View Full Version : Can anyone tell me about

30-Apr-2007, 06:47 AM
the Zombie-A-GoGo blog (http://zombie-a-gogo.blogspot.com/)?

I've never heard of it, but they detailed a project I was part of (which wasn't really public) and I wondered how they got their information. Is it someone from here, maybe? :rockbrow:

30-Apr-2007, 07:38 AM
Yeah, who's responsible? :rockbrow:

30-Apr-2007, 07:56 AM
we have a rat.

30-Apr-2007, 11:14 AM
kmeadows@zombiestudies.org appears to be the blog author

30-Apr-2007, 12:59 PM
Thats a good site,....

30-Apr-2007, 01:39 PM
They have an account here at HPOTD Zombie-A-GoGo http://forum.homepageofthedead.com/member.php?u=233

30-Apr-2007, 02:55 PM
good work eyebiter. the rat has been found.

30-Apr-2007, 04:27 PM
Thanks Eyebiter. That makes sense. Actually, Ms. ZAGG seems to have accounts on every damned horror and zombie forum out there. This also seems to be where she gets the bulk of her info...

Now, while that may seem a practical thing, the reality is (and not to get on a high horse here) the project I worked on was described via a direct quote I made on these forums. I'd like to think that if a member of hpotd was going to post something like that, they would at the very least ask me first. I'd hate to see some blogger roll through here and scoop up a quote about anyone's stuff without permission. I mean, DJ and Co. have made a few joking remarks about their own film...I doubt that would be how they would want it tagged...:shifty:

Not that anything bad was said about my project. I just would have wanted to describe it a bit differently than I did here...

Andy, do we have a rule about this?

Chic Freak
30-Apr-2007, 04:46 PM
I don't think you can really stop people quoting stuff you put in the public domain, but they should have referenced where they got it.

30-Apr-2007, 05:09 PM
I'll say this though; if a person is going to run a blog of this style, a review/informative blog, then they should be doing it one of two ways.

One: take the time to visit the sites, view the movies, read the stories, etc. that you are posting about and make an honest editorial review. Or,

Two: contact the individuals involved and garner the correct info.

Now, again, nothing bad was said about my project. It's simply that I would have described it differently to the general populace than I would have to say, you folks here.

Simply wandering the internet and slicing and dicing quotes from forums regarding things seems a fairly irresponsible way of conducting a review site. Of course, thats just my humble opinion. :evil: