View Full Version : Was offered a chance to direct a commercial...

08-May-2007, 11:46 AM
Nothing big or huge, it is for the movie theater in Hagerstown, MD that premiered Deadlands. I am most likely going to do it, but having never done a commercial before I am wondering how to approach it. Should I play it safe and do what all local TV commercials do, or should I go balls out (What I wanna Do).

My idea would be to have every type of movie genre represented in 30 seconds. Action, Horror, Comedy, Drama... whatever.

So what do you all think? Play it safe and doing something that would make Andre the Giant fall asleep or go Balls out, and push the limits?

08-May-2007, 12:18 PM
I would not recommend you taking your balls out and using them in the commercial.


08-May-2007, 12:29 PM
Well if I did that it would have to be filmed in WIDESCREEN! :lol: :moon:

08-May-2007, 01:12 PM
lol @ Dj's 2.35:1 beanbag. :D:lol:

Sweet dude, you should totally do the advert, and I'd say go as balls out as you can. If you can do it well, it's always best to make a good impression, just make sure you don't get carried away, but totally - try and do something interesting and kick ass, it sticks in people's minds, so it's also a good calling card for you as a filmmaker as well. :)

Any ideas in particular? How about zombies all creeping towards the cinema itself like they're drawn to it (like the zombies in Dawn to the mall) ... something that lets you be really creative with the visuals, as that is something that really sticks in people's minds, great visuals - obviously, a good idea behind it helps too, but for the average joe something visually striking really gets the brain engaged...that's what I've found anyway...


08-May-2007, 03:16 PM
lol @ Dj's 2.35:1 beanbag. :D:lol:

That is so wrong it's... well... WRONG! :lol:

I do NOT wanna see Dj's beanbag.

...unless it's in 2.40:1. :D :p

08-May-2007, 03:18 PM
Any ideas in particular? How about zombies all creeping towards the cinema itself like they're drawn to it (like the zombies in Dawn to the mall) ...

But if DJ did that, wouldn't they have to be olympic track stars?:p

08-May-2007, 03:38 PM
Film two commercials - one the "safe" route and a second the "wild side" routine. That way you have additional material for your video portfolio.

08-May-2007, 03:47 PM
Film two commercials - one the "safe" route and a second the "wild side" routine. That way you have additional material for your video portfolio.

Good idea!

TO Bassman,

For the commercial I may do the Romero shamblers, but, then again who knows.


To Lou,

Just knowing you wanna see my beanbag in 2.40:1 makes me raise a whole lot of questions about your sexuality. :p

08-May-2007, 06:41 PM
Hey man, if he said he wanted to see it in the rarely used, back in the day, uber-ratio of 2.70:1 ... then you'd have to be worried and start locking doors and checking behind you as you went into public bogs. :D:lol:

Ooooh, shamblers. :):cool::thumbsup:

08-May-2007, 07:23 PM
So what do you all think? Play it safe and doing something that would make Andre the Giant fall asleep or go Balls out, and push the limits?

First of all, CONGRATS!

I'm a TV Writer/Producer at a national network, so I may have some useful commercial advice. As you know, anytime you're working for someone else, you've got to make their vision happen, as much as practically possible. The only problem is, that very often, the client doesn’t know what they want or they want something bad.

In addition, non-industry types over-estimate what you can do with the money: they don't realize just how much money it costs to shoot in two locations versus one, how difficult it is (legally) to work with minors, the costs of CGI, etc. For some reason, they think that you can do The Matrix-quality FX in your basement using an old iBook in a few days. Hopefully, if this guy is a theater owner, he’ll be more clued in.

The good news is, at this stage you’re still probably bending the rules, begging favors and going guerilla, so you’ve got a lot more flexibility then other commercial shoots might have.

So, I say dream big. By all means, wave the juevos, but do like Hitchcock and storyboard the hell out of your script. Nail down every tiny detail in pre-pro; that way, not only will you not have too many surprises at the shoot and in post, but you’ll be able to get your client to sign off on a fairly accurate representation of the spot before the first frame is shot. In my experience, non-creatives have a really hard time imagining from rough storyboards or scripts. CYA with boards and animatics, where possible. After all, the script and storyboard are the cheapest part of the job.

