View Full Version : Are we going to global gov? Not a Immigration post.

08-May-2007, 03:50 PM

I don't know why, but this doesn't appeal to me, I want to be in a single country.

President Bush signed an agreement creating a "permanent body" that commits the U.S. to "deeper transatlantic economic integration," without ratification by the Senate as a treaty or passage by Congress as a law.

The "Transatlantic Economic Integration" between the U.S. and the European Union was signed April 30 at the White House by Bush, German Chancellor Angela Merkel – the current president of the European Council – and European Commission President José Manuel Barroso.

The document acknowledges "the transatlantic economy remains at the forefront of globalization," arguing that the U.S. and the European Union "seek to strengthen transatlantic economic integration."

The agreement established a new Transatlantic Economic Council to be chaired on the U.S. side by a cabinet-level officer in the White House and on the EU side by a member of the European Commission.

The current U.S. head of the new Transatlantic Economic Council is Allan Hubbard, assistant to the president for Economic Policy and director of the National Economic Council.

The current EU head of the council is Günther Verheugen, vice-President of the European Commission in charge of enterprise and industry.

The Transatlantic Economic Council was tasked with creating regulatory convergence between the U.S. and the EU on some 40 different public policy areas, including intellectual property rights, developing security standards for international trade, getting U.S. GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Practices) recognized in Europe, developing innovation and technology in health industries, implementing RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technologies, developing a science-based plan on bio-based products and establishing a "regular dialogue" to address obstacles to investment.

At a joint press conference, Bush thanked the other two leaders for signing the "trans-Atlantic economic integration plan," commenting that, "It is a recognition that the closer that the United States and the EU become, the better off our people will be."

Barroso said the Transatlantic Economic Council is meant to be "a permanent body, with senior people on both sides of the Atlantic."

As WND has reported, Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez repeatedly has pushed for North American integration, much as the April 30 agreement proposes closer U.S.-EU integration.

Mexico's ambassador to the U.N., Enrique Berruga, has called for a North American Union to be created in the next eight years.

But the Bush administration's push for North American integration is facing increasing opposition within Congress.

WND reported Rep. Virgil Goode, R-Va., has introduced House Concurrent Resolution 40, which opposes the administration's Security and Prosperity Partnership, blocks a NAFTA Superhighway System and expresses opposition to the U.S. entry into a North American Union with Mexico and Canada.

WND also has reported a movement led by Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle Forum has led to an increasing number of state legislatures proposing resolutions opposing a North American Union.

08-May-2007, 07:04 PM
Ahhh geez, the bloody EU...:rolleyes:

Thanks to Blair we keep getting sucked further into it, with no proper benefits coming from it, just nosy parkers from the EU telling us we can't do something in a particular way even though the way we do it is perfectly fine. :dead::annoyed: :hurl:

08-May-2007, 08:01 PM
I hate the EU,hopefully with that hardline right winger getting into power in france,it will start to crumble :) although blair is determined to sign away british sovereignty to europe before he leaves office this summer,as his "legacy" and "place in history" ball sacks!:mad:

08-May-2007, 08:07 PM
Only thing I like about the EU is the prospect of becoming the next superpower.

HELL YEAH bring it on! We're gonna trample you China! India, you're going down!

08-May-2007, 09:41 PM
Beware of the Red Chinese. :shifty:

08-May-2007, 10:47 PM
I know, signing away our country, not even a f*cking referendum or anything, it's sickening really, and it should be illegal - it changes fundamentals about our country, and yet we don't get a say?! What kind of bullsh*t is that?

Scum-sucking bullsh*t, that's what. Piss off Blair, go and suck up to American business after-dinner audiences already who think you're oh-so-f*cking-spiffing, meanwhile the NHS is in tatters, the pensions of hard working Brits are completely raped, the economy is on the brink of a crash and burn - it's happened before under similar set-up circumstances, it's gonna happen again...the list goes on, and that ain't just jibber jabber, that's all happening plain as day right now.

lol @ the French, they democratically elect someone, and the other half throws their panties out the pram and riots, christ! :rolleyes: Perhaps it's the shock that they might have to work more than 35 hours a week in the future?! :stunned::lol:

09-May-2007, 10:05 AM
Perhaps it's the shock that they might have to work more than 35 hours a week in the future?! :stunned::lol:

mmm... 35 hours a dream.

09-May-2007, 10:51 AM
mmm... 35 hours a dream.
Tell us about it, I mean the average Brit apparently does 9-5, Monday to Friday, that alone is 40 hours in itself, but there's many more people out there doing far more hours that their job description notes.

People who are supposed to do the average 40 hour week, can easily notch up 50 hours a week - and that's without any travelling the job might dictate. The amount of time you're supposed to work, on your job description, becomes increasingly meaningless the higher up the chain you go, and certainly in the white collar job sector.

At the very least in more manual areas of work, generally, it's more regimented, especially if you're clocking in and out, and especially when you're not working for much, who the hell wants to hang around? I experience that first hand when working down at a local garage, shaving off 15 minutes here and there to get out as early as possible, disdain for the management who just threw those with dirty fingernails around like they didn't have their own sh*t to be getting on with.

