree that was 2-3 stories high. He was lazy as hell but killed everything and constantly attacked my Akita who of course amazingly never once killed the fat guy. It was strange.

But yeah as I was saying it affected the animal differently from the man and that doesn't make sense. And there's any number of contributing factors that we aren't aware of because we can't examine any changes to his diet or exteror changes. Same goes for the cat. I'm a skeptic with all things but I like to think of myself as being objective. This substance sounds intriguing and I'll try to find more on it.

darth los
26-Jun-2007, 02:46 AM
The permeation of various drugs and chemicles into our everyday lives is disturbing because we don't know all the side effects of them, especially long term. We're doping these kids up with ritalin and such without knowing what will happen years down the road. So it's totally possible, who knows. It does sound more like the rage from 28 days later though.

26-Jun-2007, 11:08 PM
hey theres fungi in the amazon that latch onto an ants brain and force it to climb adn tree and die so it grows out the skull for better sunlight, if that possible damn near anything is.

darth los
26-Jun-2007, 11:16 PM
that's crazy. Although nothing beats those parasites that are in the amazon river that swim up the pee hole in your johnson and set up shop. That's true horror my friends. :eek:

26-Jun-2007, 11:22 PM
yeah except they only swim up your 'pee hole' when you piss in the water... a lesson for kids who do that freshwater or not...

darth los
26-Jun-2007, 11:24 PM
yeah except they only swim up your 'pee hole' when you piss in the water... a lesson for kids who do that freshwater or not...

That will get any guys ttention. How the hell do you get that thing out of there anyway/ AMPUTATION!?! :eek: I'd rather have anything else cut off than that. I'd might as well be dead. :(

26-Jun-2007, 11:26 PM
well its a parasite so i'm sure there's got to be some kind of medication that would kill it off... like when your pet gets worms and you give them a pill and then their dead lifeless bodies come out in their excrement... so let that be a lesson kiddies... up through the pee hole out through the crap hole :lol:

darth los
26-Jun-2007, 11:28 PM
Out the crap hole!! Yet another taboo. Some things just have too steep a price tag.