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11-May-2007, 08:54 PM
I just finished watching Deadlands and was glad to find a forum to write a review and compare mine to the others. I like horror movies like this that are done for fun instead of trying to bring in box office bucks. I read some other reviews, including the most recent ones. I agree with sirjack that it started out very slow, but picked up somewhat in the second half. The story wasn't bad with the different side stories, which was a good idea. There were some good action scenes and scary moments with the attacks. I disagree with him about the music. It's raw and edgy that a horror film should have, although it was a bit grating with the screeching noises within it. If I'm right about this being Dj's first ever movie, it really wasn't too shabby. If the story moved along faster, better dialog and more money to work with, it would have turned out much better.

Mutineer is right about the varied plots in the movie. I like not being stuck with only one or two people or places as if nothing else is going on out there during a zombie attack. Dj wanted to give a feel for what it would be like right after an outbreak started, so a traffic jam would make sense. Kind of like Independence Day when Jeff Goldblum is riding back with his dad into town with all the traffic going one way. Right again about the slow pacing and too much driving around, shooting bottles, etc., but it did give me a feel for being in the car with them and being their third musketeer along for the ride. Having them "disappear" for a short time was actually good to anticipate what their situation was.

The acting was very uneven. I agree that most of the cast were not actors, but friends or neighbors who worked on the cheap. The mom did a nice job with her role and I worried for her and her son's safety. I think she gave a realistic representation of an American mom trying to protect her family. Her part was very well done as a central character in the story. However, I definitely disagree with mutineer not liking the closet guy. Was it a bathroom? I thought it was some kind of utility closet. Anyway, he was easily the best performer in the whole movie. He seemed like the only pro in the bunch. Too bad the others didn't help him out much. I also felt sorry for his character that nobody would listen to his warnings of incoming destruction and I was very relieved he made it out in one piece. I like his no-nonsense approach telling the people to shut up and listen if they want to live. Very strong and convincing performance. Why didn't he have a bigger role, and what happened to him after he left the building? Mutineer contradicted himself saying he liked the closet guy because of his enthusiasm and brought out a sense of compassion, but then goes on to say he wasn't a good actor. Huh? If he wasn't a good actor, a viewer would not have liked him or felt any emotions from him or for him. I took drama courses in college, and one of the most important responsibilities for an actor is to convey emotions and have the audience feel those emotions as well while going along for the ride as if they are in the story too. If he wasn't a good actor, you would never have cared about him, felt any enthusiasm (or any emotions) or liked him at all. The fact he elicited feelings and had you rooting for him proves he was a very good actor. Some of the older reviews agree with my assessment, so I know I'm not alone there.

Same idea with the mom. Her fear showed and her priority to protect her son was done well. I also like that Dj didn't get some unrealistic model to play the part. Having Cindy Crawford play the mom would have looked silly. People need to see people they can actually relate to themselves which increases their enjoyment of a movie, although not too many have a stomach like the closet guy does. Guess he got in such good shape from running away from all those zombies? By the way, there are many excellent actors who don't belong to the unions and many who are AFTRA/SAG that aren't any good. Just turn on the TV and you'll find many who shouldn't be there. So the view that none of the cast could "pull it off" is very untrue, but every opinion is different and should be shared. I'm a little surprised Dj agreed with most of the negatives and didn't really defend his crew people or cast in the latest review. In my view, the mom and closet guy saved the film. Good thing when considering the guardsmen and Homeland Security guy. They were not at all convincing, and it was kind of embarrassing to watch. Nothing personal against them, since I'm sure they did the best they could.

The two leads did a pretty decent job too. Their friendship came through as they stuck together watching each others backs. The living room scene was kind of weak, but the traffic jam shootout was better. I got a good sense of them being on the run (looking at the map) and doing what they could to avoid getting infected. The picnic bench scene was also good. I felt the doubt of the bald guy not knowing who else is out there and how long they can find supplies, and the optimism of his friend that they will survive somehow. Good writing there to have a balance between them.

I disagree the script was "a complete mess". Although the dialog could have had more substance and depth, it still got the point across as to what was happening and how people felt. The multiple plots were nice and the traffic attack was very well done. The woman's neck getting ripped open almost made me queasy it looked so real. The intestines looked nasty too, so Dj got his money's worth from the makeup people. The camera work was pretty smooth and on target. Some shots did look like they were taken by different cameras, with some clearer and some grainier, but wasn't a big deal. I didn't really like the slow motion approach at the shelter of the zombies. There is too much of that in movies these days, and I prefer a straight forward attack from zombie to victim without delay. Slowing it down kind of kills the moment.

