View Full Version : best remake ever?

08-May-2007, 03:50 AM
what ,in your opinion is THE greatest remake ever, and im gonna be cool and say give a top 3, out of all the crap, what do you think really shine above the rest?, heres my favrouties.

the kaufman remake of invasion of the bodysnatchers form the 70's(i think), great film then, great film now.
The fly, the whole subtext about terminal illness really makes goldblumbs performance much more tragic.
carpenters the thing, just simple action and sci fi with no interest of big budget crowds or tie in sequels or spin off shows, just a great stand alone movie.

well those are mine, and it occurs to me there all sci-fi, wierd, and NO i aint sayin' magnificent seven cus seven samurai rocks!:cool:

08-May-2007, 08:27 AM
Invasion of the Body Snatchers remake was the tits but what movie with Donald Sutherland and Jeff Goldblum wasn't totally awesome? I also find another quality remake was (and i'm not sure if it counts) Mary Shelleys Frankenstein and Bram Stokers Dracula. Technically they were the first stories to be told in that way but the stories themselves they were based on had countless movies that were simply sub par. Keanu did of course ruin BSD but still... Anthony Hopkins more than made up for it. And if those dont count i'm going to say the Hills Have Eyes remakes rocked since the early ones were so primitive and just downright silly (does anyone remember the blind girl in part 2?).

Worst remakes tho... Stepford Wives

Exciting upcoming remakes...Invasion

We need a remake of Phantasm!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-May-2007, 09:10 AM
Night Of The Living Dead 1990 Version Directed by Tom Savini.:cool:

08-May-2007, 10:51 AM
Carpenter's "The Thing", definitely.

The original Invasion of the Body Snatchers is still my favourite out of those though ... lemme guess, someone was up late watching the 70's version t'other night on BBC1? :D

08-May-2007, 11:26 AM
I have this on DVD Invasion of the Body Snatcher late 70's version. It looks impressive for the time. this version that stars Leonard Nimoy, Jeff Goldbulm, Donald Sutherland, Brooke Adams, Veronica Cartwright. This is the only time that Nimoy actually seems happy in a movie or television; from in between the last season of Star Trek getting cancelled and the first movie. This is all the time is been away from Will Shatner.:D :cool:

08-May-2007, 11:50 AM
Carpenter's "The Thing", definitely.

I concur. Good call, MZ. :D

08-May-2007, 11:53 AM
:sneaky: My list, and I don't wanna hear shiznit about #3. :shifty:

1. J.C.'s The Thing
2. The Fly
3. Dawn of the Dead

08-May-2007, 11:59 AM
3. Dawn of the Dead

The can of worms has officially been opened.


How did I know that was coming, Dj? :D

08-May-2007, 12:02 PM
At least I didn't make it #1. It's good but not that good. The Thing is way better, and of course The Fly is better too, but hey this is coming from a guy who would love to have one night in Paris. :D ;) :sneaky:

08-May-2007, 12:03 PM
1. Ben Hur
2. The Fly
3. The Thing

I was also tempted to throw Scarface or Cape Fear in there...

08-May-2007, 12:52 PM
Ooooh ... Scarface - HELL YEAH.

The Thing - that flick still sh*ts me up, the sense of isolation and fear that Carpenter created is just superb. The claustrophobia is immense...SUCH a good film.

Ewww ... one night in Paris? One night in Paris means many nights in the doctor's clinic. :lol:

Yaboo sucks to Yawn04, as per usual. :p

And speaking of remakes and such, apparently there's a 'remake' (although judging by the story tidbit I heard it's a sequel, doi!) of Wall Street getting made called "Money Never Sleeps" or something, with Douglas back from the clink after being shafted at the end of the first movie - so it's a SEQUEL, not a remake, sheesh, stupid lady on E! Entertainment channel...:rolleyes:

08-May-2007, 01:54 PM
It's gotta be The Thing.

Which is being remade again sadly. :(

08-May-2007, 02:09 PM
It's gotta be The Thing.

Which is being remade again sadly. :(

NO FU*KING WAY, are you serious? Where did you hear this??

If this is the case, i've lost all respect for hollywood, period.

08-May-2007, 02:39 PM
Some guy on another forum I go to posted an article about the upcoming remakes of The Thing and Escape From New York. No-one's happy about this, believe me Lou.

