View Full Version : Scariest thing I've ever experienced

01-May-2007, 08:09 PM
I went on vacation last week to Southern California(including a day at KNB efx!) and did something I've always wanted to do and I will never forget it. Has anyone on here ever gone skydiving? Wow. The biggest rush I'v ever felt in my life. Anyone else ever do this?

01-May-2007, 08:22 PM
No but ive got a mate who's done it and he says exactly the same as you!i'd definately like to do it!he said they jumped from high enough to see an ever so slight curve in the earths surface as well :cool:

02-May-2007, 12:12 AM
Anybody got a dry Pamper?
just keep DjFunk away from the chute packing process!

slight curve in the earth?lol the horizon?

02-May-2007, 12:33 AM
At one time in my life I could have been talked into doing this; this was during the same period when I was surfing California winter surf --

until dusk.

Let us say since then I've married and have a 7 year old. Something about having a son that makes me a more mellow guy.

Scariest things I have done ?

Paddled into 20' faces at Sunset Cliffs (Google it) and lived to talk about it.


Would I do it again ?

See above !

Honorable mentions

Scuba Diving to a depth of 120' (scared but fun nervousy)
Skateboarded down

I also was a Repoman for 2.5 years as a young 20 something. Had some scary moments (Guns, dogs, crazy big guys)

Getting married.

Watching my son being born


Oh yeah; I was involved in some S&R in the Alutian Sea in some gnarly nighttime storms. Waves coming over the bow ... crazy ****. Yeah, scared.

02-May-2007, 01:00 AM
i love sky diving!!

02-May-2007, 01:11 AM
I had this girlfriend who was all crazy over sky diving.....she did it regularly and was on her way to being certified....she really wanted me to do it with her.....

I was like "uh yeah sure" ....but with no intention in doing it, she was hot and crazy as hell so I didnt want to prematurely end my fun....

So yeah....Skydiving seems completely awsome and I would love to do it...Im just too terrified of dying to ever try it....

02-May-2007, 01:27 AM
i can honestly say i think i would find my boxers drentched in piss by the time i reached the ground.

i aint so good with hieghts. - oh **** now cap'n knows my weakness!:eek:

i think thats the first time ive swore on here in a good while.

02-May-2007, 01:33 AM
Sometimes things people do that could result in death (no, not freak accident slike automobile or falls, et al) seem really dumb after the fact:

"He/She died doing what?"

What = (Insert any of the following)

Surfing, diving, jumping out of a perfectly good air plane, auto racing at 200 mph, cliff climbing (without line), shark diving, zombie hunting

well you get the picture.

02-May-2007, 02:18 AM
Surfing, diving, jumping out of a perfectly good air plane, auto racing at 200 mph, cliff climbing (without line), shark diving, zombie hunting

Yeah I dont do any of those things.....

Only thing I got if I died from a freak hockey accident.....

02-May-2007, 02:42 AM
Yeah I dont do any of those things.....

Only thing I got if I died from a freak hockey accident.....

Heh heh

Me too. Totally mellow; DANGER WILL ROBINSON !

My goals in life are being with son.

02-May-2007, 10:49 AM
i can honestly say i think i would find my boxers drentched in piss by the time i reached the ground.

i aint so good with hieghts. - oh **** now cap'n knows my weakness!:eek:

i think thats the first time ive swore on here in a good while.
Don't worry, I'll join forces with you Hellsing, I can't be doing with heights either, I've got a big balance problem above my own height and then properly high (to me at least - which could just be up a ladder) sh*ts me up.

A mate of mine at uni went sky diving for his 21st, we went along with him - to watch anyway, haha - and I filmed it from the ground. He said it was well cold up there, and the straps were tugging on his bollocks, but he loved it ... though he felt really silly when he had to sit on the dude's lap. :lol: He was pleading that the dude didn't have a boner or something when he sat down, hahaha...

I'd be too worried to do it myself I think, same goes for bungee jumping ... the whole "I could just got splat right about now" feeling...

02-May-2007, 04:25 PM
We jumped from 13,000 feet over Otay Lake in San Diego. We could see Mexico as we were free falling. It was very wild. My girlfriend, Renee, jumped before I did and the look of sheer terror on her face right before she went out the plane door is burned into my memory forver. I'm sure I looked the same when I went out the plane door as well. It makes you realize just how small and insignificant we really are being in that position. If you have never done it, I highly suggest you try it. You will feel like a different person.

02-May-2007, 05:50 PM
i aint so good with hieghts. - oh **** now cap'n knows my weakness! :eek:
<casts level 10 vertigo spell> BOOONNNGGG!!!

02-May-2007, 09:53 PM
he said bong

Chic Freak
02-May-2007, 10:04 PM
Skydiving seems completely awsome and I would love to do it...Im just too terrified of dying to ever try it....

My feelings exactly :P Not to mention that I don't go well with heights due to a fear of falling. I want to compare my exciting stories of defying death with everyone else but I'm lame and I don't have any.

The scariest times of my life that spring to mind are:

1) my driving test, and
2) my 2nd year uni exams

... both of which times I was so scared I actually thought I might wet my pants.

I'm thinking that situations that actually are dangerous might not be suitable for me :P