View Full Version : Great Zombie article on MSN.....

15-May-2007, 09:27 PM
mostly because it mentions HOMEPAGE OF THE DEAD!!!!!


15-May-2007, 11:16 PM
nice avatar, yes it is! for highlighting the nurse zombie

16-May-2007, 10:21 PM
butttt I liked the Hare Krishna and the Bach's Auto Pitcarin guy too

neato article!

17-May-2007, 12:41 AM
I liked the Bach's Auto Pitcarin guy too
Me too, the way he stares at Franny is totally weird. Almost like he had no intention of harming her whatsoever.

17-May-2007, 12:43 AM
He seemed curious about what was going on lol ...the zombies in that movie were like characters, I mean technically they are but they actually acted like characters in the Romero films... you ever notice that?

17-May-2007, 12:51 AM
Oh, they were definitely characters of their own hence GAR's coining of the 'lead zombie' credit. Actually there were so many memorable zombie characters in Dawn that I was amazed to only see about 8 zombie actors in the list. The Hare Krishna zombie should've got a credit at least.

19-May-2007, 01:07 PM
The zed at the end of Dawn, who takes his m16 ...

19-May-2007, 04:35 PM
Oh, they were definitely characters of their own hence GAR's coining of the 'lead zombie' credit. Actually there were so many memorable zombie characters in Dawn that I was amazed to only see about 8 zombie actors in the list. The Hare Krishna zombie should've got a credit at least.

i heard some other zombie film makers didnt like how romero had say a clown zombie and a zombie in a wedding dress, the dude who made dawn 04 said "what are the odds of seeing all of them at the same time?"
.....a bit more than the dead actually coming to life i reckon:rolleyes:

19-May-2007, 05:48 PM
The article isn't working for me. :(

Any chance of a copy n paste, someone?

19-May-2007, 07:46 PM
Nice article and dizzam homepage is getting some media credit about time...Also here is the article MZ

There's an old saying that, when driving past a graveyard, you should hold your breath, because "it's not polite to breathe in front of people who cannot." Silly, sure, but there's a message in it: Respect the dead.

Hollywood adds a caveat to that thought: Respect the dead, or they may eat your brains.

Forget vampires, werewolves, mummies or the more individualized monsters, like King Kong or Godzilla. To me, the best, the scariest, the ultimate monster-movie monster is, and will always be: The zombie.

I'm not talking about Haitian zombies, here. Rather these are the Hollywood zombies that became popular in 1968, with George Romero's landmark "Night of the Living Dead," its sequels, "Day of the Dead" and "Dawn of the Dead," and the new "George Romero's Land of the Dead."

Similar zombies have made classic appearances in films such as "Return of the Living Dead," "Pet Sematary," and "28 Days Later." Zombies are common on TV too, with appearances on "South Park" and "The Simpsons" and even in Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video. And I can't ignore the hilarious zombie comedy, "Shaun of the Dead," which proves that even the living dead need not always be taken seriously.

If you've seen any of the above, you know what zombies are. They're us, or rather, our beloved dead. And that's part of what makes these movies so irresistible to their fans. In the horror universe, it's relatively easy to stake a vampire, burn Frankenstein's monster, or shoot a silver bullet into a werewolf. They're monsters! Anonymous monsters who would as soon kill you as look at you! Kill 'em all, let God sort it out!

But zombies? They're monsters now, sure, but they're monsters we recognize. Mom, wearing her familiar housedress, or your spouse, or even your child, dressed in the play clothes you made him. Sometimes they appear to snap out of their zombie state and seem to come back to us as the people we lost. Many a would-be zombie-killer has faltered and ended up as lunch because of it.

There's a chilling scene in 1985's "Return of the Living Dead" where a woman named Tina has fled from the flesh-munching zombies and is hiding in the attic of a funeral home. Her boyfriend, zombified Freddy, is on the floor right below her, banging on the ceiling for her to let him in. His voice swings between Zombie Freddy and Boyfriend Freddy, and is never more unnerving than when he says sweetly "I love you Tina, and that's why you need to let me EAT YOUR BRAINS."

