View Full Version : Is old Fartwell in Heaven or Hell?

17-May-2007, 04:02 AM
When aked if he thought Jerry Falwell was in Heaven, Christopher Hitchens responded with "No, and I wish there were a Hell for him to go to." lol.

Jerry Falwell was an evil person. He had the nerve to blame homosexuals for 9/11 and went after the Teletubbies because he said the purple one was gay. He was a hate filled man who disguised it all behind a religious shield. Thanks God he is dead. One less lunatic running around ruining things for the rest of us. Maybe if more of these stupid Jesus Crispies would die off or realize that the whole thing is a bogus pile of dog****, maybe this nation could be worth something again.

And I swear id Mitt Romney becomers President, I'm moving to Canada.

17-May-2007, 04:08 AM
Im glad you got that off your chest

17-May-2007, 02:57 PM
how many people spout all this bigoted bull****, only to hide behind Religion when it comes back on them

17-May-2007, 04:52 PM
yet people are talking about him after hes dead, so inevitably some poor confused individuals will hear about his ideas and think "y'know maye theres somethign to that", which is terrible but hell you got nazi skinheads in the us for the same reason.

17-May-2007, 08:05 PM
...shinny happy people holding hands.... :)

17-May-2007, 08:24 PM
Hrm... That would be ....shiny happy people holding hands.;)

17-May-2007, 08:37 PM
if there is any justice in the universe this fat, hatemongering, homophobic, embarassment to north america, is being turned into some demon's bi"tch in the very lowest circle of hell.

as for mitt romney - the day a mormon freak becomes president of this country will the be the beginning of the end of the republic. the people of carthage, illinois should be proud of what happened there on 27 jun 1844.

18-May-2007, 04:19 AM
I got mod served.

18-May-2007, 03:52 PM
Heaven or Hell for Special Jer?

I vote HELL! (along with all of the homosexuals who died of GRIDS).



18-May-2007, 03:53 PM
Hrm... That would be ....shiny happy people holding hands.;)

LOL, I'm being warm and fuzzy an you are still busting my balls.

18-May-2007, 04:02 PM
Can the OP turn this into a poll, I was really looking forward to voting on the topic :dead:

18-May-2007, 05:39 PM
if there is any justice in the universe this fat, hatemongering, homophobic, embarassment to north america, is being turned into some demon's bi"tch in the very lowest circle of hell.

as for mitt romney - the day a mormon freak becomes president of this country will the be the beginning of the end of the republic. the people of carthage, illinois should be proud of what happened there on 27 jun 1844.

Is their a diffrerence between thinking homosexuality is wrong and being a homophobe?

Just curious if I am a bigot or just have values.

Damn, you talk about hatemongering and then go on to say a morman president will bring us down? Hell Clinton had more ladies through the whitehouse than most mormans have in their private homes.

Unless the prseident is muslim religion will not bring down this country. lack of it(values) is whats killing it.

18-May-2007, 09:56 PM
Is their a diffrerence between thinking homosexuality is wrong and being a homophobe?

Just curious if I am a bigot or just have values.

You're a bigot. Reread your posts on the last Falwell thread. :evil:

On another message board I frequent, a poster made the comment:

Hopefully Falwell is in the deepest part of Hell, where Adolf Hitler is sodomizing himwith Jeffrey Dahmer's arm.

Th-th-th-that's all folks! :elol:

19-May-2007, 12:51 AM
You're a bigot. Reread your posts on the last Falwell thread. :evil:

On another message board I frequent, a poster made the comment:

Hopefully Falwell is in the deepest part of Hell, where Adolf Hitler is sodomizing himwith Jeffrey Dahmer's arm.

Th-th-th-that's all folks! :elol:

I guess you are a bigot for hating Christians.

Your opinion has zero value to me.

19-May-2007, 01:15 AM
I don't hate Christians. I'm too lazy to specify my hatred based off a religion, race or any other specific dynamic.

What I hate is people that force their view on the rest of the world, insisting that everyone see it their way. Just because I don't agree with you, doesn't make me wrong. It's funny how those of you with a right-wing bend tend to overlook that this country you are so patriotic towards was founded on the rights of freedom of religion, speech, expression...America is not a Christian Country in anyone's eyes except the Christians. This is the melting pot, baby. Everyone is welcome. Read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights sometime.

The Moral majority is a group that says if you can't meet their standards of living, you aren't a decent human being. That attitude is facist and reeks of bigotry. The Nazis had a similar point of view. The Ku Klux Klan has a similar point of view. The Jihad screaming terrorists that took down our Twin Towers have that point of view.

The world is a hugely diverse place. You don't have to be white to be right. You don't have to believe in Jesus to have morals. You don't have to blindly follow to find a path for your life.

Start thinking for yourself T2T. You're not an animal, don't be part of a herd.

