View Full Version : You sweethearts entertainment preferences...

15-May-2007, 03:55 PM
...just of late years, Danny Boyles "28 Days/Weeks" later has caught up in my mind.
It seems now that because of science and anti-depressant research, this type of 'item' might not be such a far fetched possibility...
I and my wife, watched 28 Days Later last night... Yes, my 'almost-judgementalist horror film hater' hunney actually enjoyed it.
She was very moved at how the characters were believable. She was really freaked by the rage so to speak, when the infected burst through the curtained double doors in the back of Jims parents house.
When he lit the candle she said,"Uh oh"...
So does anybody here have that in common with their sweety? Both liking horror film? Because thats the only one I have been able to get her to watch.(all the way through)

15-May-2007, 06:54 PM
My ex girlfirend liked the horror but not the zombs. She once went to see Scream at the cinema and came back raving about how good it was. I said to her "oh, shut the f**k up and watch a real horror movie" so I put on the original Dawn. Halfway through she just looked at me sarcastically and said "hon, this is a load of s**t!"

I have not met many zomb crazy girlies... except one girl who was at the Dawn 04 screening who told me that it was crap compared to the original. I said "jeez girl, where you been all my life!", to which she said "oh and this is my husband"...

I guess most girls like a horror film every now and then but zombs? I dunno...

15-May-2007, 07:42 PM
My ex girlfirend liked the horror but not the zombs. She once went to see Scream at the cinema and came back raving about how good it was. I said to her "oh, shut the f**k up and watch a real horror movie" so I put on the original Dawn. Halfway through she just looked at me sarcastically and said "hon, this is a load of s**t!"

I have not met many zomb crazy girlies... except one girl who was at the Dawn 04 screening who told me that it was crap compared to the original. I said "jeez girl, where you been all my life!", to which she said "oh and this is my husband"...

I guess most girls like a horror film every now and then but zombs? I dunno...
Oh my, I had hope there for a second for you Capn! Maybe we can 'turn '
For my wife, its the eating of people that freaks her out.Not really much of that in 28s...
I think my wifey knows great 'film' as opposed to 'shots'...Danny Boyle cant be so bad you know, his eye for angles can scare a shot so well...
The true master is GAR!
The thing is, was her hubby a zed fan?

15-May-2007, 11:11 PM
The Hills have eyes remake

16-May-2007, 04:55 AM
The Hills have eyes remake
<spits Holsten Pils on keyboard> :lol:

16-May-2007, 10:24 AM
<spits Holsten Pils on keyboard> :lol:

Where can I get some Holsten Pills?

20-May-2007, 07:50 AM
About only 3 horror films My wife and I enjoyed:28 days later, teh ring and grudge.

I typically don't have a problem with her and horror movies. we enjoy watching them together. Action movies are a whole other subject though. My last straw was with Casino Royal. She kept commenting on how unbelievable it was. I then asked if she needed to go shopping or something. :)

21-May-2007, 05:44 AM
My boyfriend likes fantasy and sci fi. He reads graphic novels. Buys katana swords. And think the Star Wars movies are gifts from God. He watches horror movies and all but he doesn't like them as much as I do but i'm glad he at watches them with me. Unfortunately i'm also left watching The Bridge to Terrabithia with him but hey... thats love or something like it!

If I ever end up single again and meet a guy who doesn't dig horror or who's not willing to watch it thats it right there. Its just weird man. I dont get it.

I think whats funny is being at my boyfriends bro's house and they were gonna watch the Hills Have Eyes remake but because I was there they felt that wasn't appropriate... little do they know lol... I loved the remake and the sequel... but hey its hard to imagine a sweet kid like me is into dismemberment and torture and gore and above all else zombies!