View Full Version : Apparently OJs money isnt the same as anyone elses...

09-May-2007, 08:18 PM
Owner Boots O.J. Simpson From Restaurant
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (May 9) - The owner of an upscale steakhouse in Louisville said he asked O.J. Simpson to leave his restaurant the night before the Kentucky Derby because he is sickened by the attention Simpson still attracts.
Owner Boots O.J. Simpson From Restaurant
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (May 9) - The owner of an upscale steakhouse in Louisville said he asked O.J. Simpson to leave his restaurant the night before the Kentucky Derby because he is sickened by the attention Simpson still attracts.
Ruby said Simpson soon came up to him and said he understood and would gather the rest of his party to leave.

Simpson's attorney, Yale Galanter, said the incident was about race, and he intended to pursue the matter and possibly go after the restaurant's liquor license.

"He screwed with the wrong guy, he really did," Galanter said by telephone Tuesday night.

Ruby said the incident had to do with Simpson's past.

"It was the first time since 1994 he has ever shown any class," Ruby said. "He showed it that night in the restaurant" by leaving quietly.

Ruby said after Simpson left, people in the restaurant started applauding him. He said he has received about 100 positive e-mails since the incident.

The walls of Ruby's restaurants are decorated with celebrity photos. A photo of Simpson and Ruby used to be on display, but Ruby said he took it down after the killings.

I would prolly not serve OJ or anyone else I personally find to be as repugnant as he is. I really liked the remark the restaurant owner said about how it was the first time he showed any class.

I see in a few places signs that say they refuse the right to refuse service to anyone though Ive rarely seen that in action but i'm curious do you feel this is a racial thing or is it what he said... he doesn't like the man?

09-May-2007, 08:25 PM
Judging by the area Id say its a bit of both..Racial disharmony and all that sort of fun stuff. Lol Thats damn cool that he was refused service either way, one small buisnessman against a big celebrity.

His place, his rules.

09-May-2007, 08:28 PM
I would say if OJs money is good anywhere it should be good in places that see a lot of celebs and have many wealthy residents. I like Kentucky but never found it to be a racist place. I'm just wondering how many other criminals this guy has refused service to. I'm skeptical I mean it could be racial it could be both.

09-May-2007, 08:32 PM
It could be that he refuses Killers access rather than criminals, the guy who gets pulled over for speeding or drunk driving a quarter of a mile but they are a world apart from those who take lives.

Maybe he didnt like how oj responded to it? Maybe he is a scorn fan who knows? Ive never been to Kentucky just heard things Im not sure if the top gear episode was in Kentucky, certain parts of the south of youre country and my own still cling to the old ways.

Although I somehow doubt if youre southern kids are all aerian Lol

09-May-2007, 08:44 PM
Maybe he hated OJ's work in the Maked Gun movies? :)

But I highly doubt this had anything to do with race. He refused service to what in his mind was a known murderer, and I applaud his stand. In case you havent noticed, OJ is still living the high life, hasnt really paid the proper amount of money to the Goldman's, and needs some type of income flow. A lawsuit of any type is a great way for him to get some money.

09-May-2007, 08:46 PM
Its hard not to be at least for me. I moved to South Carolina after much talk with other people I knew. I met a man who told me Charleston is the most racist place he's ever visited to the extent that they keep the market where slaves once were sold as a sort of reminder to the black people. Of course it could be there for historical signifigance. He said he loathed the population of Charleston but that the beauty of the city was what kept him there. I also met people who loved it and couldnt get enough of the city and its residents. But since being here and living in not the greatest part of town and working here I dont like black people now. Its not the whole race its just the ones who live here. They killed our restaurant manager. Smashed into our cars once a month. Robbed our restaurant at gunpoint. 4 black men kicked in the door of a young woman and beat her nearly to death after wolfpacking her. They go out to eat or drink and treat you like dirt and dont tip you. I can't even say how many times i've been sexually harassed by the cooks at my restaurant and my boss refused to do anything about it. And i'm not talking about them just saying lewd things and making gestures with their fingers and tongue I'm talking about full on harassment. In the end I was forced to quit because my safety at work and outside of work had been put in jeopardy. And I often see black men hitting their girlfriends or talking down to them. I feel every bit right to be somewhat racist here. I dont attend meetings for the kkk but I sure as hell am terrified when I see black people. It doesn't really end there. I have black friends here who are great...but they're from other states. I suppose once I leave here in September it will all be back to normal for me again but its hard to forgive a race of people who affected you as black people from here have.

and hey if this is offensive... take it down i dont care i'm just saying its easy not to be racist when nothing has happened to you...im not trying to offend here

and as for people in Kentucky... i'm sure there's a lot of racists there in the community but I dont know so much if this guy was one of them... wealthy people are so hoity toity they tend to hate anyone who isnt the same color or doesn't belong to the same country club

and oj was awesome in the naked gun movies he was sooooooo stupid like frank drevan

09-May-2007, 08:58 PM
I dont think youre comment was offensive it all made sense, its not like youre using the N word or ranting on about what bad people you are youre just explaining youre situation and ouch. Rough area and sexual harrasment? try a lawyer if you dare?

Were I live the coloured population is stupidly low its like 0.03

09-May-2007, 09:08 PM
OJ's money isn't the same as everyone else's... what, you guys didn't know that?

09-May-2007, 11:33 PM
His place, his rules.


10-May-2007, 02:45 AM
I spoke to an attorney and a cop about suing the restaurant and about arresting the person who kept harassing me and after they both spoke to the restaurant managers and owners they both told me I would have no hope in hell of winning because of my abrasive nature with my coworkers. They found it too hard to believe I would let myself be harassed without either killing the person who did it or screaming bloody murder once the person started bothering me. Little did they know i'd be too ashamed of what was happening to actually draw attention to what was going on. My boss eventually transferred that person to another location within the restaurant but due to constant firings and quittings had to bring him back to work with me and everything got worse for me and I was forced to quit. The straw that broke the camels back was when the two owners of the local chain I worked for sitting me down and telling me that it could get ugly for me if I chose to pursue action against the restaurant and that I'd never get another job in this town again. It was true and I found myself learning yet again another life lesson... when someone messes with you put your pride and self esteem aside and attack at least it draws peoples attention to whats happening and from there you can take action.

10-May-2007, 03:32 AM
I doubt it was racial, the only person making it a race issue is Simpson's attourney, because any time a white person does anything to a black person such as OJ the race card is instantly played.

I am so sick of this garbage. He was asked to leave becuase the guy didnt want a murderer in his restaurant. It is as simple as that, but becuase he is black its automatically racism. Bull****. Plain and simple. A publicity ploy for somebody who nobody cares about anymore.

I have worked with customers for a long time and have asked many of them to leave when they were causing problems. It wasn't a matter of race, it was becuase they were causing problems. According to the restaurant owner, he didnt want the attention Simpson attracts and as with any customer service related job, the owner has a right to ask anybody to leave. Even though the place exists to serve customers, it is a private establishment, he can ask anybody to leave for any reason or no reason. It is his restaurant.

10-May-2007, 07:54 AM
This thread is of course in danger of raising a lot of eyebrows with it's candid comments on various race issues... Indeed some strong comments have already been made.

I feel the best thing to do is to close it.