View Full Version : Who remembers this?

30-Apr-2007, 07:46 AM
Blood Sucking Freaks is a 1976 horror film, sometimes considered a horror comedy.

Shot under the title Sardu: Master of the Screaming Virgins, it was retitled The Incredible Torture Show during its original theatrical run. Film distributor Troma Entertainment retitled the film Blood Sucking Freaks (sometimes spelled Bloodsucking Freaks) upon their acquisition of it. The film based on the Wizard of Gore from Herschell Gordon Lewis. It was featured in the 2004 documentary The 50 Worst Movies Ever Made.

As the film was controversial and violent, the group Women Against Pornography convinced the MPAA to refuse to rate Blood Sucking Freaks. It was later cut to receive an R-rating but distributor Troma decided to slip the original unrated cut to theaters as if it were the R-rated version. When the MPAA discovered this they sued for misuse of their rated R trademark.

The plot centers on an S&M/Grand Guignol-style theatre run by Master Sardu and his midget assistant, Ralphus. In keeping with the Grand Guignol-style, the theatre puts on grotesque shows about torture and murder. What neither the audiences nor the critics know is that the shows are not staged but real. Moreover the naked women who appear to be tortured, dismembered and even killed during the performances are not actresses but kidnap victims who are made into slaves.

Theatre critic, Creasy Silo, incurs Sardu's wrath by mocking his pretensions of art. Sardu responds by kidnapping and torturing Silo in the hopes that he will give the show a positive review, and by kidnapping ballerina Natasha DeNatalie in order to force her to participate in shows and thereby lend the shows an increased level of artistic legitimacy. This leads to the second major plotline of the film, in which Natasha's football-player boyfriend Tom Maverick and corrupt policeman Detective Tucci try to find Natasha and unravel the mystery of Sardu's operation.

As the film progresses we learn that Sardu is involved in white slavery and keeps a group of naked, almost feral, women in a cage in the basement of the theatre. The film intercuts between scenes of Tom Maverick and Detective Tucci attempting to find Natasha DeNatalie and scenes of Sardu and Ralphus torturing their captives and attempting to brainwash DeNatalie and Silo so that they will participate in the theater productions. As is common in the genre, the film ends with Sardu getting his comeuppance at the hands of his former captives.

Though many have criticized writer/director Joel M. Reed for the depravity of the film, the impetus for the film came not from any interest of his own in sadomasochism, but from the fact that patrons of an actual S&M theatre were expressing interest in putting up funding for such a film.
I thought this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_Sucking_Freaks) was a good laugh, anyone remember it?

30-Apr-2007, 07:57 AM
50 worst movies ever made. thats a bummer

no curse being born in 88

30-Apr-2007, 02:31 PM
lol yep, classic.

weirdly enough i uploaded a clip of that movie to youtube a week or so ago


30-Apr-2007, 02:59 PM
wtf whats with the..nvm

30-Apr-2007, 03:01 PM
nvm? is that a politically correct term for a midget?

30-Apr-2007, 03:05 PM
nvm = NeVerMind

30-Apr-2007, 03:22 PM
ahhh gotcha

the whole movie is like that...

30-Apr-2007, 03:28 PM
ho'kay!, *backs slowly out of thread, then breaks into a run, out the door, across the lawn and drives off in a car, whilst capn runs out with a shotgun screaming how ive "seen too much!"*:lol:

30-Apr-2007, 04:56 PM
I own this movie. Don't think I ever made it through the entire thing haha.

01-May-2007, 12:11 AM
Man it's quite short, something like 70 odd minutes so you should definitely give it a whirl. There's a funny scene where a surgeon shaves off some woman's hair, drills into her head and sucks her brains out with a straw... now that's legendary. :cool:

Even for a piece of s**t.

01-May-2007, 12:15 AM
thats actually kinda cool