Brain power
The movie zombie has evolved. They weren't always hungry for brain food. Back in "Night of the Living Dead" Romero called them "marauding ghouls," and they weren't picky about their dinner — they'd eat any part of you. Instead you were supposed to go after their brains. As one character explained "since the brain of a ghoul has been activated by the radiation, the plan is kill the brain, and you kill the ghoul."

Universal Pictures
Some are turned into zombies and others have zombiehood thrust upon them.

Nearly 20 years after Romero's ghouls roamed the land, an unrelated film called "Return of the Living Dead" came out. When the characters stir up the living dead once again, they reach back to their memories of the Romero movie to figure out how to deal with them. But when they try striking at the zombies' brains, the zombie keeps coming. ("It worked in the movie!" wails one human.)

In the "Return of the Living Dead" universe, as they eventually learn, even cutting a creature into pieces just results in a heap of living, quivering pieces. It's not until after a lot of trial and error that they figure out: This time, the zombies are after the brains of the living. One creature confesses that it's the only thing that makes the pain of dying go away.

"Dawn of the Dead," the second zombie movie in Romero's trilogy, recently was remade with a new cast. A majority of the film is set at a shopping mall, and survivors realize that zombies are gathering at the mall out of some faint, but pleasant, memory.

Once again, we're reminded that the zombies are not completely monsters. They're trapped between our world and theirs, still clinging to some memories and instincts. Some still wear the uniforms of their work worlds (the excellent Homepage of the Dead singles out the zombie nurse).

Those few humans who are not yet zombies have to deal not only with survival, but with the fact that the world they have always known, our world, is forever changed. It still looks the same — the mall still stands, its stores still full of products — but now money is useless and TVs and radios only play static.

Zombie movies work on the same level as movies set after nuclear war — everything is familiar, everyone is familiar, but the world is forever changed. Those who survive are those who are willing to literally murder their memories, and by doing so, throw out everything they've ever known and start over from scratch.

It's a very important American concept, this ability to make your way in a rough new land, with new problems threatening you at every turn.

Perhaps that's part of why these movies have been so popular — we'll always identify with those who are able to successfully bury their past and adapt to a new harsh world. Scarlett O'Hara, she who was able to pick herself up and reinvent herself after the South was devastated in the Civil War, would have survived the zombies.

Ashley Hamilton? Would have been lunch.

19-May-2007, 08:27 PM
Nice article, but Dawn of the Dead comes before Day of the Dead, sorta ya sentence out, mate! :D

Also - *sigh* 28 Days/Weeks Later DOES NOT HAVE ZOMBIES IN IT!!! :eek: *blows brains out* :rolleyes:

And Yawn04 still sucks...I wouldn't rub my balls over it even if it was holding a gun to my head! :lol:

19-May-2007, 08:36 PM
Nice article, but Dawn of the Dead comes before Day of the Dead, sorta ya sentence out, mate! :D

Also - *sigh* 28 Days/Weeks Later DOES NOT HAVE ZOMBIES IN IT!!! :eek: *blows brains out* :rolleyes:

And Yawn04 still sucks...I wouldn't rub my balls over it even if it was holding a gun to my head! :lol:

"28 Days/ Weeks" are not friggin' zombies! IN-FRIGGIN-FECTED... Nastiest inhibitor-pathogen possible to imagine.
Very very... nasty.

20-May-2007, 02:37 AM
i heard some other zombie film makers didnt like how romero had say a clown zombie and a zombie in a wedding dress, the dude who made dawn 04 said "what are the odds of seeing all of them at the same time?"
.....a bit more than the dead actually coming to life i reckon:rolleyes:
I agree, complete stupidity.