The Thing Remake (http://www.moviesonline.ca/movienews_10734.html)
Escape From New York Remake (http://movies.about.com/od/interviewswithactors/a/escapeny040707.htm)

08-May-2007, 02:48 PM
i totally agree with hellsings. 70s body snatchers, 80s fly & 80s thing were the best.

scarface was also good, and i liked the magnificent seven, if that counts.

08-May-2007, 02:55 PM
1 the thing, 2 the fly and 3 scarface

08-May-2007, 03:05 PM
I like The Thing and Ben Hur. But I have to give kudos to the Assault on Precint 13 remake. That was good.

08-May-2007, 03:10 PM
No-one's happy about this, believe me Lou.

Well put me on the list of pissed-off-beyond-belief.

Why does Carpenter feel the need to whore himself out like this? The Fog remake, Halloween, now The Thing and Escape from NY? What's next? :mad:

08-May-2007, 03:14 PM
Well put me on the list of pissed-off-beyond-belief.

Why does Carpenter feel the need to whore himself out like this? The Fog remake, Halloween, now The Thing and Escape from NY? What's next? :mad:

Who says hes Whoring himself out, man? Think about it this way.....he made the original classics, he get's money from the remakes, his classics will still always be there and he get's a slice of the remake pie.

If I were in his position, I wouldn't mind to be earning money for basically nothing.:D

08-May-2007, 03:48 PM
Day Of The Dead 2007! :D

Seriously, though....

-Night 90
-John Carpenter's The Thing
-The Omega Man, starring Charlton Heston (one of my favorite movies)
-The Grudge (I suppose this should also be posted in the guilty pleasures thread)

08-May-2007, 04:02 PM
Who says hes Whoring himself out, man? Think about it this way.....he made the original classics, he get's money from the remakes, his classics will still always be there and he get's a slice of the remake pie.

I understand what you're saying, but to me, if you allow every single one of your movies (ok, almost every one - but hey, Carpenter's not dead yet! give him time) be re-made, and you're doing it for the money - which he freely admits to - then you're whoring yourself out. I hate to say it, but "I calls 'em like I sees 'em" :D

Somehow, I don't think ol' JC "needs the money" from the remakes. While I realize that's not what you were saying, I just can't picture any other reason to do such a thing - which confuses me even more.

I dunno, just seems like a bad idea to me... I could be wrong though. I guess we'll see in a few years.

Whoever remakes it though had better not fu*k it up! :lol:

08-May-2007, 05:27 PM
Now folks, lets just hope they dont re-make Road Warrior... I will loose it.

08-May-2007, 07:45 PM
Oh trust me, it's coming. They're so out of ideas and won't bank on any new filmmakers with innovative new ideas, they're just going to continue the remakes until there is nothing more to remake.

Just think - sooner or later we're going to get a remake of Terminator. :rolleyes:

08-May-2007, 08:09 PM
So far the Carpenter remakes have done only good. people see them and then the originals and realize which is superior. So this The Thing remake is just going to bring extra publicity to the original. Or remake. Well... JC's version!

08-May-2007, 09:29 PM
So far the Carpenter remakes have done only good.

I've got two words for you: THE FOG


08-May-2007, 10:43 PM
Remakes have been incredibly up and down and incredibly ropey.

TCM2003 was a decent slice of modern pop corn hurling slasher fun, but it's got piss all on the original, which is a true legend of cinema.

Hills Have Eyes 2006 - I really dig this flick, I like it better than the original, but I still like the original, but the Craven version was flawed and not that sh*t hot - and that's the key, "they" should be remaking movies that were dodgy to begin with.

Like the Hooper remake of Toolbox Murders, that's a pretty decent horror flick, not great, but good fun - and the original was just a cheesy cash in on a popular trend, although actually kinda early in the run of gory horror flicks of that trend...

Yawn04 ... well, we all know how I feel about that flick by now. :rockbrow:

Basically, the odds are stacking against remakes, because it's such a lame trend right now, it really honestly is, and yet the movies that get the most acclaim and praise are the original flicks (for the most part) ... Hollywood needs to wake up, soon folk will get really pissed with this slew of unoriginality, it's already setting in.

08-May-2007, 11:37 PM
it appears the majority favourite is carpenters the thing ,followe dby the fly adn with a 3rd plce tie between scarface adn ben hur.:cool:

09-May-2007, 03:43 AM
night 90 for me

09-May-2007, 07:46 PM
You know what f**ks me off the most, it's gonna be a DIRECT remake of Carpenter's version and will have almost nothing to do with the original. Well, apart from the fact Carpenter remade the... oh, you know what I mean! :D

Why does Carpenter feel the need to whore himself out like this? The Fog remake, Halloween, now The Thing and Escape from NY? What's next? :mad:
Dark Star? They Live?

