View Full Version : So, 'Die Hard 4' being edited down to a PG13 :) LOL!

03-May-2007, 03:32 PM

03-May-2007, 03:48 PM
probably means it will be even worse than we expected...

03-May-2007, 04:01 PM
What’s John McClane’s trademark catch phrase? “Yippee-ki-yay, mother****er,” right? Well now he can only say it once, because you can only say **** once in a PG-13 movie.

He only said the catch phrase once in each previous film, anyway.:rockbrow:

This does suck, though. Maybe it's not 100% official yet. Either way....I'll be there when it's released.

03-May-2007, 04:09 PM
oh i pray to god they dont try to make it a 12A over here, die hard should be a 15 at the least.

03-May-2007, 04:29 PM
There has always been lots of profanity in the Die Hard films. If they make it PG-13, it will suck and not worth watching.

03-May-2007, 04:56 PM
Yippee-ki-yay, mothertrucker!

03-May-2007, 05:14 PM
Classic, they should make it a PG! :D

03-May-2007, 05:36 PM
AICN , and this guy are talking ****. There is no fcuking way on god's green earth they would water down a Die Hard film. This is some bullsh!t rumor I guarantee it.

03-May-2007, 05:38 PM
I take it you feel quite strongly about it Deej old bean? :D

03-May-2007, 05:41 PM
It would be a sad day if the edited the movie to a PG-13.

I, however, agree with Dj. There is no way on God's green earth they are going to make DH4 anything less than an "R".

At least I hope so.

But what do I know. :lol:

03-May-2007, 06:01 PM
What's the point in editing down for PG-13 when any random adult can take a shedload of kids to see an R anyway?! Just pay a hobo like on South Park, geez.

Die Hard is supposed to be about violence and blood and swearing, and even though he only says that line once, he still says "f*ck" a lot. Die Hard is an "R" movie, nuff said.

I hate all this 'edit down' bullsh*t, leave it be ... leave it be! *looks all crazy like a drunk Irishman stuck down a mine* :rockbrow:

03-May-2007, 06:36 PM
It would suck, no doubt. But at least we would still get the uncut version on DVD.

03-May-2007, 06:56 PM
I really hope this isn't true and they're just trying to blow smoke up everyone's arse.

03-May-2007, 06:58 PM
I want the UNCUT Version in theaters.This is bullsh!t! These studios watering down films just to make more money. This is DIE HARD for christ's sake. You don't edited down Bruce Willis' Language just so some 12 yr old who already calls someone a muthfcuker, can't blame it on the movie. God, forget parenting now a days. The movies have become the new parent.

It is ok to blow sh!t up but hell be damned he say MutherFcuker just so they can squeeze 20 more people in seats.

Oh yes Capn, I am super pissed about this if it is true. They better make that ****er an R, or I will burn my entire Die Hard Collection cause I can't bear the thought of the best 80's action hero ever to hit the big screen being told to keep it clean for the kiddies.

Sorry neil about the Language... rant over. :mad:

03-May-2007, 07:58 PM
wouldnt suprise me. wasnt alien vs predator a 12 over here? i mean w.t.f. an ALIEN movies with PREDATORS in it and it wasnt an 18. get lost.

03-May-2007, 08:57 PM
I'm speechless

03-May-2007, 09:06 PM
I think Alien VS Predator was a 15 here in the UK, but a PG-13 in Americaland, right?

Usually a PG-13 gets rated 15 over here, well, probably 50/50, just depends on the content.

Their PG-13 is probably harder than our 12, but our 15 can be much tougher.

*ug* Die Hard needs to at least be a 15, it should be an 18, that's a proper movie. There's too much neutering going on, AvP was a complete and utter pile of sh*t, both flicks in their original incarnation (the Alien saga, the Predator flicks) were balls to the wall.

