View Full Version : Great cancer news!

17-May-2007, 12:43 PM

This is some of the best sounds research for a long time!

Chic Freak
17-May-2007, 12:46 PM
Awesomeness! :D

17-May-2007, 01:01 PM
Let's just hope that they stick with it and it actually continues to be practiced.

17-May-2007, 01:32 PM
"herpes, curing cancer since 07";)

this bit though bugs the hell outta me "The virus gets into the cancer cells and once inside, replicates until the cells burst.", now i had to get tested for cancer a while back, adn as if waiting for the rsults aint bad enough (clean for me thank god), imagine being told "okay youve got cancer, but luckily theres a new treatement heres what we do...", so if it replicates till it burst then weres all that burst tumour gonna go?:barf:

17-May-2007, 02:54 PM
who cares as long as the tumor is dead

17-May-2007, 04:55 PM

17-May-2007, 05:18 PM
Sweetheat, I only got herpes to protect you from cancer. I see that going over well,lol.

If it works that is awsome.

17-May-2007, 05:26 PM
oh i bet you a tenner some unfaithful sob actually uses ^ that as an excuse:lol:

17-May-2007, 05:33 PM
so if it replicates till it burst then weres all that burst tumour gonna go?:barf:

Body would likely break it down into its component parts for energy and/or materials for other cell metabolism....just like when any other cell bursts

17-May-2007, 05:56 PM
then surelys theres another chance for a secondary infestation?

17-May-2007, 07:19 PM
Short answer: No there shouldnt be

Longer Answer/Explanation:
A ruptured cell is like a popped balloon. When a cell(cancerious or normal) is infected with a virus like this all of the organelles within the cell become dedicated to producing the copies of the virus it was infected with. The cell literally fills with copies of the virus untill its membrane can no longer hold it all in. It ruptures and all those copies of the virus drift off to attempt to effect tissues that that the virus is capable of infecting (in this study they say it is engineered to only target cancer type cells, I suppose with more testing we will see how accurate this claim is). The rest of the cell material....the membrane, and remaining organelles now free float in the fluid of wherever this particular cell was once located at.

These remaining pieces are further broken down into component pieces by things like phagocytes. The component pieces of cancer cells are indistinguishable from component pieces of normal cells....Furthermore the majority of the cell material of cancer cells is indistinguishable from normal cells like the organelles within the cell.....

....Cancer is characterized by uncontrolled division of cells and the ability of these to spread. Cancer does not "Infect" other cells like viruses or bacteria can instead it just grows, duplicates and then spreads, either by direct growth into adjacent tissue through invasion, or by implantation into distant sites by metastasis (where cancer cells are transported through the bloodstream or lymphatic system).

So if a cancer cell is ruptured it is not only a dead cell but an exploded cell and cannot spread by either of the methods above....

There are some cancers caused by a viruses....but typically I believe that these cancers do not actually produce the virus so they too could be treated with this method if proven successful...

17-May-2007, 07:24 PM
It sounds good & i hope it works!knowing the UK you wont get treatment if your postcode falls short of the catchment area though :rolleyes: which i find disgusting at the moment.
I wish they would figure out a way to safely kill viral infections as well :(

17-May-2007, 07:34 PM
I wish they would figure out a way to safely kill viral infections as well :(

Yeah I think that might end up being one of the trickier things to do...

Our body and other life is pretty darn good at doing it alone maybe when we learn more about natural mechanisms of fighting off viral infections throughout all the different species in all types of life, we will speed up the research involved with virus fighting.....


Its been mostly a week of good news!

17-May-2007, 08:15 PM
Fellatio-fans of the world rejoice!

(Did you see recent news that apparently oral-jiggy encourages cancer...sheesh, what doesn't these days?!)

17-May-2007, 09:24 PM
Fellatio-fans of the world rejoice!

(Did you see recent news that apparently oral-jiggy encourages cancer...sheesh, what doesn't these days?!)

yep,genital hpv can be transferred through oral sex!thing is 80% of the population will get a genital hpv infection at some point anyway,even with using condoms.I should know,its unfortunately the viral infection i was referring to in my previous post,but i dont have it in my gob :lol: liquid nitrogen to the bod end for me is it :eek:

17-May-2007, 09:41 PM
Terran I hope you went to college and making over 80,000$ a year. Because you are able too.

17-May-2007, 10:05 PM
Terran I hope you went to college and making over 80,000$ a year. Because you are able too.

I got a bachelors in bio in 2006.....

I have been unemployed since.....been looking for work but cant find anything....I wont be able to get anything in the biology field though without a masters....so looks like a lifetime of being in Administrative type work...:(

17-May-2007, 10:40 PM
This is awesome news. I'm wondering/hoping it's going to be 100% effective and what the long-term effects will be.

18-May-2007, 12:35 AM
terran or what the thread is about?

18-May-2007, 01:27 AM
so if it replicates till it burst then weres all that burst tumour gonna go?:barf:

They're tagged so the immune system can see them and disposed of by that same immune system, read the article again :) . It slices, it dices it keeps the neighbors kids in their own yard:D .