09-May-2007, 09:42 PM
Perhaps that turd film he made about Mars, or Vampires? They were both cruddy, I wouldn't mind those being remade - as I always bang on about - remake dodgy movies already!!! :stunned:

*distracted by the news, cor blimey, Portugal doesn't think they have any paedophiles...what planet are they living on?!*


Ah geez, if they remade They Live that'd be the final nail in the coffin of Carpenter's career and legendary status, he long since lost his mojo...:(

09-May-2007, 11:52 PM
Ah geez, if they remade They Live that'd be the final nail in the coffin of Carpenter's career and legendary status, he long since lost his mojo...:(

MZ, I agree with you about the remaking of They Live, but I don't think he's lost his mojo completely. Have you by any chance seen Cigarette Burns? His first Masters of Horror episode? He's still got it, but Carpenter runs hot and cold with his movies. They're either awesome, or just not really worth the time to watch. I don't think there's much of a middle ground.

On the same subject, his second MoH episode, Pro-Life, was boring as all hell. :lol:

10-May-2007, 12:15 AM
The Thing. Agreed.

10-May-2007, 04:50 AM
MZ, I agree with you about the remaking of They Live, but I don't think he's lost his mojo completely.
I'll back you up on that, I reckon ol' John's got another classic rolled up his sleeve somewhere. :cool:

10-May-2007, 10:39 AM
Well it must be a bloody big sleeve and he must be fantastic at losing stuff, cos he keeps losing track of his mojo, must be all that easy money he gets from remakes and putting his name on things. :rolleyes:

I mean, surely he doesn't have that much to do these days, surely he must feel a bit gheay for just whoring himself, surely he must be longing to do something worthy for a change? ... hmmm...

10-May-2007, 12:13 PM
I mean, surely he doesn't have that much to do these days, surely he must feel a bit gheay for just whoring himself, surely he must be longing to do something worthy for a change? ... hmmm...

It's hard to "long" for something when you're getting paid hand-over-fist for whoring our your earlier movies. :lol: :D

10-May-2007, 12:29 PM
It's hard to "long" for something when you're getting paid hand-over-fist for whoring our your earlier movies. :lol: :D
Exactly - hence his mojo's been all-but sucked dry by whoring himself out to his bank account. :rolleyes:

You know JC, some people actually work for a living and even *gasp* create something good in order to get paid. :D:lol:

10-May-2007, 08:24 PM
You know JC, some people actually work for a living and even *gasp* create something good in order to get paid.
Surely that's a joke? :rolleyes:

John Carpenter worked his frickin' ass off in the 70's and 80's. He made some of the best horror movies ever, and believe me when he started out he had no PC, no money and very little equipment. He's made more classic movies than the average blockbuster director so if he wants to kick back and make the green, let him - he's entitled to do that. If the man wants to whore out his wares, cool, they are HIS to whore after all.

10-May-2007, 08:48 PM
I've got two words for you: THE FOG


Thanks to that suck ass remake, the superior original got more publicity. Which is good!

10-May-2007, 09:33 PM
I wasn't denying his excellent work in the 70s and 80s, but dude ... what's better - to burn out or to fade away?

Methinks JC is treading the latter, and I duno about you, but I'd like to retain at least a little respect for my own work and not whore it out, but I guess he doesn't give a bollocks about that.

I loved Russell's attitude towards the remake of Escape From New York though, haha, what a legend. :cool:

10-May-2007, 11:38 PM
ewww!!! I forgot about The Fog remake!! that movie will give you cancer

11-May-2007, 12:23 AM
I don't see why people think Remakes somehow lesser the value of the original flick. To me, it only makes the original better.

11-May-2007, 12:54 AM
i caught cigarette burns just the other day and its porbably my favourite cheesy masters of horror ep it wasnt trying t be serious, just straight up old school sleazy horror with a bit of noir stylings thrown in, a good way to waste an hour.

15-May-2007, 11:50 PM
My vote is for 1998's "Psycho". I really like how they kept most of the original camera angles, music, etc. All the actors were top notch, too.

16-May-2007, 04:32 AM
eh, that was allright but i dont think it warrants the title of best remake ever, purely becuase it doesnt outdo the origional, which some like the fly adn the thign did.