View Full Version : Darth Vader of the new millenium?

29-Apr-2007, 10:32 PM
So far, who is the Darth Vader of the new millenium? And by that, I mean, the most kick ass villain which is most fun to quote while standing in line, joking with your friends or any of that stuff.

29-Apr-2007, 10:38 PM
Of the new milliennium? Hmmm ...

Agent Smith? Certainly in the Top Five anyway...everybody's done an Agent Smith impression!

29-Apr-2007, 10:41 PM
Jesus you posted before I even had the options up! Scared the crap out of me!

29-Apr-2007, 10:43 PM
Jesus you posted before I even had the options up! Scared the crap out of me!
That's because I'm super-duper-serial-awesome ... I'm fast like Neo! *zoooooom ... ZOOOOOOOOM*

Yes ... I have just watched all the Matrix films and The Animatrix over the weekend (Reloaded and Revolutions today) *gasps*

29-Apr-2007, 10:44 PM
I voted Agent Smith too. Why? Because he's definetly the coolest villain, maybe even cooler than Darth Vader himself. You can end any sentence with "Mr. Anderson" in a monotone voice and everybody will know.

29-Apr-2007, 11:09 PM
Totally agent smith, i think he ties with vader as the baddest, most iconic, imtimidating and all around badass of sci-fi-dom.:cool:

my favourite smith line would be the one from the revolutions trailer:

"mr anderson welcome back, weeee missed you!"

30-Apr-2007, 12:31 AM

George Bush ?

30-Apr-2007, 12:33 AM
I picked other. I have no other charcter in mind but there wasn't one on that list that comes close to replacing Vader as the ultimate bad guy. The list was bang on though, just none that I really like.

30-Apr-2007, 10:11 AM

Tell me, Mr. Anderson, what good is a phone call ... when you are unable ... to ... speak? :rockbrow::evil:

Do you hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability.


30-Apr-2007, 02:59 PM
oh come on cap, anderson blatantly kicks ass!

30-Apr-2007, 03:10 PM
I picked other. I have no other charcter in mind but there wasn't one on that list that comes close to replacing Vader as the ultimate bad guy. The list was bang on though, just none that I really like.

I'm with you on this one....

30-Apr-2007, 05:41 PM
oh come on cap, anderson blatantly kicks ass!
*ahem* Yes he does, but not as a villain. :sneaky::p:D

Agent Smith, yeah. :p

30-Apr-2007, 06:20 PM
yeah didnt really follow ti through did i?, point was neo was "the one" with almost god like power over the matrix world, yet he had trouble beating smith.

...wait in fact he didnt really beat him did he?

weras vader whent all emo at the end so yeah, smith is better than vader any day.

30-Apr-2007, 09:49 PM
Not necessarily, Smith was off doing his thing while Neo was busy doing other sh*t and traveling to the machine cinema...

*distracted by Ricky Gervais: Politics ... "leg mental" :lol: ... it's so 'wrong' but it's so funny*

...so he was just distracted. I guess Neo was tag-teaming with the Oracle ... sort of, but really Smith made his own downfall after being corrupted by his own power, he absorbed one too many and he got f*cked up from inside with a little help from the Matrix itself giving a jolt through Neo who gave him a damn good kicking in a really cool way...

Darth Vadar is really iconic through the 'asthma' and in silhouette, and that's a key thing to a really good baddie...and with Smith you've got the suit, the shades and the voice. Heck, his feet walk through in a close up and you know who it is ... Darth Vadar couldn't quite carry off the iconic hush puppy routine. :D

There are some really good baddies in that list, but none of them are as iconic nor have as much screen time as Smith ... heck, he converts almost the entire population of the Matrix to his army-o-smith's ... :stunned:

01-May-2007, 12:14 AM
oh come on cap, anderson blatantly kicks ass!
Nope, The Matrix series is pure garbage. :dead:

01-May-2007, 02:08 AM
okay *rolls up sleeves*, you had to go there:D , if the matrix trilogy sucks, what makes the star wars trilogy superior, the plot had been done in one form or another dozens of times before, especially in asian cinema, lucas just added flashy lights and lasers.

and now i wait for a retort:p

01-May-2007, 06:32 AM
Sorry, but there will never be a villian more iconic than Lord Vader.

I liked The Matrix, but it's sequels were not very good. As a trilogy it is not even comparable to the Star Wars Original Trilogy.

The last two Matrix films are nothing but an orgy of differing philosophical ideals that were compacted and spit out to make money off of the popularity of the first one. They did have kick ass special effects added, but overall as a trilogy its kind of sad.

Woah... I know kung fu

01-May-2007, 09:58 AM
Having recently been through all the films (and the Animatrix) over the course of a weekend, here's my thoughts:

The Matrix - legendary, nuff said.

The Animatrix - superb little stories, really adds depth to the Matrix itself in new and exciting ways, neat little stories like the one about the anomaly where kids go to play, or the noir-like "Detective Story"

The Matrix: Reloaded - shoved up it's own arse with fancy words (*sigh* The Architect barely makes a lick of sense), philosophy and complex thought, a bit is fine, but it was too saggy around the balls ... however, the freeway sequence was fantastic, as was the Burly Brawl...otherwise, all second act 'setting up' after the first film does first act 'establishing' business.