Also, get your line-producer to nail down every release and permit before you show up to shoot. Don’t cut any legal corners in a commercial shoot. You will be nailed.

Good luck! Please post the spot for us, when you’re done! Can’t wait to see what you do!

08-May-2007, 07:40 PM
Any ideas in particular? :

Well the main idea was to start with a crane shot from the Theaters huge Outside neon logo down to the walkway heading towards the box office. We see a couple purchasing tickets for a film, Since I don't want to haggle with legal Rights will probably use, Deadlands as the film they purchase tickets for.

We see the tickets print out, Price $7.00

The couple walks into the theater lobby and suddenly on the balcony that overlooks the lobby there is a sword fight going on between a zorro dressed character and a pirate.

Close-up of them with a bucket of Popcorn, Soda and Candy walking towards the biggest auditorium.

Crane shot from the Marquee that states Deadlands and suddenly both sets of doors bust open and people come out running with zombies in chase. The couple looks at each other and decides to walk down the corridor with theaters 3-10 and when they arrive at # 6.

A John McClane look alike comes rushing out the door beating on another man... screaming "First I am gonna cook ya, then I am gonna eat ya." They go over to open the doors to theater 7 and there is standing Jason (well a guy with a Chainsaw wearing a Hockey mask.)

The finally walk into a theater and sit down and the Hagerstown 10 Logo comes up on screen - tag Line - Bringing Movies to life in digital projection and sound.

08-May-2007, 07:48 PM
MZ - "rarely used"? That reminds me a lot of Dj's beanbag! :lol: :lol:

(y'know I had to go there for the 'questioning my sexuality' joke. :D :p)

Dj - your idea for the commercial is pretty kick-ass! Do I get to be a zombie? huh? huh? can I? huh? :D

08-May-2007, 07:51 PM
MZ - "rarely used"? That reminds me a lot of Dj's beanbag!

How would you know if they are rarely used? Have you been secretly keeping track of my sexual conquests? :p

They are actually going through a resting period, after being married for 3 years they were over used. (In case anyone cares. :D )

08-May-2007, 09:27 PM
Yes. :D

:lol: :p

08-May-2007, 09:49 PM
I think you should take this idea and streamline it...

If you are talking about gyb shots, they are complicated to set up, repo, test - unless you have more than one day...

I love your concept. Go handheld, keep the lighting simple, and just fill the screen with great coverage. If you must use a gyb, then keep it for one big payoff.

How much do they have to spend? Someone else mentioned getting a line producer...can you afford one? Usually these local gigs can only spend between 800 - 1000.

I don't really have all the information to guide you, but as you know I've produced a lot of television and you can start burning your day really quick the more adventurous you get. I would say take the concept and then really streamline based on your resources.

Also, when you pitch them the idea, put together some drawings (or even just use stills from movies - it's just a pitch) to really sell the idea. If you get them excited at the concept, they will want to help make it great. It's always good to get the client on board with you.

Break a leg and congrats! Since this is your first, it really only makes sense to push the limits and do something unique.


08-May-2007, 10:36 PM
That's sounds like a really cool idea, do you know what ballpark of cash you'd be working with? I really like the idea - especially the zombie part, natch. :):cool::thumbsup:

08-May-2007, 11:10 PM
My Budget is $300-$600 tops.

I am going to plan this out, so it is executed perfectly, but the theater owner likes the idea, so thats a plus.

08-May-2007, 11:46 PM
dude totally do it, i think you should do a comedy type vid, like mega 64 style, get someone (heres lookin' at you lou) to act out in 30 seconds every genre of film in the street, saves money, its memorable and might get a laugh.

08-May-2007, 11:57 PM
I really love the whole concept you have. I can just imagine swiping crane shots and dolly rolls down the hall as maybe the couple come rushing out of one of the theater doors, whip around the couple as zombies flood in after them, ignoring the couple as they continue to walk, looking over their shoulder and back at each other.

Anyway, once this is done, would you be able to post it on something like Youtube for us to see?

