View Full Version : hostel part two.

18-May-2007, 05:52 PM
Just saw the commercial for it, didnt even know they were making another. everytime a horror movie is succesful nowadays they wanna do part or 3 :dead:

anyways, anyone got details?

18-May-2007, 05:58 PM
It's Eli Roth again. And he sucks.....


18-May-2007, 06:00 PM
*5's the bassman*, damn straight!

18-May-2007, 06:11 PM

18-May-2007, 06:12 PM

I dug Cabin Fever, Hostel was a big let down, but had some good moments...his Thanksgiving trailer was superb, the dude gets too much stick I reckon...I will be interested to see Hostel 2, hopefully it'll deliver the horror the first one promised, but completely forgot to bring to the party.

18-May-2007, 06:32 PM
"Cabin Fever" was just a "mehhh":bored:, "Hostel" was just bad in many different areas, but the "Thanksgiving" trailer was pretty funny, so I'll give him points for that.

And why do you think he gets too much crap for "Hostel"? Everywhere I turn people are praising it like it's the greatest horror film since "The Exorcist". I thought the majority of viewers loved it....


18-May-2007, 07:23 PM
I didn't say "crap for Hostel", I meant "crap for being Eli Roth". :rolleyes::p

I think the dude gets a unnecessarily raw deal from some people.

19-May-2007, 04:47 AM
I think he should make Thanksgiving. lol. hat REALLY looked like it came from the 70's. It reminded me of stuff like Alice, Sweet Alice, Black Christmas, and I Drink Your Blood

19-May-2007, 04:50 AM
Eh, I'm not a big Eli Roth fan, his movies have good gore, but not much story to them. I have seen him in interviews and he seems like a cool guy, I just don't dig his movies too much.

I will definatly watch Hostel 2, but when it is out on DVD in October/November.

19-May-2007, 11:40 AM
i dont think hes the worst film maker just very overrated, and before mz yells jaded agina (like he seems to for every one of my posts nowadays:bored: ) i think theres just many other film makers way more deserveing of recognition than him, he does cheap gore movies, nothing more, a film maker of the level he seems to get prasie at should have made at elast one film with a little more substance.

19-May-2007, 12:35 PM
I never thought he got that much praise in the first place, and I pretty much only roll out the jaded line because I know you secretly love it, Hellsing. :lol::D

19-May-2007, 03:52 PM
yes, yes i do:lol:

21-May-2007, 05:46 AM
i'm a little interested how they lure the girls... I dig Heather Matarazzo after she made Welcome to the Dollhouse and that other chick is from Venom... but yeah if there's torture there'll i'll be watching...