View Full Version : Bad News Jericho fans!

16-May-2007, 10:05 AM
I don't know if this is already old news to you all but here it is...

Jericho is canceled and will not be returning for a 2nd season.
Only read below article if you saw the season finale, the first sentence contains spoilers

16-May-2007, 10:11 AM
uh, meh's the word i think, i liked it, tryed to get into ti but it just didnt work for me, ive found myself enjoying heros now as the two shows have gone on much much more.
still it was better than lost.

16-May-2007, 01:29 PM
The Jericho writers were never quite sure what kind of show they were making. Was it a family drama appealing to casual female viewers or an action series appealing to the hard core TEOTWAWKI survivalist community?

A few comments on opportunities missed:


- episode 1 - The ham radio guy on the outskirts of town. After they took his equipment was never mentioned again. He could have provided an earlier window into events outside of Jericho.

- The fallout episode people were outside right away after the rain getting mud on their hands and all the rest. Rather than just have rad sickness effect some Denver refugees, why didn't some of the townsfolk down wind get symptoms as well.

- Instead of sending out search parties right away, would have been more prudent to send out a squad to visit each of the outlying farms to check up on people. Anyone in need of assistance could be brought back to the town for medical care.

- When the fallout victims showed up, rationing of medical supplies should have been implemented immediately. If someone is going to die anyway, don't waste meds on them. Save the antibiotics for the living.

- After the power comes back on an there were fires across town, would have been a good opportunity to check out all vacant homes. Have teams clean out any canned food or other perishable supplies and bring them back to city hall for storage.

- After the EMP strikes make plans to shelter people whose homes will be uninhabitable during the winter months.

- In the late summer and early fall start a home canning program of food for the winter months. Keep enough seeds to make sure people can plant gardens the following spring.

- Rather than confront Ravenwood mercenaries at the bridge, let em drive toward town then have two dozen guys with deer rifles take em all out at once. Could have gained some good equipment and vehicles early on.

- After the grocery store owner was murdered, surprised the mayor didn't move in to take over the food stores. Would have been another opportunity to pool food resources and implement rationing before winter.

- Dale trying to steal the part was stupid, cut off Jericho from trading at Black Jack Fairgrounds. Even if there were slimebags traders there, it was a market for the salt from the Jericho mine. Refusing to deal with ANYONE there later forced Jericho to deal with New Bern exclusively.

- When Jake, his brother, and the IRS agent were hunting - why didn't Jake try to speak with the people in the black truck blocking the road? I mean both he and his brother were armed, there were at most four guys in the other vehicle.

- When those Marines were escorted to the edge of town, would have stripped them of all their weapons, equipment, and uniforms. Give em regular civilian winter clothing and a package of food. Having body armor would have been useful for the Jericho Militia later on.

- April should have been in bed rest for at least the last month of her pregnancy. Forget the concern about having the med center understaffed, if the town doctor dies then the community is really in trouble.

- After that hostage situation with the mayor goes bad, there would have been no banishment. Instead there should have been a hanging. Introduce the element of frontier justice into the mix.

- The Jericho militia should have been ready to engage the attackers from New Bern, but not in a straight up fight at the roadblock. Instead have small teams of snipers take out one or two enemies then disappear. Harass the enemy column all the way toward town.

- Holding the tank in reserve was stupid, should have been their prime vehicle for attack. The Abrams tank main gun has a coaxial 7.62mm machine gun, which gives you a moving bunker that is immune to any enemy small arms fire. Those New Bern troops in 2.5 ton trucks would have been toast.

- Killing off favored audience character Green was the final thing that doomed the series. Think the viewers would have rather seen Gray Anderson bite the dust.

* TEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know It

16-May-2007, 02:02 PM
Damn it, CBS!

Even with its flaws I enjoyed the show. Oh well. Looks like I'll be getting the season one HD-DVD's for Heroes.

16-May-2007, 04:12 PM
Jericho show..whaa...i didnt even know they ahd one!

18-May-2007, 12:19 AM
Jericho show..whaa...i didnt even know they ahd one!
I sent CBS a note saying now that Jericho has been canceled, my wife and I will have no reason to watch CBS. Doesn't mean anything other than I had my say.

18-May-2007, 04:14 AM
because I heard about it right after I watched the season finale of JERICHO on my TIVO. :mad:

18-May-2007, 07:05 PM
I can see why they ended the show though. The ratings were doing well in the winter but then they took a two month break, people just didn't start watching the show after that.

18-May-2007, 07:37 PM
I can see why they ended the show though. The ratings were doing well in the winter but then they took a two month break, people just didn't start watching the show after that.

They shift the time on a lot of shows so that you do not know what day they are on each week.

Then they take a month or two break and they blame the viewers for not watching when they suddenly bring the show back and then they cancel the show!!! :mad:

I want to go back to the old way like when I was a kid....22 straight weeks of shows and then a summer break!

19-May-2007, 12:41 AM
Worst part is, they are making way for a show about a vampire, and a show about mexicans working on a sugar farm... i mean really c'mon!

19-May-2007, 04:46 AM
What about the Geico Caveman show, isn't that CBS's doing too?