View Full Version : Anyone know of any delicious Tofu recipes

19-May-2007, 09:47 PM
...Ive really wanted to try Tofu out I bought a couple of of different types but I dont know of any recipes...

Anyone have any simple tasty recipes involving Tofu?

19-May-2007, 10:07 PM
The only time I've ever knowingly enbjoyed tofu was in miso soup. Good for you for trying to broaden your culinary horizons, though.

19-May-2007, 10:09 PM
I also want to try out tarantula....supposively they taste like crabs....but I dont know of anywhere around here that serves tarantulas....

Im always wanting to try out new foods....

20-May-2007, 02:10 AM
I think Tofu can be added to stir fry based dishes as well.

20-May-2007, 02:39 AM
mm never had it but for some reason im craving it

Chic Freak
20-May-2007, 11:07 AM
What kind of tofu did you get? I was vegetarian for about 4 years so I ate quite a bit of it.

It's *gorgeous* stir-fried with mixed veg and dark soy sauce, it comes out like really tender chicken.

Remember that unless you buy the smoked/ pre-flavoured stuff, it doesn't taste of much on its own so you'll need to flavour it yourself (this is more convenient than it sounds because it means it goes with practically anything). My favourite way is to lightly fry or stir-fry it in something, because then it goes a really nice texture. If you use olive or sunflower oil, it's still pretty healthy. If you're trying to avoid fats you can make a kind of fat-free oil from mixing 1/2 teaspoon of Marmite with a teaspoon of water... quite nice with veggie things for the flavour :)

You can use lightly fried chopped tofu in place of minced meat in things like pasta sauces.

I also used to have this for lunch: cold rice with pieces of hard boiled egg, uncooked tofu and whatever salad veg I had around, all mixed up with lots of curry mayo (just ordinary mayo with curry powder mixed in to taste).

But normally, don't eat it raw, the texture is yuk.

You can also get egg tofu in tubes that you can squeeze into a wok full of rice to make nice egg fried rice.

If you find a good recipe for tofu soup, pass it on :)

Forgot to say before, but it would probably be worth checking out the Vegetarian Society's website (http://www.vegsoc.org) too :)

They have a specific tofu page here I think:


20-May-2007, 11:35 AM
Its ghey fake meat :lol: i dont even think i would try it!

20-May-2007, 11:53 AM
I've had Brocolli and Tofu chinese, it's good if the tofu is cooked right. You want a tofu with a texture that resembles beef.

20-May-2007, 12:11 PM
What kind of tofu did you get? I was vegetarian for about 4 years so I ate quite a bit of it.

I got Azumaya brand tofu.....one package is Silken the other is extra Firm.....

both are not pre flavored.....

I think Ill try out some of your suggestions and check out that link....if you have any suggestions based on the type of tofu I got feel free to share em...

Chic Freak
20-May-2007, 05:44 PM
I get Cauldron brand, I've never heard of yours but I believe extra firm is the stuff you can slice up and fry, and silken is like that egg stuff you can squeeze over rice that i was on about.

Re: where to buy tarantula, I just thought: pet shop? ^^

The Veg Society is good though, and I think they have/ had a kids' recipies section too if the main ones are tricky!

Tricky: it can be used in the making of fake meat, but in and of itself it isn't fake meat ;)

21-May-2007, 12:29 AM
ghey fake meat :lol:

21-May-2007, 05:57 AM
Always wanted to know that... For me eating tofu is like a smoker using a smoking patch... if I can't roll it and smoke it I dont want it... and if it can't be cooked rare I wasn't meant to eat it lol...

good of you to try tofu though... saving animals and all... but really... how does it taste? you should make a youtube video or something to caputre your expression as you nosh

21-May-2007, 07:26 AM
...Ive really wanted to try Tofu out I bought a couple of of different types but I dont know of any recipes...

Anyone have any simple tasty recipes involving Tofu?

ma la do fu, my girlfriend make it for me all the time, Its absolutely fantastic. Heres the kicker, its served cold :D like lian mien.

You can also check out how to make ma po do fu. Its served hot, but it uses a much much softer dofu, but it really abosrobs the sauce and taste fantastic.

Do you like Sichuan Chinese food? Its really spicy, but if you like it, theres a billion recipes for dofu that you can check out..

http://cookingwithchopsticks.wordpress.com/2006/05/25/mabodofu/ (ma po dofu) also "ma bo" depending on region/dialect.


Heres another list of other stuff I had in Chengdu.

Long Tao Shou is good, if you can make it and Dan Dan mien is ****ing fantastic.

I lvoe authentic sichuan chinese food :D

Always wanted to know that... For me eating tofu is like a smoker using a smoking patch... if I can't roll it and smoke it I dont want it... and if it can't be cooked rare I wasn't meant to eat it lol...

good of you to try tofu though... saving animals and all... but really... how does it taste? you should make a youtube video or something to caputre your expression as you nosh

Tofu/Dofu is actually a lot like pasta IMO it isnt really meant to be eaten alone. Its an abosorber, its sauce gives it its kick. Its highly used in China and the way they work with it, it goes hand in hand with meat. Although it can be made without it too. If you want to try some real tofu, check your local area for a sichuan place. Any mildly competent Chinese place should be able to make something decent. Although shy away from take out places or any place with "China King" "Golden Wall" etc in its name, its crap run by Fooks from Fujian who dont know **** about cooking anything other than soups and seafood.

21-May-2007, 07:42 AM
Do you like Sichuan Chinese food? Its really spicy, but if you like it, theres a billion recipes for dofu that you can check out.
Sichuan... szechuan... it's all good. My fave in fact, especially squid.

21-May-2007, 07:46 AM
Sichuan... szechuan... it's all good. My fave in fact, especially squid.

Do they spell it "szechuan" in Britain? Its with the "I" here, although in chinese it sure sounds like it should have the Z.

21-May-2007, 07:52 AM
Do they spell it "szechuan" in Britain? Its with the "I" here, although in chinese it sure sounds like it should have the Z.
Well I live very close to London and all the restaurants there call it Szechuan. Whatever it's called, I love it, them little red chilli's work a treat!

21-May-2007, 07:53 AM
Well I live very close to London and the all the restaurants there call it Szechuan, whatever it's called, I love it. Them little red chilli's work a treat!

Absolutely. I'm near hitched to a Szechuan girl, and we spent a bit of time in Chengdu, I can honestly say it was the best food I had ever had in my life. Ever had Huo Guo? (Firepot) Its really really awesome with loooads of alcohol and a lot of friends. If you haven't tried it look for a palce that does it and bring about 6 or 7 friends, you will not regret it I promise.

21-May-2007, 07:57 AM
Aww man, that's the business. Yeah Szechuan food has been in my life for a long time since a real good restaurant opened close to me. Strange that such a natural spicy flavour works so well with seafood...

...plenty of nice fresh cooked meals at home then? :D

Ever had Huo Guo? (Firepot) Its really really awesome with loooads of alcohol and a lot of friends. If you haven't tried it look for a palce that does it and bring about 6 or 7 friends, you will not regret it I promise.
Not yet, but believe me it's top of my list right now.

21-May-2007, 02:10 PM
ma la do fu, my girlfriend make it for me all the time, Its absolutely fantastic. Heres the kicker, its served cold :D like lian mien.

You can also check out how to make ma po do fu. Its served hot, but it uses a much much softer dofu, but it really abosrobs the sauce and taste fantastic.

Wow ma po do fu looks awsome!.....Im definitely making this next....maybe even tonight!