View Full Version : Paris Hilton on her way to the slammer.

05-May-2007, 04:10 PM
http://tv.yahoo.com/news/article/urn:newsml:tv.reuters.com:20070505:hilton_dc__ER:1 ;_ylt=Ali3aoNe.9TX.gEc9H2kH9SAo9EF :lol:

05-May-2007, 04:31 PM

05-May-2007, 04:41 PM
Did yall that crap her mom and lawyer were saying? What the f#ck. They are acting like she's innocent and being locked away for 20 years. :rolleyes:

05-May-2007, 06:23 PM
shes gonna get her salad tossed big time

05-May-2007, 06:54 PM
lol, I was just about to post this and likewise revel in the joy of that slapper being stuck in the face with some reality. Why should that talentless waste of skin be above the law? Geez, if only more people could be jailed for being completely stupid.

So you're banned from driving, but you believe you can still drive for work related stuff?! lol ... now that's ri-goddamn-diculous! :lol:


05-May-2007, 07:14 PM
You just know it'll wind up being a big PR stunt & there will be a camera crew with her the whole time shes inside....

05-May-2007, 07:21 PM
she will not serve 45 days

she is rich and she will buy her way out of the full sentence

this is just a ploy to make it look like
they are not showing favoritism

watch and see

05-May-2007, 08:38 PM
damn its funny when skanks get wahts comein' to em'.

too bad her parents will probably buy her out of it, even though shes blatanty only good for prison, i reckon brandon novaks more respectable than here.

05-May-2007, 08:41 PM
Justice is served!

05-May-2007, 08:45 PM
'Paris In The Slammer' on DVD soon from all good porn shops. :D

05-May-2007, 08:46 PM
i'd buy it...

06-May-2007, 03:12 AM
shes gonna get her salad tossed big time

I'd volunteer for it. :evil: Now lick this spoon, Paris! :p

06-May-2007, 03:43 AM
i seriously dont get why other guys find that minghag attractive, really i dont.:barf:

06-May-2007, 04:09 AM
I feel 5 days in jail and community service coming on.

Funny thing about money.

06-May-2007, 04:38 AM
isnt it just?:rolleyes:

06-May-2007, 10:41 AM
No doubt it'll all become community service and then it'll become an episode of 'the simple life' :rolleyes:, once again a celebrity buys their way out of jail ... which is interesting, because I've heard that in America they have or are setting up 'pay as you go' jails, so that white collar type crimes, or you know, driving offences, soft stuff - people can pay £40 a day to serve their sentence in basically a hotel with bars...I actually kinda like the idea, but it comes with a load of problems and unfair sides...

Anyway, thought it was an interesting idea, and well ... where was I? Oh yeah, hilton ... ug ... I saw a pic of her and that skeleton richie and HOLY CRAP they DEFINED the term "minghags", seriously, it was F*CKING RANK!! :stunned:

06-May-2007, 12:54 PM
Saw a news item on those yuppie prisons. One person cell with it's own privacy door. Meals were served in the cell. More like an austere hotel room than anything else. Think it was $80 per day. Lady brought paperback books, cellphone, ipod, and laptop along to pass the time.

06-May-2007, 02:28 PM
Yeah, Paris won't even be looked at the wrong way, far less raped or picked on.

07-May-2007, 05:38 AM
When Paris was saying she didn't know that her license was suspended Joel McHale of the soup made fun of her saying that of course she didn't know her license was suspended after her DUI since no one text messaged her via her Sidekick seeing as thats how she takes in information lol...

I totally think stupidity is not only a family trait that gets passed along seeing as how stupid her mother is but its also apparently contagious after what her attorney said.

But hey i'd buy it too...

Even if she has to go to jail it will be some sweet setup she'd have to be placed in some special area because of her celebrity and she'd get special priviledges...

I just hope this doesn't turn into a Debra Le Favre where they say she's too pretty to actually serve time for her crime...

07-May-2007, 05:04 PM
Yay! The rat-faced bitch is going to prison!

Well, at least we all hope so.

But as has been said, she probably won't be there long - if at all.

Must be nice to be a celeb or have tons of money. Ask O.J., he can tell you. :mad:

07-May-2007, 05:42 PM
Must be nice to be a celeb or have tons of money. Ask O.J., he can tell you. :mad:

ho-ho, yeah ... them bastards can snivel their way out of anything. :rolleyes:

07-May-2007, 07:57 PM
I never said she was hot. I'm just letting you guys know I am willing to take one for the team. *L* Besides, she might like it and buy me a car or something nice. :D

07-May-2007, 08:17 PM
She's definately doable.

