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View Full Version : Gotten back into Battlefield 2...

29-Mar-2006, 07:59 PM
...initially I was really disappointed with the game, after the incredible awesomeness that was/is Battlefield: Vietnam - which took the flawed BF1942 and made it so much fun - besides the moronic AI in single player.

I've never played the games online - don't have the ability to, all to do with household geography. But just recently, looking for a game to fill the void until True Crime New York comes along (another delay recently until beginning of May!!!), and actually, I'm having much more fun with it. Running around like a nutter as a medic with the SA80 - a weapon which you can hit people with! lol.

That was my major complaint with BF2 - it's too fiddly and delicate feeling, you've gotta be so pinpoint precise when aiming it takes the fun out of it all. But does the 1.21 patch solve these issues, how does it affect weapon accuracy and effectiveness? (sniper rifles are also freakin' useless) ... I have the patch, but will have to update my friggin' ATI drivers in order to install it...along with Euro Forces which I downloaded...but for now, I'm having a blast with the Battlefield franchise again...was almost considering playing BF:Vietnam again, acting out Full Metal Jacket in an FPS format is just cool, gotta love an M16...mmmm....M16.

As for BF2, nothing better than hopping in the Yank's buggy and twatting it to the next flag whilst running over panicky enemies, lol, although sliding it around a corner *just so* does feel even better...ha! :sneaky:

03-Apr-2006, 05:00 PM
You don't play online? That's one of the main things that makes the game fun to me.

03-Apr-2006, 05:04 PM
indeed, even on XBL, it's outstanding.

03-Apr-2006, 09:03 PM
Like I said - household geography - internet connection is downstairs, my computer with my games on it is upstairs. Like buggery am I lugging that bastard up and down and setting it up constantly...

Never really was one for online play though, you're either surrounded by n00bs or people who have done nothing else for the last year but play the friggin game...and there's all the friggin' LAAAAAAAAAAAAG.


Had a brief stint playing CS online, played a bit of DF2 online ... pretty much it really. Multiplayer (as in four folk sat at an Xbox in the same room) I like, but never really got much of that fun except on Halo 2 ... which we played ENDLESSLY at Uni...sometimes we'd be there for HOURS.

*gets distracted by Predator 2 on TV*

Yeh...all to do with household broadband connection to computer geography.

04-Apr-2006, 03:17 PM
Yeh...all to do with household broadband connection to computer geography.

have you considered going to WiFi?

it's disturbingly easy to set up. i doubt a full setup would run you more than $60

04-Apr-2006, 06:02 PM
And I don't even have that much money to spare :D

But I wouldn't fancy all that wireless stuff. At Uni, when one of my housemate's mates moved in with us for a week (after he'd jacked in) he was surfing on the web - I thought he was using up our connection without paying us anything ... fortunately (for us) he was stealing next door's wireless connection!

Can't be doing with this wireless thing, I'm slow to come around to stuff :p

04-Apr-2006, 09:04 PM
Im a regular on BF2 online,what an awesome game!cant beat the satisfaction of planting explosives on all the vehicles in the enemies base as special forces,then hiding & detonating when some poor sod gets in :sneaky: even better when its a chopper & you let them get airborne first!I think some HPOTD competition is needed,get some server IP's up that you guys are regulars on,my name is RMT1982 on there :D

05-Apr-2006, 12:05 AM
Oh yeh - anyone with an ATI card and BF2 finding problems running the game beyond the EA logo after installing the Version 1.21 patch? First of all it takes AGES to install the patch - I'm talking like 30 to 60 minutes (b'ave), and then it means I can't play BF2 anymore - how useless is that.

Anyway, I got the latest ATI drivers for my card - which they even say fixes that problem - like buggery it does. They even said it had a special video conversion thingymajig ... doesn't even have that, yet I am updated to the latest version of the Catalyst drivers ... anyone else had this really annoying problem - guess mixing EA and ATI isn't a great idea huh?

05-Apr-2006, 01:24 PM
and this kids, is why i don't game on my PC anymore.

05-Apr-2006, 02:09 PM
True, PC gaming does have some annoyances, like updating with patches or drivers and the inevitable "my computer can't run games anymore" realisation which forces you to get another one, but over the piece I feel PC's are ideal gaming tools - ESPECIALLY for FPS gaming, which is my main area of interest.

05-Apr-2006, 02:20 PM
fair enough, i just got tired of the hassle.

to me it's not worth the time, effort and funding. i'd rather be playing the game than upgrading my system inorder to run it.

05-Apr-2006, 02:27 PM
Mmm...the thing I like about PC gaming is that you can use the PC for other stuff. Like I also use my gaming PC for editing, storing files, listening to music, watching movies/DVDs/tv shows ... and porn, OBVIOUSLY! :p However, if I had the money then I'd probably be quite keen to own a console for certain games that never get ported over and for multiplayer ... and for once, the chance to not have to think "will this run on my rig?"

05-Apr-2006, 05:40 PM
Im using an ATI radeon 9600XT and ive not had any problems with BF2,the 1.22 patch is out now by the way,give it a shot & see if it improves things :D then git yo marine corps ass online & get fragging some foreigners :lol:

05-Apr-2006, 10:10 PM
Yeh I tried the v1.22 patch as well - and still nothing. I doubt it could be because I've got a cheeky internet version, lol, as I've never had that sort of trouble before - even with EA games ripped on the net. I had it ordered, but then I finished Uni and couldn't really afford to splash out £30 on a game that I wasn't sure I was going to like - in fact when I first played BF2 I was really disappointed and haven't played it at all extensively like I did with BF:Vietnam - so I'm glad I didn't drop the cash on it ... which reminds me, I'm downloading True Crime: New York City ... have it on pre-order, but it's out a month in advance online ... and I could honestly put the money to better use. I'll pay for Hitman: Blood Money though, see you corporate 'UMD's a great idea' types - I download AND I buy stuff! Geez...