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View Full Version : Wow, been awhile, time for an update!

19-May-2007, 01:35 AM
Hey Everyone, I've been lurking here and there but haven't had anytime to post, been busy busy busy!

First off, the DVD production for the Night '07 dvd finally should start next week, so expect to hear more about that soon...I mean it this time. Due to a certain project which I will mention soon, One Bad Day will not be being completed. Instead we are taking the footage from that and making a short film titled "NOIR" which should be out soon, you can check out the teaser page at :


Now for even more news, I have joined forces with an awesome production company here in town, Load Media, to do Color Red's latest flick, "DRAWBACK". Which I have been super busy with, we are in pre-production right now to start filming in July, and have just finished casting. Its the biggest budgeted Color Red movie to date, far far far more then the budget on Night '07. We got a couple great HD DVX 100'S, lights and all that jazz...so that is pretty exciting. During filming there will be plenty of online webisodes and stuff to keep everyone in the loop.

Glad to see the review sections of these forums are still going, and full of fun plenty reviews. Glad to see a good majority of people liked it, and if you didnt like it, well thanks for watching anyways!


19-May-2007, 02:48 AM
Good stuff man, seriously looking forward to Drawback. The poster looks cool too.

22-May-2007, 01:03 PM
Band-saw anyone?:cool:

24-May-2007, 02:59 AM
you ambitious little slut

as i already told you
id like to see you put that skill in writing
dialogue and your other many talents into
a non horror movie

i think you could give david lynch a run for his money

and i am surprised Jaws is your favorite movie
it has always been mine

but then i saw it when it came out and it was filmed
about 2 hours from where i live so to me it was like
watching it take place at the beach i always went to

but do your thing reese
i know it will be good

your so talented it scares me

and i dont tell people things like that

i usually tell people what scum they are
(yes you could say it takes one to know one but we wont go there
oops too late lol)

keep us posted

15-Jun-2007, 05:19 PM
Mmm... so are there any basic story tidbits that you'd like to share with us, Reese? :D

21-Jun-2007, 02:11 PM
Have you pulled it from Google Video?