But has the brain of a tick I imagine.

07-May-2007, 08:25 PM
Most of the time she looks like a complete skank, other times she's passable after a few beers and if you put a bag over that hideous spoiled girl face, and if she'd shut up as well ... but then you'd have to put a radiation suit on to protect yourself ... so really, in the end of the day, it's too much effort for a 'regret poke'...

You're better off with Rosy Palms...:p

07-May-2007, 10:22 PM
ho-ho, yeah ... them bastards can snivel their way out of anything. :rolleyes:

"thsi is chubacca, chubacca is a wookie, form the planet kishi, but he lived on the planet endor with a bunch of two foot tall ewoks, now think about that, IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE!":lol:

08-May-2007, 10:33 AM
Ah geez, the Wookie defense!! :stunned::eek::shifty:

That bloody Cochrane or however you spell his name, the dude's made a career out of playing the race card...:rolleyes:

08-May-2007, 11:49 AM
Most of the time she looks like a complete skank, other times she's passable after a few beers and if you put a bag over that hideous spoiled girl face, and if she'd shut up as well

Umm, dunno about 'after a few beers,' but maybe after about 3lbs of fine coovan I might consider hitting that... :lol: :D

*chop chop chop*


is there a mouse around the house that needs to get laid?! :lol:

08-May-2007, 11:59 AM
I am sorry but I admit I would do her in a heart beat, but then again I have no scrupples, and in saying that with a triple wrapped pecker I would dive in without a second thought. :D

The bragging rights alone would be worth it...

"Paris Hilton... Yeah, I hit that!" :p

08-May-2007, 12:21 PM
The bragging rights alone would be worth it...

"Paris Hilton... Yeah, I hit that!" :p

Those are far from bragging rights - unless you want to brag about the fact that you'd fu*k a rat with some weird sexual disease. :lol: :lol: :D

08-May-2007, 12:40 PM
My pecker would be Saran Wrapped and triple bagged, before I would enter that hole. :D

08-May-2007, 12:54 PM
Hmmm ... you'd have to put a rubber suit on to protect yourself, don't want crabs or some bizarre skin disease getting rubbed off on ya. :lol::barf::eek:

lol, a mate of mine at uni would always say the same thing - bragging rights. He would always say that he'd shag anyone who was famous just so he could sell the story. :lol:

08-May-2007, 01:58 PM
but we're not talking about a famous person, we're talking about a famous RODENT.

Big difference.


08-May-2007, 02:42 PM
still anyone whos seen one of her infamous videos has to admit, she seems to know a trick or two... I WOULD...

08-May-2007, 02:50 PM
but we're not talking about a famous person, we're talking about a famous RODENT.

Big difference.


I completely agree; 200%.

08-May-2007, 02:51 PM
still anyone whos seen one of her infamous videos has to admit, she seems to know a trick or two... I WOULD...
You're havin' a laugh mate, she's a 'tip-teaser'. Don't know about anyone else who saw that piece of s**t movie but Paris Hilton can't blow for diddly. :dead:

08-May-2007, 03:07 PM
You're havin' a laugh mate, she's a 'tip-teaser'. Don't know about anyone else who saw that piece of s**t movie but Paris Hilton can't blow for diddly. :dead:

I completely agree, 200%. :lol:

08-May-2007, 03:11 PM
but we're not talking about a famous person, we're talking about a famous RODENT.

Big difference.


you remember roland rat relatives maybe

08-May-2007, 06:36 PM
lol, I'm sure Germaine Greer would have something to say about that too, she's obsessed with insulting other ladie's abilities to chow down on wang, which is odd, I thought Greer was a feminist lesbian or something ... not the sort I'd picture chowing down on wang all the time, ergo, not knowing how to give a proper one...but then again, blokes aren't that fussy, just ... no teeth ... and no teasing. :lol:

08-May-2007, 11:42 PM
now shes put out an online petition for her fans to sign for here freedom stating "i need to be free becuase i bring excitement and adventure into your mediocre little lives".

mediocre?, i think reese and gary need to run up either side of her and bitch slap here with each of there respective zombie movies, yeah just cus people aint rich means they do nothing with there lives:rolleyes:

09-May-2007, 12:28 AM
now shes put out an online petition for her fans to sign for here freedom stating "i need to be free becuase i bring excitement and adventure into your mediocre little lives".

mediocre?, i think reese and gary need to run up either side of her and bitch slap here with each of there respective zombie movies, yeah just cus people aint rich means they do nothing with there lives:rolleyes:

The television screen is the retina of the mind's eye. Therefore, the television screen is part of the physical structure of the brain. Therefore, whatever appears on the television screen emerges as raw experience for those who watch it.