Kids say all sorts of filth, I said basically everything aside from "the big C" when I was 8 years old. My first day at my new primary school and I got the low-down from my male peers, "these are the words you need to know" basically, kinda hilarious when I look back, but I was swearing like a trooper from a very young age, I still swear a shedload...did a movie inspire me? Nope, it was my peers - *gasps* BAN CHILDREN!!! :stunned:

03-May-2007, 10:32 PM
oh my god im so not going to see this movie

04-May-2007, 01:20 AM
Oh yes Capn, I am super pissed about this if it is true. They better make that ****er an R, or I will burn my entire Die Hard Collection cause I can't bear the thought of the best 80's action hero ever to hit the big screen being told to keep it clean for the kiddies.
Well Deej, I've just come back from a major piss up (Harvey Wallbangers :dead:) and some kid up the bar was prattling about the same thing. I think it's the same news all round; PG-13 in the US and a 15 in the UK. Damn, this has to be catastrophic for McClaine fans...

Target audience? :confused:

(no Liam, it ain't Manson)

04-May-2007, 04:58 AM
"Yippie ki-Yay Butthole"

04-May-2007, 02:41 PM
Please don't change his catch phrase. If you're going to post the most pfamous of all catch phrases do it correctly.

Just to wash the stain of the PG-13 rumor out of my mind I had to watch Die Hard 1 this morning. How do 20th century fox claim this new entry is going to be better than part 1, especially if it is PG-13. I am sorry, I need John McClane cussing like a sailor on shore leave, and I need that catch phrase intact. John is a Ny-er, anyone who has ever been to NY knows that town is far from PG-13. If the town itself had to be rated it would be more NC-17 than R.

If they're smart they will leave it R rated, and this way the audience will cheer when the famous line makes its debut in the film.

Yippie Ki-Yay MutherFcuker :D

04-May-2007, 04:40 PM
If they're smart they will leave it R rated, and this way the audience will cheer when the famous line makes its debut in the film.

Yippie Ki-Yay MutherFcuker :D

I cheered when he said it in the trailer before "Grindhouse".:lol:

04-May-2007, 05:38 PM
Hopefully the distributors will see sense and not "do a Weinstein" (they really pissed me off with their decision over Grindhouse, and yep - as I'd thought, Total Film are already non-plussed at the decision, as seen in their latest mag which loves the film as-is, by the way)...

Anyway, Die Hard 1 will always rule all the other Die Hards, the first is also my favourite Christmas movie EVER, it's like compulsive viewing for the Yuletide season! :cool:

04-May-2007, 10:06 PM
How do 20th century fox claim this new entry is going to be better than part 1, especially if it is PG-13.
'Cos a PG-13 rated movie will appeal to a wider audience, put more bums on seats and therefore earn 20th Century Fox a s**tload of cash in the process. :D

Wasn't the last one a 15 over here?

04-May-2007, 10:48 PM
I think the last one was a 15 over here, but sometimes an R rated flick in America will get a 15 over here, I guess that's for softer "R" flicks, whereas harder PG-13's get a 15 over here...

More box office doesn't mean better quality either, so that sort of thinking from Fox is just retarded, besides, The Simpson's comes out in a couple of months, that film is gonna RAPE the ass out of the box office across the globe - GUARANTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED ... ergo, they should be able to afford to leave Die Hard well alone and not f*ck it up Weinstein style. :rolleyes:

04-May-2007, 11:12 PM
Are headbutts still censored in the UK?

05-May-2007, 01:08 AM
i dont believe so no, i think your even allowed to use the c word one in a 15 now, weve gotten much more fair and lenient over here in the last few years.

05-May-2007, 11:10 AM
Headbutts only get taken out by distributors these days to acquire a lower rating, like, if it's only two headboshes that will make it an 18, the distributor says to take them out to get a 15.

The BBFC doesn't give a bugger either way, but it's about fitting the appropriate content in the appropriate rating slot.

Really, the only thing that they're still tetchy about is sexual violence.

05-May-2007, 02:13 PM
They better not, I love Die Hard.

Bruce Willis said the new one would be better than the first...