View Full Version : Walking Dead graphic novel discussion?

16-May-2007, 10:26 PM
So I finally was able to begin reading my GN The Walking Dead volume 1 and I mean judging by the wonderfully written introduction the man is obviously a zombie fan and avid watcher of the movies but there's a few problems with his book. I was wondering if anyone else was a lil put off by his book. I'm still enjoying it and its a good read but I mean it starts off a bit like 28 Days Later (I dunno which came first) and then it just seems a lil 'convenient' if you will... I mean he gets a police car... he finds a horse that after weeks of not being fed or watered is energetic and alive. I like the book dont get me wrong but I'm really looking for a book/graphic novel centering on something more realistic (am I silly for wanting that?)... can anyone reccomend something else? Does anyone agree about TWD GN? Any other thoughts?