19-May-2007, 01:19 AM
I don't hate Christians. I'm too lazy to specify my hatred based off a religion, race or any other specific dynamic.

What I hate is people that force their view on the rest of the world, insisting that everyone see it their way. Just because I don't agree with you, doesn't make me wrong. It's funny how those of you with a right-wing bend tend to overlook that this country you are so patriotic towards was founded on the rights of freedom of religion, speech, expression...America is not a Christian Country in anyone's eyes except the Christians. This is the melting pot, baby. Everyone is welcome. Read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights sometime.

The Moral majority is a group that says if you can't meet their standards of living, you aren't a decent human being. That attitude is facist and reeks of bigotry. The Nazis had a similar point of view. The Ku Klux Klan has a similar point of view. The Jihad screaming terrorists that took down our Twin Towers have that point of view.

The world is a hugely diverse place. You don't have to be white to be right. You don't have to believe in Jesus to have morals. You don't have to blindly follow to find a path for your life.

Start thinking for yourself T2T. You're not an animal, don't be part of a herd.

Stop forcing your offensive anti-Christian atheist garbage on the forum you god damned bigot.

19-May-2007, 01:21 AM
Reading some of the posts on this board can be drawdropping at times. People on here keep calling Falwell a hate monger, yet wish the most vile and sick things on him in the after life. Hello? Pot, this is the kettle. Jerry Falwell called tinky winky gay, so that means he is evil and should suffer terribly? Huh? By the way, did anyone notice that the gay teletubby was purple. That he did carry a purse. And he did have a triangle on his head? Coincidence? Who knows? I guess if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it's really something else. Falwell did blame 9/11 on the decay of morals in general in the U.S., including homosexuality. However, he apologized for that. So, I guess in this p.c. world we live in, only certain "people" are allowed to be forgiven? Not someone who looks like Falwell or has the same politics as he did.
Jerry Falwell certainly did more good and positive things in his life to help others than some of the members on here realize. He helped alot of people get an education and turn their lives around thru Liberty University and gave to charity to help starving and homeless people and people addicted to drugs. How many "superior" people on this board have done those things? I didn't even like the man and I'm certainly not a religious person, but it is shocking to me how disrespectful people are nowadays. No respect, not even when someone dies! This was not Hitler who just passed away people. Ironically, Larry Flynt spoke about him on Larry King Live the other night and said nothing but good things about him. "He cared about people" was a quote. I'm sure none of things I just said will change the minds of some of the scholars we have on here, but maybe some of you should think before you dance on someone's grave. It's sick really.
And some of the quotes about Romney were stupid too. I think one genius called him a "mormon freak"? Wow, that doesn't stink of hate and bigotry now does it? And as far as I'm concerned I wish more of the dumber people in the U.S. would move to Canada or anywhere else for that matter. Who needs you?

19-May-2007, 01:24 AM
Stop forcing your offensive anti-Christian atheist garbage on the forum you god damned bigot.

Wow...degrading to insults without any intelligent information to enter into the debate. How unlike you, Khardis...Not. :moon: :lol:

Again, and read this carefully so I don't have to repeat it again, I'm not anti-Christian. My entire family attends church and believes wholly. It makes no difference to me.

I'm anti-everything that Falwell stood for. Especially hiding behind religion to try and force a bigotted point of view on the world.

19-May-2007, 01:28 AM
I don't hate Christians. I'm too lazy to specify my hatred based off a religion, race or any other specific dynamic.

What I hate is people that force their view on the rest of the world, insisting that everyone see it their way. Just because I don't agree with you, doesn't make me wrong. It's funny how those of you with a right-wing bend tend to overlook that this country you are so patriotic towards was founded on the rights of freedom of religion, speech, expression...America is not a Christian Country in anyone's eyes except the Christians. This is the melting pot, baby. Everyone is welcome. Read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights sometime.

The Moral majority is a group that says if you can't meet their standards of living, you aren't a decent human being. That attitude is facist and reeks of bigotry. The Nazis had a similar point of view. The Ku Klux Klan has a similar point of view. The Jihad screaming terrorists that took down our Twin Towers have that point of view.

The world is a hugely diverse place. You don't have to be white to be right. You don't have to believe in Jesus to have morals. You don't have to blindly follow to find a path for your life.

Start thinking for yourself T2T. You're not an animal, don't be part of a herd.

Think for myself? I am not a Falwell supporter, I find it sickening that everyone is wishing this man to be in hell. He didn't kill anyone, he just supported his religion in a non violent way.

If I do not approve of gays I am wrong? I'm just curious if I have a choice.

19-May-2007, 01:32 AM
Stop forcing your offensive anti-Christian atheist garbage on the forum you god damned bigot.

shut it kardis you big sissy, deadpunk has as much right to speak his mind as anyone else.....dont you have some trees to go hug?