The Matrix: Revolutions - being 10 minutes shorter makes a surprising difference, as does sucking out a lot of the hoity-toity philosophy and just sticking to more visual philosophy & such (like when Neo blows his load in the machine city). The coat check lobby fight was superb, the battle in Zion's dock was great - especially on the big screen (I came out with shellshock! :eek:) and finally - CONCLUSION.

The third film also had more style and flair than the second, so it was more like the first film which had some really fantastic compositions (the fight between Neo and Smith - which was excellent by the way - was one such sequence which returned to the visual splendour of the first film).

First film is the best, easily, and then Revolutions is the best out of the two back-to-back sequels. The Animatrix is also rather spiffing.

*rolls down sleeves ... goes to watch porn* :p

As for people who are voting "other", who exactly do you lot have in mind? :rockbrow: I'm too lazy to go re-look, but I don't remember any alternatives being tossed off out there. :sneaky:

01-May-2007, 02:52 PM
I like the Matrix films. They're different, they're cool, they're action packed, they've got great atmosphere, they're creative. I think Reloaded and Revolution complete each other perfectly. The final fight in Revolutions is EPIC.

01-May-2007, 03:11 PM
word byatch!:D

if i hd to pick an "other" though id say.... err........

.....gimme a minute.

..... bill nighty in underworld was allright, but my vote still goes for agent smith.

01-May-2007, 04:06 PM
As for people who are voting "other", who exactly do you lot have in mind? :rockbrow: I'm too lazy to go re-look, but I don't remember any alternatives being tossed off out there. :sneaky:

I voted other simply because I can't see ANY character having an impact like Vader. Those are some big shoes to fill.

01-May-2007, 04:55 PM
Nighy in Underworld? :lol:

The dude's cool, but the movie is comparitively so throw away (although I dug the first film, good popcorn fun), but the second movie was a complete load of turd. Nighy was let down by the source material he was working from ... an energizer bunny has more menace. :D

Woooo, Agent Smith!

*walks around in semi-slow motion with shades on and a sharp suit ... cracks neck ...* now I just need someone to play Neo and then I've got some serious playtime goin' on...:p:D

01-May-2007, 05:07 PM
must....resist.....urge to make....gay....innuendo...joke.......heh......"in-you end-o"......l.....o....l.....:lol:

01-May-2007, 05:57 PM
and now i wait for a retort:p
Nah, each to their own, I grew up with Star Wars but I'm not a true lover anymore. I fell asleep halfway through the first Matrix, even got a refund from the cinema too.

As for people who are voting "other", who exactly do you lot have in mind? :rockbrow: I'm too lazy to go re-look, but I don't remember any alternatives being tossed off out there. :sneaky:

I have no other charcter in mind but there wasn't one on that list that comes close to replacing Vader as the ultimate bad guy. The list was bang on though, just none that I really like.
Specsavers mate. :D

01-May-2007, 06:48 PM
darth vader will always be the ultimate movie villain, no body has even come close to the sheer menace he conveys whenever he appears...:evil: :evil:

01-May-2007, 09:52 PM
Lazy-savers more like, was too lazy to have a look, and wasn't being specific to you...nyah! :p:sneaky:

And I'm going to my "own" and "each" the sh*t out of it! :lol::lol:

01-May-2007, 11:29 PM
Darth Vader was evil in the first two flicks, but he lost strength in the third one. Agent Smith, however, peaked in the third one!

01-May-2007, 11:34 PM
^ which is why i think, if he doesnt out do him, smith is at least on par with vader, i mean take away his SS helmet and he loses his menace.

and yeah capn ,i used to be "gay for star wars" too.

Then i saw phantom menace, worst sequel made by a director ever, though i think overadvertising had a part to play in that.

02-May-2007, 02:14 AM
As for people who are voting "other", who exactly do you lot have in mind? :rockbrow: I'm too lazy to go re-look, but I don't remember any alternatives being tossed off out there. :sneaky:

I voted for "other" simply because there was not an option for "None of the Above" as I do not believe there has been another villain that is more iconic than Darth Vader yet.

02-May-2007, 02:31 AM
oh i beg to differ.



Dare you look into the face of pure evil?:lol:

02-May-2007, 03:01 PM
Meh, I liked the first Matrix movie, and I liked "parts" of Reloaded and Revolutions, but out of the ones listed in the poll (not including "other" :D), Smith takes the cake.

...and Darth Vader never really scared me nor seemed like this monumental villan to me for the most part - then again, I was fairly young (born in '71) when the first star wars came out, even though I saw it in the theatres.

"I'd like to share a... a revelation I had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals.

Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but...you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area.

There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Humans beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet...and we are the cure."

Don't you find that little speech funny considering it was delivered by Agent Smith, but at the same time, in Revolutions and Reloaded, Smith actually becomes a virus himself within The Matrix? What a strange juxtaposition. I likey. :D

02-May-2007, 05:37 PM
did vader have a speech that cool?, hell no, if i ask someone to give me a vader quote and then go "ah!- but not, you are part fo the rebel alliance, or luke i am your father" and theres stumped, all of smiths dialogue is quote gold.