*blows brains out*
Okay son, what do you want? A first aid spray or a green herb? :D

20-May-2007, 11:01 AM
A green 'erb in a spray format please. :D

And folk who complain (especially if it's Hack Snyder) about the 'types' of zombies in GAR's flicks - GHEAAAAAAYYY.

Because, as Hellsing so eloquently said, what's the likelihood of zombies happening?! Also, it makes it more interesting...you know what's the most unlikely though?

Day of the Remake - the zombie with really jagged, messed up teeth - I sorely doubt in this day and age someone would live with teeth that messed up and wonky, so how does becoming a zombie move your teeth completely? :rolleyes:

You know what's even more unlikely? Zombies RUNNING AND LEAPING AND FLYING! :stunned::eek::mad:

*breathes deep*

*Okay...chill...rub your balls...that's better.......*

20-May-2007, 06:06 PM
A green 'erb in a spray format please. :D

And folk who complain (especially if it's Hack Snyder) about the 'types' of zombies in GAR's flicks - GHEAAAAAAYYY.

Because, as Hellsing so eloquently said, what's the likelihood of zombies happening?! Also, it makes it more interesting...you know what's the most unlikely though?

Day of the Remake - the zombie with really jagged, messed up teeth - I sorely doubt in this day and age someone would live with teeth that messed up and wonky, so how does becoming a zombie move your teeth completely? :rolleyes:

You know what's even more unlikely? Zombies RUNNING AND LEAPING AND FLYING! :stunned::eek::mad:

*breathes deep*

*Okay...chill...rub your balls...that's better.......*

Cool , but dont you mean the zed on the cover of Zombi?If not, take another look at his teeth , ugh!
I dont remember seeing that Day 'remake' pic...

20-May-2007, 09:11 PM
The zombie I'm on about in Day of the Remake, the pic was posted in Dead Remakes somewhere I believe, or via a link to another forum with pics of it on there.

Oh sh*t, I've forgotten about the zombie on the cover for Zombi 2 - your damn right, THAT'S my favourite one from the film (no, seriously), dangit, can't believe I forgot that one. :)

darth los
16-Jun-2007, 05:19 AM
He seemed curious about what was going on lol ...the zombies in that movie were like characters, I mean technically they are but they actually acted like characters in the Romero films... you ever notice that?

That's a good point. Zombies in other films are anonymous. They're part of a mob. Except for ROTLD . Tarman has to be the most famous outside of gar's flicks.

16-Jun-2007, 05:24 AM
lay off the crack man...

the zombie who said 'send more cops' was classic too
as was freddy once he became one and cornering Tina and Ernie up in the attic
not to mention the torso
and the midget

who can forget michael jackson as a zombie? so good...

28 Days Later...
mailer was great...

Shaun of the Dead...
Ed the zombie playing in the shed... so perfect

darth los
16-Jun-2007, 05:30 AM
who can forget michael jackson as a zombie? so good...

That's the only thing i really remember from that film. It has no redeeming qualities imo.

16-Jun-2007, 05:33 AM
the best part of that movie was when they were in doc mandells classic chevy and the zombies are trying to get into the garage through the door and the doc is looking at one of the zombs and trying to guess his name and he finally does and he's like heyy heyyy i didnt give ya that heart attack... or something to that effect I should watch it again

darth los
16-Jun-2007, 07:17 AM
Or how about when he asked the zombie over the radio who the prez was and he answered harry truman !! The kid was like WTF is harry truman !?!

16-Jun-2007, 07:18 AM
yeah that was good too... and the doc was a hilarious character he kept trying not to drink but he just couldn't help himself

darth los
16-Jun-2007, 07:29 AM
Or when they were throwing out the brains from the back of the truck. That was rather dangerous. If that truck had broken down they would have been screwed.:shifty:

16-Jun-2007, 07:31 AM
it reminded me a lot of the night of the creeps which was grrrrrrrrrreat

darth los
23-Jun-2007, 02:49 AM
Damn i forgot all about that film. been a long time, i need to watch it again. I want the 80's back!!! atleast the films anyway.