19-May-2007, 01:35 AM

19-May-2007, 01:37 AM
If I do not approve of gays I am wrong? I'm just curious if I have a choice.

It's not about approval. It's about acceptance. I don't approve of alot of things, but I accept that people have the right to live whatever lifestyle they choose, without having to bear my judgement or labels. How would you feel, honestly, if your lifestyle suddenly became viewed as 'abnormal'? Do you think you should have to spend every minute of everyday explaining yourself to complete strangers. Should you have to justify your life to people that know nothing about you?

Think for myself? I am not a Falwell supporter, I find it sickening that everyone is wishing this man to be in hell. He didn't kill anyone, he just supported his religion in a non violent way.

Do some research. The Moral Majority and it's offshoots are responsible for the deaths of quite a few abortion doctors. And, while Falwell may not have pulled the trigger or detonated the bomb...as the leader that inspired the hatred, he shares a culpability in the act.

The irony is, if this were Bihn Laden, it would be okay to dance on his grave...the way we danced on Saddam's. Yet, to a certain portion of the world, he was as sacred as the Pope is to Christians.

19-May-2007, 04:13 AM
It's not about approval. It's about acceptance. I don't approve of alot of things, but I accept that people have the right to live whatever lifestyle they choose, without having to bear my judgement or labels. How would you feel, honestly, if your lifestyle suddenly became viewed as 'abnormal'? Do you think you should have to spend every minute of everyday explaining yourself to complete strangers. Should you have to justify your life to people that know nothing about you?

Do some research. The Moral Majority and it's offshoots are responsible for the deaths of quite a few abortion doctors. And, while Falwell may not have pulled the trigger or detonated the bomb...as the leader that inspired the hatred, he shares a culpability in the act.

The irony is, if this were Bihn Laden, it would be okay to dance on his grave...the way we danced on Saddam's. Yet, to a certain portion of the world, he was as sacred as the Pope is to Christians.

Suddenly? Spelling will be bad on this one.

you give me #of abotion drs.

Falwell is guilty of being christian?

Look at everything yo hate, let it go.

thats what your fat racist ...whatever would do.

19-May-2007, 04:30 AM
Suddenly? Spelling will be bad on this one.

you give me #of abotion drs.

Falwell is guilty of being christian?

Look at everything yo hate, let it go.

thats what your fat racist ...whatever would do.

Okay. Forget suddenly. What if you were born into a lifestyle that was deemed 'unacceptable'. Whatever it takes to make you answer the question, rather than avoid it.

Falwell is guilty of hatemongering. Whether he was a Christian or not isn't the point. Let that go. What he is 'guilty' of is convincing people that any lifestyle outside of one he approved of is wrong. Thats a narrow-minded point-of-view. The bald fact is that the world is a wide and diverse place full of a variety of beliefs, choices, etc. To make the statement, or to believe, that your point-of-view is the 'right' one, is ludicrous and self-indulgent.

Do your own research on abortion doctor slayings. Not that I won't back up my postings...but, you really need to see things from the other side of the fence for yourself. You need to see that there are two sides to every story.

My fat whatever? I assume you're implying that I'm gay. I'm not. I'm married with three children. However, your automatic labeling doesn't offend me. There are worse things I could be... say, a narrow-minded, right-wing extremist, hate-mongerer.

Now, unless you can answer my question honestly, don't bother to reply again. Because, I won't hold any type of debate when I freely address everything you post, when you avoid my questions with rhetoric.

Imagine this: the person you love and respect the most in the world... whether it's a fther, brother, child, mother, teacher, whatever... Imagine that person came out of the closet. Would it change the love and respect you had for that person, tied? Really? And, if it does...what does that really, truly say about you as a friend?

19-May-2007, 10:29 AM
Imagine this: the person you love and respect the most in the world... whether it's a fther, brother, child, mother, teacher,

Derp....spelling error.

You can repect soione all you want, it doesnt make them sain.

19-May-2007, 02:28 PM
Derp...three spelling errors in your post.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaand...we're done. You've yet to answer any of my questions, reply to any of my points with anything more than meandering waffle, or address the issues of the thread. You don't seem to know the difference between a debate and a flame, and I'm not interested in the latter.

Please feel free to have the last word.

19-May-2007, 02:57 PM

An example of what I was talking about...

19-May-2007, 03:11 PM
Christians, like slaves and soldiers, ask no questions.

--Rev. J. Falwell

19-May-2007, 03:47 PM
"Hurricane Katrina was caused by Larry Flynt and Hustler Magazine!"

-Rev. Jerry Falwell

19-May-2007, 03:50 PM
c'mon guys no two people have the same views, just agree to dissagree. theres been 2 or 3 threads like this closed over bitching this week.

19-May-2007, 04:02 PM
If you're not a born-again Christian, you're a failure as a human being.

--Rev. J. Falwell