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05-May-2007, 02:05 AM

theres some inteesting stuff on there, the "ultimate legendary edition" is cool, but if the price is too high i dont see it being worth it myself, im sick to death of the first 2 and aint to bothered about this one, but still, theres some things on the site that bugs me.
for one they mention that the humans and elites are now allies, yet on the characters page the arbiter isnt there.
They call master chief "jhon-117", which is from the novels not the games, so maybe that feamle spartan may pop up or some other reference from the book.
its safe to say mr.T wannabe srgt.Jhonson is back, you can see the sillouette of his new character model, but cotranas looks exactly the same to the xbox halo 2 version, which may suggest we dont see much of here in this, if at all.
plus at the entrance page you need to enter you date of birth, so is this going to be a more mature game?, or just a more gorey one?

right now im a little more swayed to buying it, the major put off really was the lack of news, and granted there STILL is no release date but im a little more intrigued by the snippets on the bungie related sites about this and i can swallow my pride if its an awesome game, guess ill have to wait and see.

05-May-2007, 07:09 AM
The multiplayer beta for Halo 3 starts in less than 2 weeks, I'll let ya know how it is. I was never TOO in to Halo, but I did play quite a bit when Halo 2 came out. I only wish the beta ran for longer than the 3 weeks they're giving us.

07-May-2007, 04:47 AM
Yes, my eyes will be well and truly glued to this site in the coming months.

07-May-2007, 05:21 AM
The Halo 3 Legendary Edition is pre-selling for $130 here in the US.

A bit rediculous if you ask me. :rockbrow:

07-May-2007, 05:44 AM
Yeah, but it's two game discs, 2 DVD's and a Spartan helmet! :eek:

07-May-2007, 07:48 AM
Yeah, but it's two game discs, 2 DVD's and a Spartan helmet! :eek:

Wouldn't be so bad if the helmet were life-sized. But it's a miniature scale model. :rolleyes:

07-May-2007, 11:36 AM
Now that I didn't know. What a swizz! :rolleyes:

07-May-2007, 10:05 PM
wait. so you though actual helmets the size of motorcycle helmets were being produced in there millions and given away free with a game with no price difference?, man thats a world id like to live in.:lol:

08-May-2007, 12:53 AM
wait. so you though actual helmets the size of motorcycle helmets were being produced in there millions and given away free with a game with no price difference?, man thats a world id like to live in.:lol:

I don't think they're making millions of the limited edition. And it's not the same price, it's $130, remember?! Ridiculous :rolleyes:

08-May-2007, 01:30 AM
really?, damn my local forbidden planets letting yuo preorder it for the same price.

looks liek a job for ebay methinks:elol:

08-May-2007, 12:41 PM
Halo 3: Legendary Edition is gonna be £69.99, dear Hellzbwoy. :D

08-May-2007, 03:12 PM
Halo 3: Legendary Edition is gonna be £69.99, dear Hellzbwoy. :D

So looks like people in the US are getting ripped off majorly.


08-May-2007, 11:26 PM
huh. £54.99 at my local forbidden planet.

09-May-2007, 07:00 PM
Mmm, that's the LIMITED edition man, you know there's 3 Halo 3 releases right? Regular £44.99, Limited Edition £54.99 and Legendary Edition Boxed Set £69.99. In fact, I'm hearing that the Legendary Edition may even cost more.

09-May-2007, 10:09 PM
yes i know, and its the legendary edition, with the helmet and 2 dvds thats £54.99 at my local forbidden planet.

10-May-2007, 04:40 AM
Damn, then they must have a deal on or something.

10-May-2007, 06:13 AM
well to be honest there games are usually VERY overpriced , 'specially compared to the pre-owned gods that are gamejam and gamestation, i only really go ther ebecuase its the only place this side of nottingham were i can walk in and buy the latest comic books, i think there selling it cheaper than anyone else to think "if you have to dough to want this to begin with maybe goign for the cheaper one here will make you look around the store for something else to buy, and maybe keep coming back", cus theres something abotu forbidden planet that tells me not one comic book geek/ videogame nerd actual works there, probably all skin-ed's in england shirts with names like darren and ted:p
last time i whent in the clerk didnt even know what a nintendo ds was :rolleyes:, adn when i asked about a wii one asked if i was taking the piss, which i found funny, on an ironic level for once :lol:

10-May-2007, 11:51 PM
Jesus take my left nut too.

11-May-2007, 07:51 AM

Some new multiplayer footage. Looks fooking awesome!

11-May-2007, 08:18 AM
is this the same one?


nice to see there focussing on gameplay and not changing the graphics much....or in the chiefs case, at all.
y'know after watching all these vids im in the mood to go and play halo.


and of course



11-May-2007, 08:23 PM
The "Bungie Friends and Family" Halo 3 beta started today, and along with it, came some new in-game videos. Check out the first ever HD footage of Halo 3 multiplayer:

Wednsday is the day the rest of us get to join in. Its been a while since I've been this hyped for a game, and its not even the full thing. Just a 3 map multiplayer beta. Some more good news, the save-film feature is in the beta too.

11-May-2007, 08:29 PM
Amazing footage, this games gonna PWN!

11-May-2007, 10:54 PM

12-May-2007, 09:13 AM
<wipes cum off monitor>

Cor, how good does that look?

12-May-2007, 09:21 AM
i must admit im been brought back round to being gay for halo again after all this, though the ony reason i got bored of it was lack of news, and look at gamespot today, 80% of the front page is nothin' but articles on halo;)

12-May-2007, 09:29 AM
Just look at the weapons, Jesus H! That's a pure step up in my opinion.

12-May-2007, 10:15 AM
imagine a next gen one on the 360's predecessor *goes into a catatonic state of fps fan nirvana*:lol:

02-Aug-2007, 01:58 AM
anyone ben on the site lately?
for those who havent, theres these new flash "chapter things" which seem to be recordings left by the forerunners stating such things as:

We thought it was a mindless parasite, but we were wrong.
its done this before.

There really getting into the mythos this time round, which aint no bad thing, my biggest gripe with halo 2 was that cus all the religousness of the covenanet was aken out due its release so clsoe to 9/11 or something (apparently) that they forgot the forunners adn spent the whole time focussing on the religous sect to bring it up to speed, now they have i hope its a full on trip into the halo universes past this time cus theres so many unanswered questions, adn the easter eggs on the site raise a few more.