Going off on a tangent now, but it was quite shocking to see some of the disrespect from some of the management towards the lads who actually kept the business running (the mechanics and the valeters - I was one of the valeters). You're running around sweatin' and covered in all sorts of chemicals (which I found burned through my thick-ass jeans! :stunned: ... so it didn't help the skin on my hands much I tell ya that!), and then because some dildo from head office is coming down to check sh*t out, you get dragged out to crawl about on your hands and knees in front of customers, getting every little scuff mark off the skirting boards (that was me - I ended up telling the manager of the place to f*ck off as I only had one pair of hands, needless to say the spineless tosser shut up and didn't pester me again).


Anyway, bit off-tangent there...but yeah, all to do, in some manner or other, with the lazy French coasting in on 35 hours a week (for now anyway :elol:)

09-May-2007, 02:35 PM
Beware of the Red Chinese. :shifty:

I bought a wallet with a USSR motif today. It ownz.

09-May-2007, 04:06 PM
What we are talking about is good and evil, right and wrong.

09-May-2007, 05:32 PM
As well as blairs dispicable signing away of our country,he's also handing over the power that remains to a very unlikable man without even any kind of general election!someone who's interests lie in scotland,and the likelihood is a lot of public funds will be diverted away from areas south of the border to prop up scotland!On the other hand,if the SNP get their way and scotland goes independant (the only way it will survive is on EU handouts) what happens to the border between england and scotland?will it be closed off and patrolled like on the continent?will criminals be able to escape justice by hopping over the border?will immigrants arriving in scotland be deported into england?will english taxes still be spent on scottish interests?will there be conflict over where the border between us actually lies?theres big sh!t going down in this country & i think the public are being kept very much in the dark about it :mad:
Ive not got a problem with scottish people,but i would like to have a better idea of whats going on with this independence thing and how much trouble its going to cause!

09-May-2007, 05:54 PM
Indeedy-do, this whole Devolution thing is a bad idea, whatever happened to the "united kingdom" anyway?

That said, I don't agree with Scotland or Wales getting to do things differently and use English taxes to pay for it, that's wrong, because the English are paying for it and they're not getting the benefits - such as, in Wales - free prescriptions, don't get that in England. :rockbrow:

With this SNP lot, I duno, methinks they'll f*ck it up and that'll show to the Scots living in Scotland that they're not cracked up to the job, it'll also confirm doubts about devolution - apparently the more people in Scotland want to remain part of the UK than devolve away ... although if some of those opinions are just because they get to do what they want, but still using English money to do it, then that's wrong.

And I'm a Scot myself, but living in England.

The British people definitely are being kept in the dark about a lot of these political matters, a lot of people won't have the first clue about what it all is, and many more won't really have a clue, and more after that will kinda know ... basically, yes, the Brits are being kept in the dark, too distracted by selfishness, 24 hour boozing and consumerism to take interest...they're basically the moany bloke on that "I don't do politics" advert they had on TV a while back.

*ug* And gordo poo-colour ... don't even get me started. He's about the biggest slap in the face to the Scottish people around at the moment ... as well as that dressing-up-as-a-cat "respect party" wanker, I've forgotten his name, but he's an utter c*nt.

17-May-2007, 02:29 PM
Indeedy-do, this whole Devolution thing is a bad idea, whatever happened to the "united kingdom" anyway?

That said, I don't agree with Scotland or Wales getting to do things differently and use English taxes to pay for it, that's wrong, because the English are paying for it and they're not getting the benefits - such as, in Wales - free prescriptions, don't get that in England. :rockbrow:

With this SNP lot, I duno, methinks they'll f*ck it up and that'll show to the Scots living in Scotland that they're not cracked up to the job, it'll also confirm doubts about devolution - apparently the more people in Scotland want to remain part of the UK than devolve away ... although if some of those opinions are just because they get to do what they want, but still using English money to do it, then that's wrong.

And I'm a Scot myself, but living in England.

The British people definitely are being kept in the dark about a lot of these political matters, a lot of people won't have the first clue about what it all is, and many more won't really have a clue, and more after that will kinda know ... basically, yes, the Brits are being kept in the dark, too distracted by selfishness, 24 hour boozing and consumerism to take interest...they're basically the moany bloke on that "I don't do politics" advert they had on TV a while back.

*ug* And gordo poo-colour ... don't even get me started. He's about the biggest slap in the face to the Scottish people around at the moment ... as well as that dressing-up-as-a-cat "respect party" wanker, I've forgotten his name, but he's an utter c*nt.

I very well may be wrong, but aren't Brit taxes paying to help enforce sharia law?

17-May-2007, 04:59 PM
touchy subject

17-May-2007, 08:01 PM
Also basically bollocks, at least to that extent. Sharia Law is trying to make in-roads, but it's not like we've been taken over! :eek::stunned:

Measures are apparently being taken to crack down on this Shariah garbage, but political correctness is getting in the way ... and beaurocracy ... and ineptitude...

17-May-2007, 08:09 PM
I worry about you guys. I watched some report where a imman(sp?) was saing that one way or another musilm law wil be the way. He flat out said convert or pay. PC will be the death of us all.

They seem to have a stonger grip over ther than in the USA, we are not far behind I am sure.

17-May-2007, 08:17 PM
More smoke blowing up asses, it's mostly all arrogant spitting.

The government may drop the ball over the court, but the British people - if they don't want something, boy - they'll tell ya!