:dead: Dawg

09-May-2007, 12:05 AM
Oh totally I would post it.

He wants to shoot it in two weeks, I said that is a tad too fast but I am aiming for the 1st weekend of June.

09-May-2007, 01:06 AM
This is sounding like a really good idea. :D

Deej, y'know, I don't know any McClane look-alikes, but I do know someone who looks exactly like Brad Pitt. The Mr. & Mrs. Smith-era Brad Pitt (short hair). Dunno if that would help.

i think you should do a comedy type vid, like mega 64 style, get someone (heres lookin' at you lou) to act out in 30 seconds every genre of film in the street, saves money, its memorable and might get a laugh.

ME?! :lol:

Anything with my acting involved instantly becomes a comedy by default. :D

09-May-2007, 11:34 AM
I have just finished two scripts for the commercial.


I emailed them to the theater owner, and am waiting to hear back.

09-May-2007, 03:52 PM
*fingers cross for zombies* :D:)

Either will rock cock though. :thumbsup:

Can't wait to see it. :cool:

09-May-2007, 05:40 PM
Actually we are doing three scripted commercials and one safe bet commercial.

Script for Commercial # 1:


The camera cranes down from the logo to see the main walkway that leads to the box office.


The camera will dolly in slow to see a couple approaching the box office.


Tickets printing from the system, we see the price on each ticket of $7.00


The couple is thanked by the box office CSR and the couple walks into the theater.



We see the couple walking with a bucket of popcorn, soda, and candy. Faint screams are heard coming from theater # 2.


The camera cranes down from the marquee that shows 28 weeks later is on the marquee, then the camera slowly zooms towards the 2 sets of doors to theater 2. Making sure the SDDS sign is in full view.
We hear more faint screams grow louder.


The couple stops in the lobby about 15 feet from the doors.
Suddenly BAM the doors burst open with running screaming people. We see zombies of the 28 Weeks Later variety running after them.


The couple runs to another theater and sits down to catch their breath. Suddenly the room gets bright and sitting behind them is a Psycho in a hockey mask. We see their frightened look.

HAGERSTOWN 10 LOGO fills the screen
Bringing Movies to Life with Digital Projection and Sound.

Script # 2 - ACTION


The camera cranes down from the logo to see the main walkway that leads to the box office.


The camera will dolly in slow to see a couple approaching the box office.


Tickets printing from the system, we see the price on each ticket of $7.00


The couple is thanked by the box office CSR and the couple walks into the theater.



The couple walks into the lobby and a Harry Potter look alike appears in front of them welcoming them to the theater. He takes their tickets.


The couple walks up to the concession stand and suddenly they hear swords clanging. They look towards the theater #2 and a sword fight is happening between two pirates


They are served Popcorn Candy and Soda, and they begin walking down the corridor towards theaters 3-10.

Suddenly Theater 6’s door’s burst open and two guys come out firing guns at each other.

The couple ducks down against the wall, and a guy dressed in Military gear settles in next to them.

Military Guy
What are you fine folks going to see?

The Man
Live Free or Die Hard

My kind of film… Follow me.

They all get up and make a run for the theater. We see the couple sit down, and the H-10 Logo appears with the tagline “bringing Movies to Life with Digital Projection and Sound.”

15-May-2007, 11:17 PM
Bad News today... The Commercial shoot has been canceled.

16-May-2007, 09:40 AM
Bummer. :(

Is that just today's shoot, or no commercials at all?

16-May-2007, 11:03 AM
I won't be doing them.

I found out from my friend, the projectionist. That the owner hooked up with someone willing to do them for free. I don't mind that but the guy never called me to tell me that, I had to find out second hand. So I did call him and explain to him that I understand if you can get someone to do it for free, no problem (I was doing it for $250.00), but if you change something, call me don't leave me in the dark. I will be more mad being kept in the dark.

I had a lot of great ideas and managed to put together a nice size crew to shoot these, tis a shame.

16-May-2007, 12:11 PM
Dude that's well lame. :(

16-May-2007, 01:47 PM
No sweat off my nutsack. I just won't ever work with him again because of that.

16-May-2007, 07:50 PM