If this was some multi million dollar movie, I would be much more negative with my comments, but taking into account this was a first try for many with little money, it turned out fairly well. Viewers just need to have the mindset at the beginning this isn't a big budget film with a new director. I hope Dj tries again and brings back the mom and closet guy with a more professional writer and cast with a bigger budget. That would make a big difference in quality and enjoyment. Thanks for a good movie and giving me a chance to write my review.

12-May-2007, 12:21 AM
Thanks for the feedback and the review. it was an interesting and intriguing read.

I have read a ton of reviews for the film, some good, some bad, some so-so, and over the nearly 7 months Deadlands has been released... since my initial self release... I have listened and thought about what some viewers thought. I can't disagree with people that on some levels the film does need work, but I would never not stick up for the actors as they all busted their asses and gave their 150%. They and the crew gave it their all and I am thankful. The one person besides LouCipherr (Brian Wright) whom got me through this was my DP and although he and I aren't really jiving at the moment he helped me alot in understanding the production process. The actors, gave me their best and had plenty of patience with me, and it was nice to know they would come back for part 2.

As I sat and edited the film I kept looking over the footage and second guessing myself over this scene here and that scene there and I said I have to get this together then review the overall film. Once I did I was like ok... I screwed up here, but I made up for it here and after the initial screening in Baltimore and the warm reception I was like ok I did good. Once I tightened up the film it became close to what I envisioned. I mean I wanted to see more destruction in the city, but the stuff I wanted to do was there and that was important. I made the zombies film I wanted to see, I made the zombie film I felt everyone else wasn't making but should have, and that made me happy.

As I said I have read lots of reviews and some of them really pissed me off. I mean to the point I get drawn in on them and start thinking did I **** this up that bad, but then it was Brian who set me straight. A lot of people forget the film was low budget from the get go, and not everyone is going to enjoy the film. As I started re-reading the reviews, the reviewers had some, and I stress some... valid points on things, but on others they were reaching too far and too wide. However, I made it a point to not get worked up about them anymore and I decided to just thank them for their feedback and if I did agree with a part of their assessment then I would not lie and admit yes you are right etc etc.

I was talking to my agent today and we were discussing a proposition of remaking Deadlands: The Rising with a larger budget. This isn't something that just popped up today, it has actually been in the works for a month now, and he said you gave me a list of things you would like to add or build on... I said Yes. He said are these items things you felt the story lacked, or items you had from the get go and just couldn't film because of money. I said... Look at Deadlands as it is now... When you get right down to it, it is a concept project. It is what a majority of reviewers call it... a love letter to the genre, using new window dressing. The new items are the further building of each characters story arc. take the guy in the closet (Dave). I had a much more detailed scene in mind in regards to Dave, in how everyone confronted him and he explained in detail what they are really facing. What you all did get is a condensed version that plays on your awareness of the genre, because this was a love letter film. It really isn't meant for an audience who doesn't know zombie films or only has a passing knowledge this is for the hardcore fan. He then said are you sure you could pull of an education version... Meaning could I go to wider audience with a larger film and sink the story into their heads in a cinematic way... I said Yes I can, and if the deal gets made that is what I will do... so that is what he is selling to three studios at the moment interested in remaking Deadlands 1.

I have always said I am proud of the film, and yes I admit I wish it was a bit better, but I am happy with what I put out there for the masses. I was so sick of seeing people make zombie films on low budgets and f*cking them up so bad it was killing my beloved genre. I was tired of the ****ty video looking productions, the half assed make-up jobs and the scores of zombie projects with both Heavy Thrash Metal scores and useless sexual scenes that I was ready to vomit and stick to only the mainstream stuff, however I decided I could do this and I was going to do something on a low budget level that would show I cared and I tried. After getting so much feedback I feel I met or exceeded the expectations of most and felt I did something good for the genre I loved. Believe it or not to this day when people email me and ask to help them out I actually kind of sit back and wonder wow... someone is asking me for advice... The first thing I tell them is do it right and do it with love.

I may apologize for certain instances of the film and I do feel it is my right to do so, and I will never turn back from doing that, but one thing I will not let anyone say is that Deadlands is total crap or their 2 year old can do a better job... cause if he or she can.. I will personally pony up the 10,847 for that 2 year old to do it. So to all the loudmouths with critiques like that I have two words for you... F*CK OFF!

To everyone else I hear your feedback and I appreciate every bit of it. i am glad you liked or at least watched the film as the only thing I asked was that people gave it a chance.

PS. Please don't ask me to elaborate to much on the studio thing as I have said about all I can say, but once the I's are dotted and the T's crossed you can bet your ass that is one announcement I will be screaming from the hilltops.

Dj :)

12-May-2007, 05:37 AM
you guys are both heros in my book for writing / reading all that.

12-May-2007, 09:24 AM
you guys are both heros in my book for writing / reading all that.
You know what Codes? Classic. :D