Therefore, television is reality, and reality is less than television.


09-May-2007, 01:13 AM
Ok, my head just exploded.


09-May-2007, 04:23 AM
The television screen is the retina of the mind's eye. Therefore, the television screen is part of the physical structure of the brain. Therefore, whatever appears on the television screen emerges as raw experience for those who watch it.

Therefore, television is reality, and reality is less than television.


Interesting, but I just wanted to participate in the this lively debate by stating I would throw it in Paris Hilton, though her sister is better looking.

09-May-2007, 04:58 AM
Its from Videodrome....*sigh*

09-May-2007, 10:39 AM
Is that petition really real? She calls her fans "mediocre"?! :stunned:

What a whore, she deserves double the sentence just for that alone!

Normal people have full, and interesting lives by comparison, she staggers from lame party to lame, self-involved party in whatever free car she's been given, hacking up spunk and shambling around looking thoroughly used up.

Normal people actually do something with their lives, even cough potatoes - at least they don't bother anyone in the process.

09-May-2007, 12:51 PM
I am sorry but if she gets pardoned then the state of california condones Drunk Driving, and I don't think that is the message they need to send. 45 days is a bit harsh of a sentence, she should have to do at least 1 week. Most Drunk Drivers get off with 2 days jail on their first offense.

09-May-2007, 01:01 PM
45 days is a bit harsh of a sentence, she should have to do at least 1 week. Most Drunk Drivers get off with 2 days jail on their first offense.

It's not her first offense. It wasn't just drunk driving, but violation of parole - her license was suspended.

Just FYI, my wife's brother was caught with a DUI, while his license was suspended, and he got six months in jail.

If it was any of us, we'd have the book thrown at us - and they should do the EXACT same thing to this rat-faced bitch. She, regardless of her celeb status or money status, should be treated no different than the average citizen.

09-May-2007, 01:05 PM
At the time she was caught for Drunk Driving her license was valid, it was then suspended by the court and she was caught, the scenario you are speaking about is being caught for DUI during a license suspension. This is not the case with Paris.

Anyway, I still say she needs to go to jail, but any first offense is a minimum of at least 2-10 days in jail for a DUI and that is what she should serve. 45 days is excessive, and most likely the judge was doing it to be a headline maker.

Now had she been like your brother in-law Lou, as you mentioned, I would say 45 days is not enough and she should do the same sentence as he did.

09-May-2007, 01:09 PM
This internet fan-based petition is an interesting idea, it makes me wonder if anyone has one going for state residents to turn into local legislature and the court demanding she be treated just as any other offender with regards to her sentence...

Now that would be cool.

09-May-2007, 01:14 PM
I wrote an email to the Governor's office this morning IN SUPPORT of her going to the Jail but I also stated California Law and Penalty for Drunk Driving, 1st offense. The 45 days was a bit excessive even per the law.

I agree she needs to be treated like the average schmoe, and she needs to get locked up so she knows she isn't above the law.

CA Law for sentencing of First Offense DUI -

1st Offense:
Varies from court to court. Some courts do not require jail time on a first-offense, unless there are grounds for a sentence enhancement (such as a minor in the car, a BAC of .20 or higher, refusing the chemical test, or others). Other courts require some jail time (48 hours to 10 days), even on a first offense.

The required alcohol education program will also vary. The standard program is once a week for 12 weeks; however, where the BAC is .20 or higher, a six-month program will be ordered.

09-May-2007, 01:46 PM
My bad, Dj - I thought it was the opposite. I thought she was caught for the DUI after the license suspension. (damn the short-term memory loss!)

Either way, fu*k her - celebs get off WAY too easy in this world, and I'm glad to see the book thrown at her. It couldn't happen to a more deserving idiot.

Call me an unfair prick all you want, but I still think if it was you or I, we would've rc'vd the exact same sentance, if not worse.

