View Full Version : Cell [film] - Stephen King's book starring John Cusack & Samuel Jackson

17-May-2007, 04:16 AM
Anyone know anything about this? I was reading stuff on IMDB and it said Eli was going to direct Cell based on some Stephen King book. I can't think of a worse combo personally since most of SKs books to movies suck but I dig ER so who knows? Any info on this take on zombies?

17-May-2007, 06:39 AM
cell phones are supposed to be some kind of lifeline for turning people into bloody thirsty zombies or something. they never really delv into what they are,but there's some biting. kinda like the cloud around earth in maximum overdrive but this time its taking over people........through mechanical devices again no less.

17-May-2007, 10:34 AM

well heres the deal, for some reason a computer sends out a signal that rewrites peoples brains when they hear it, at first they become violent and childish, then they slowly gather in hive minds, moving in 'flocks' and then they develop psychic powers and start working in unison.
meanwhile the people who didnt begin to kill them at night whilst they sleep in large areas like football grounds. but then the zombies get humans to guard them at night form these people, and the main characters are seperated from all the other people, in there dreams the zombies told all the other unchanged that if they even spoke to them they would die.
then a computer virus gets into the pulse and cuases it to mutate, and its still boradcasting and as they try to change uncahnged into there own kind the new version doesnt work right changing them again.

i heard romero was doing this ,*shrugs*, wierd.

17-May-2007, 11:41 AM
MissJackson, go out and buy this book. Great read.

17-May-2007, 11:53 AM

It's a fair read; some good characters and some decent creepiness, but it was never too scary or horrific. I think it could make a decent movie, however depending upon how well the adaptation is handled.

17-May-2007, 12:55 PM
I didn't like the book at all. The whole direction he took with it was like the opposite of what I would have found an interesting plotline. Soooo much potential too. Oh well, I would still see the movie of course. But I am looking forward to the adaption of The Mist 100% more!

17-May-2007, 02:18 PM
This book and film sounds interesting. Stephen King sure knows how to write a good book. And the film? Well, the WORST that can happen is that I don't like the film. So why not?

17-May-2007, 03:02 PM
good book but a crap ending...

17-May-2007, 04:52 PM
good movie!!

17-May-2007, 06:14 PM
i heard romero was doing this ,*shrugs*, wierd.
I heard Eli Roth was beind the camera for this one too. GAR has three other projects on the go at the moment - there's no way he'd have the time to do Cell.

17-May-2007, 07:05 PM
I couldn't finish the book; it didn't hold my interest

Instead a of a good zombie story (it was not a zombie story per se but influenced by) it comes off as some lame scifi'ish trance thing

I don't know. It started off good; but lost me. I'll probably see the film. :rolleyes:

17-May-2007, 09:44 PM
The book was okay but I wish I'd borrowed it from a library rather than buy it. It was pretty good until about 1/2 way through. Then it sorta lost steam.

14-Jul-2009, 03:32 PM
A two year old thread being revived here....

Cell is now going to be a TV mini series (http://www.joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=17421).

Something (possibly) good to come out of this is that John Harrison is writing. Maybe that's why he dropped out of music duties for "...of the Dead"?

14-Jul-2009, 05:58 PM
Well this is understandable as Cell has quite a big ol' plot. Let's not forget the fact that it is being made exactly thirty years after the first King TV adaptation, Salem's Lot. Maybe that's intentional.

14-Jul-2009, 06:23 PM
A two year old thread being revived here....

Cell is now going to be a TV mini series (http://www.joblo.com/arrow/index.php?id=17421).

Something (possibly) good to come out of this is that John Harrison is writing. Maybe that's why he dropped out of music duties for "...of the Dead"?

Four words:

Should have got Romero.

14-Jul-2009, 06:53 PM
im a big fan of the stephen king series', especially the stand and storm of the century. I might reread this its been years since i read it last.

14-Jul-2009, 08:41 PM
especially the stand and storm of the century.

the stand is damn cool and storm of the century is my 2d fav king mini after "salem's lot."

"born in sin? come on in."

i just re-read "it" not too long ago. that is a king book that could certainly use a good redo in the mini-series dept. i didn't like the cast in the 90 mini-series at all. i found it very hard to take venus flytrap, john ritter, and the dude from "night court" seriously in those roles.

15-Jul-2009, 01:23 AM
the stand is damn cool and storm of the century is my 2d fav king mini after "salem's lot."

"born in sin? come on in."

i just re-read "it" not too long ago. that is a king book that could certainly use a good redo in the mini-series dept. i didn't like the cast in the 90 mini-series at all. i found it very hard to take venus flytrap, john ritter, and the dude from "night court" seriously in those roles.

You don't like Harry Anderson?

05-Nov-2013, 10:15 AM
First bit of news in a long time - http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/afm-samuel-l-jackson-joins-652942

Samuel L. Jackson on board...

He'll star opposite John Cusack in the film adaptation of Stephen King's apocalyptic thriller.

Samuel L. Jackson will star opposite John Cusack in Cell for Benaroya Pictures and The Genre Company.

05-Nov-2013, 01:54 PM
I'd be tentatively interested to see where they go with it, though we've seen the "signal turns all us all mad" done a few times in recent years, it'd still be fun to see another one if decently executed.

05-Nov-2013, 01:58 PM
Has possibilities... as long as King's ending is sorted out!

05-Nov-2013, 02:09 PM
i just hope they dont ruin the movie cos it could be really good!

05-Nov-2013, 02:19 PM
Has possibilities... as long as King's ending is sorted out!

The true challenge in translating any Kingsian work to the big screen ;)

09-Nov-2013, 12:14 PM
i agree totally, reasonable book ruined by an awful ending