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View Full Version : Happy Cinco De Mayo

06-May-2007, 03:57 AM
Not trying to rant here. Why does the USA celebrate a battle victory between Mexico and France?

I don't think July 4th is celebrated anywhere other than in the USA.

06-May-2007, 04:40 AM
an excuse to shoot off fireowkrs and drink copious amounts of the shine?;)

y'know we really dont have anything like that over here, jsut the usual ones like christmas ect.

...then theres the pub landlord version "becuase weve won so many wars over the last 2000 years thered be a national holiday every other week", he may be from a bygone era but damn al murrays funny:lol:

06-May-2007, 04:53 AM
an excuse to shoot off fireowkrs and drink copious amounts of the shine?;)

It's really an excuse to drink.

and ya know what? I don't mind at all.:D

06-May-2007, 04:56 AM
it is nothing but an excuse for morons to get sh*tefaced drunk and act the fool - all in the name of a holiday that the vast majority of americans shouldn't give half a crap about. mexico beats france - so frakin what? who hasn't?

my little boy and his playgroup friends could probably kick the pogees out of a group of french soldiers.

frak a whole busload of mexico. canada is where it is at. america you're ok. south of the rio grande? throw it into a dumpster somewhere and do planet earth a favor.

how many of these same americans that are partying like mad on cinco del fraking mayo (may it burn in the hell of a thousand torments) don't know a thing about their own cultural heritage/holidays? how many irish americans (yes there are more of us over here in the US and Canada than in ireland - handle it/deal with it) party like mad on 5 may but would look at you with a blank stare if you mentioned may eve/beltane or lunasa? a lot of them. sad, sad, sad.

06-May-2007, 05:00 PM
Yeah, it is an excuse to drink. Just like St Patricks Day. All of a sudden you have all these people you know that are suddenly Irish for the day when they never mentioned anything about it to you before. People just come out of the woodwork because St Patties and Cinco are "cool" holidays to celebrate. A big excuse to dress up and get wasted.

I drink just about every day anyway so these holidays have no effect on me. I just find them corny.

06-May-2007, 09:08 PM
It's an excuse to drink, but damn do you guys seem pissed about it. What's wrong with hanging with some people at a party and having some drinks??

Would you rather be online all night?:rockbrow:

07-May-2007, 02:42 AM
speaking as someone whos spent the last 7 hours playing maplestory, yes, yes i would rather spent it outside:dead: to bad all my freinds are on vacation for the next two weeks.:(

07-May-2007, 01:01 PM
It's another countries holiday dummies,....get a tenuous grip.
Methinks you all have been brainwashed by corona beer
commercials (you're not supposed to drink the water but beer made from same water is OK?) lol

07-May-2007, 01:05 PM
It's called having a good time. Step away from the monitor and you may have a little as well. Everyone knows that it's another country's holiday. It's about fun, not about heritage.

Not to mention the fact that in these states down south, there are A LOT of Mexicans. Can Americans not tag along and join in on their celebrating? I know a few mexicans and they don't seem to mind.

07-May-2007, 04:15 PM
f u 2 BM

you quite possibly are saying that because "YOU" sadly are in front of a monitor more than anyone,...go cast your apsersions on someone else
preferably via another forum

07-May-2007, 04:15 PM
It's called having a good time. Step away from the monitor and you may have a little as well. Everyone knows that it's another country's holiday. It's about fun, not about heritage.

Not to mention the fact that in these states down south, there are A LOT of Mexicans. Can Americans not tag along and join in on their celebrating? I know a few mexicans and they don't seem to mind.

But the thing is... take a look at some of the people celebrating it. They're the same types that will they next day go on a rant about immigrants from Mexico and how they should all be deported. I'm sure there were 1 or 2 of the conservatives on these boards that take that stance in which were celebrating Cinco De Mayo.

Oh the sweet irony.

I don't understand how you seem to think that because we aren't all about this holiday that automatically means we're computer geeks glued to our monitor 24/7?

07-May-2007, 04:30 PM
f u 2 BM

you quite possibly are saying that because "YOU" sadly are in front of a monitor more than anyone,...go cast your apsersions on someone else
preferably via another forum

It wasn't directed to you in particular.:rolleyes:

I don't understand how you seem to think that because we aren't all about this holiday that automatically means we're computer geeks glued to our monitor 24/7?

I wasn't saying that you guys are glued to your computers. I was only using the internet as an example being that it was what we were doing at the time. I wasn't accusing anyone.

My point being is that I think most people would rather be off having a bit of fun rather than some other in-home entertainment.