View Full Version : behind the scenes question

06-May-2007, 11:56 AM
I am working on a comedy skit about Dawn of the Dead and I need to know- does Richard Rubenstein still control the rights to the film? I mean the original version, not the re-make.

06-May-2007, 01:16 PM
Yes, New Amsterdam Entertainment.

07-May-2007, 11:50 AM
Yes, he still does own the rights to the film. He is under no obligation to give GAR any money that he may make off of owning those rights, however, he has stated that even though he isnt legally required to, he still gives 50% of profits to GAR.

darth los
27-Jun-2007, 01:17 AM
Yes, he still does own the rights to the film. He is under no obligation to give GAR any money that he may make off of owning those rights, however, he has stated that even though he isnt legally required to, he still gives 50% of profits to GAR.

Considering what an a-hole he's portrayed to be that's mighty big of him. Almost makes me like the guy.

28-Jun-2007, 04:51 AM
darth, how many posts have you made today?? Over 100??

darth los
28-Jun-2007, 04:56 AM
darth, how many posts have you made today?? Over 100??

i am all seeing and all posting !! BWAHAHAHAHA!!! :evil:

On topic: (Basman will love this one) They already made a comedy based on dawn, It's called dawn 04' :D