View Full Version : The Eurovision song contest

12-May-2007, 09:11 PM
Ive been sitting watching this for a while now just because of Wogan being a god and Im really pissed off at us, the brits at the minute. Hellsinki is playing at the minute with some tasty mix of old and new, lol I never associated with headbanging and ballet with helsinki but live and learn. The point Im trying to make is that all the countries in the contest tried to make good music and even some level of depth, thus the boom in opera singing in this contest.

Everyone attempted to make good music BUT us. Why? Why the hell did we have to put those life size barbie dolls out infront of the world to represent to us? Everyone else gave music their country is loving at the minute yet we gave the music that we only ever give to the young ( preferably before their minds develop ). We gave our own recycled brand of vocal cancer to the world.

Sorry for the rant, need to vent. This is the best we have to offer? seriously? At least we have wogan there, there is a guy who wont take no shat when it comes to his nationality.

Anyone else this? Hellsinki is tasty as hell..Flame lances with violin and acrobats? Hail to the king baby, hail to the king.

12-May-2007, 09:58 PM
I never ever watch that crap. I know The Ark is representing Sweden this year, but frankly darling, I don't give a damn.

12-May-2007, 10:27 PM
The whole thing is absolute crap,i dont like any of the music that is in that contest,pure cheese on toast or just plain and simple dogs knobs!why the hell is russia now in there though?they most definately arent european! :confused:

12-May-2007, 11:44 PM
Russia is part of Europe. Turkey, however, is not. Nor Isreal.

13-May-2007, 05:28 AM
It is a complete pile of nonsense (now)... You can predict many people votes, and the fact we only received points from two (?) countries sums it up perfectly :)

It would be nigh on impossible for us to win no matter what track we had :)

I wish Ukraine had won! http://www.eurovision.tv/content/view/467/282/

I thought Bulgaria's and Georgia's tracks were good :)

13-May-2007, 07:24 AM
england allways suck, lordi won, deservedly i might add alst year by being a great band that put on a memorable performance, last year we had a bloke dressed like a builder leering at women in school uniforms, this year weve got the cast of mile high.:rolleyes:

13-May-2007, 11:25 AM
Ach, it's bloody daft. WE pay for it, and we constantly get f*cked over, partly because we always put sh*t up, but mainly because Eurovision is NOT about the 'music' anymore, it's about politics - which is global laming in itself.

Britain has become America II, everybody publically hates us, but they're oh too pleased to use our services and take our money...it's stupid, we're mugs to continue in this vein. With-hold our services and cash and then see them change their attitudes ... wankers. :mad:

13-May-2007, 01:31 PM
Ach, it's bloody daft. WE pay for it, and we constantly get f*cked over, partly because we always put sh*t up, but mainly because Eurovision is NOT about the 'music' anymore, it's about politics - which is global laming in itself.

Britain has become America II, everybody publically hates us, but they're oh too pleased to use our services and take our money...it's stupid, we're mugs to continue in this vein. With-hold our services and cash and then see them change their attitudes ... wankers. :mad:

I'd be quite happy to be honest to not bother seeing us enter next year.

What was quite interesting was on BBC this morning they had Mike Reid on as an expert. He slagged off the whole affair, but this main consisted of commenting what the people/artists LOOKED like. Umm... Surely that's shouldn't really matter Mike?

Suggesting the winner was maybe not the most attractive person? Suggesting she was a bit over weight? Now that's good insightful stuff!!!

13-May-2007, 01:34 PM
same here, theres tons of actual bands that could be entered, i mean its the eurovisions "songS" contest, not "pop" contest, finland got a metal band, i dont see why england shouldnt, specially since rock, metal ect. are the kinda stuff most english people are into, i means whens the last time you heard someone over the age of 12 listening to a boy band or pop group?

13-May-2007, 05:50 PM
I'd love to see us leave it and not bother - and at the same not, not fund it. That'll soon show those wankers voting against us, tossers.

And indeed, why can't we put something up that goes against the grain like Lordi did - not the same thing, but just something else. It would have been interesting if Morrissey really had gotten to represent us.

But of course, even if we had some good act, the voting wouldn't change. All the Baltic types would stick together and suck each other off, and then a whole bunch of other countries would ignore us ... hell, even France and Germany were in the bottom 10!

The dude you mentioned, Neil, complaining about it - yeesh, complain about it properly, who gives a sh*t if she's a geezer-bird? You can say that stuff in your head, complain about the idiocy of the UK funding it and getting f*cked over and humiliated yearly...it's retarded.

13-May-2007, 08:20 PM
The whole bloody show is rigged, end of.

14-May-2007, 12:28 AM
^^ well said.

14-May-2007, 10:13 AM
*picks up another placard and starts marching around*

Damn...I'm gonna have to order in porn from elsewhere, I've cleared Smith's out! :stunned:

16-May-2007, 10:36 AM
Dont take this wrong,'cause I have known and know that Brits are fuggin cool as sh!t ..."Eurotrash!"

16-May-2007, 09:17 PM
oi MZ, i am still waiting for my copy from your last protest...

16-May-2007, 09:24 PM
oi MZ, i am still waiting for my copy from your last protest...
They're still in the mail, take it up with the boys in red. :lol:

17-May-2007, 03:10 PM
well in that case where did i put that damn placard...