I can't believe people are sticking up for this moron. You can cry "fairness" all you want, but there hasn't been "fairness" in a US courtroom in ages. This should not be a shock or surprise to anyone.

09-May-2007, 01:57 PM
I agree 100% she should be treated no differently, but lets face facts her sentence was handed down because both the judge and the prosecutor are trying to make headlines. The Prosecutor announced his 90 day sentence request 2 months ago and it has been headlines ever since.

If you are going to be that much of a prick, (the Prosecutor), then he needs to come down to reality and follow the law... the judge too.

09-May-2007, 02:16 PM
lets face facts her sentence was handed down because both the judge and the prosecutor are trying to make headlines.

To what gain? To be forgotten about a week or month later after the media picks up another more interesting story for the glued-to-the-tv idiots in this country?

I blame the public for this bullsh*t, not the people in the courtroom. It's the fu*king sharks in the media making a circus out of it - and why? because of the dumb asses that sit at home and eat this stuff up like Rush Limbaugh chowing down on an all-you-can-eat burrito buffet. If the general public wasn't stupid enough to follow this stuff on a daily basis, it would never make a single headline. Prime Example: Anna Nicole Smith. Does anyone REALLY give two fu*ks that she's dead? Seriously?

Then again, maybe that's what they (judges & prosecutors) were counting on, I dunno.

but what do these judges and prosecutors have to gain from this Dj? Their names are in the news, then forgotten about days later. The attention span of the average tv-watcher in this country wouldn't allow their (the judge and prosecutor) noterity to continue for very long at all. I see no 'up' side to this for them.

If you don't beleive me, think about all the stupid decisions the courts have made and it was paraded around on the news for WEEKS.

Now, name me 5, hell, even 3 judges or prosecutors names that were involved?


No one cares, their names are just a blip on the radar, so I don't know if I can agree with your statement.

If you are going to be that much of a prick, (the Prosecutor), then he needs to come down to reality and follow the law... the judge too.

C'mon Dj, realistically, when do courts here in the US "follow the law" anymore? That's a pretty comical statement if you base it in todays' reality.

Hell, you probably know this from first-hand experience. :lol: :D

09-May-2007, 02:43 PM
Well I am no innocent when it comes to being in front of a judge, every judge I ever went in front of gave me the punishment mandated by the law.

I have only had two times when the punishment was reduced, meaning fines were lowered based on exceptions to the case (ie: fine reduced from $600 to $60 for a sound system violation as I was unaware there was even a law in PA at the time against your car stereo playing too loud, and also the fact the law stipulates after market systems only and mine was factory, so on appeal I got my money back. :D, the other was a speeding ticket in Virginia)

Everything else was a punishment that fit the broken law, as mandated by law.

Yeah I would agree that the stuff today is forgotten within a matter of minutes, but in order to make your mark in todays media it has to be something off the wall... a 45 day sentence for a first offense DUI is off the wall. Even by the California sentence mandates it is overly excessive. However, I do agree she needs to go to jail, maybe it will bring her into a reality check.

I wold never jump on the wagon saying Free Paris... I mean that is setting the wrong example, and sets precendent that the state is going to condone her theatrics and drunk driving. I bet the people at MADD are going apesh!t over this debacle.

09-May-2007, 02:49 PM
Yeah I would agree that the stuff today is forgotten within a matter of minutes, but in order to make your mark in todays media it has to be something off the wall... a 45 day sentence for a first offense DUI is off the wall.

In other words, you got lucky. :P

Yeah I would agree that the stuff today is forgotten within a matter of minutes, but in order to make your mark in todays media it has to be something off the wall... a 45 day sentence for a first offense DUI is off the wall.

I agree that's how you get your name out there - for the short-term - by doing something off the wall (which again, only gets you your 15 minutes of fame, then a lifetime of no one knowing who the hell you are), but at the same time, I think if you researched cases of people committing this same offense, I don't think you'll find that it's that excessive just for the sake of media attention. Drunk Driving, as the years go by, is being clamped down big-time.

In my life, I've heard and seen first-hand some WAY excessive sentences given out to people who certainly did not earn it - but, again, that's why I'm saying that there is no "reality" in courtroom based judgements anymore. :(

Had I been the judge, I would've have her 45 years if just for "The Simple Life" alone. :lol: :lol: :D