View Full Version : What are you paying for gas?

20-May-2007, 03:06 AM
$3.36.9 a gallon when I filled up this morning. Any tips for a sucessful drive off?

20-May-2007, 03:12 AM

All depending on which gas you use.

20-May-2007, 03:22 AM
$3.42 for the cheap stuff. And another reminder to get a tune-up.

20-May-2007, 05:16 AM
i'll tell you what im paying for gas......$2 per gallon too much when it only costs $1 a gallon to make gas

20-May-2007, 11:41 AM
You want to know what im paying?95p per litre!or $1.88 per litre to you guys!meaning it would cost me $79.15 to fill my peugeot 206 up over there :eek: would you lot even accept prices like that?

20-May-2007, 12:10 PM
Agreed, prices in Britain are retarded, so any Americans whining about the cost of fuel over there should take a moment to consider us chaps over here, you'd not survive over here with such poor mileage vehicles.

Fuel over here is, put simply, basically twice the price daily than it is over in America when they're in a price hike season.

20-May-2007, 12:42 PM
Is it common in the UK for people to have to commute 30 or more miles every day for work?...

I know a guy whose daily commute is from DC to Richmond...hehe..thats 107 mile commute every day....that would suck!

20-May-2007, 03:37 PM
Commuting, plus your cost of living in the UK is twice ours, not too mention Our gas only started getting out of control after 9/11. During the Clinton years I never paid over $1.109 per gallon.

Once Bush is gone I bet gas drops at least $1.00 or more per gallon within the first year.

Currently in Germantown, MD $3.239 per gallon with car wash. Without $3.389 at the local Sunoco. If I use BP, the recommended fuel for my car, I would be paying $3.499 a gallon.

You guys may pay $79 USD to fill your gas tank, but your cost of living and tax hungry government is to blame for that, lets also remember people doing my exact same job in the UK are being paid twice what I, but take your cost of living versus our it works out to be about the same, you gives being a tad higher.

20-May-2007, 03:58 PM
Agreed, prices in Britain are retarded, so any Americans whining about the cost of fuel over there should take a moment to consider us chaps over here, you'd not survive over here with such poor mileage vehicles.

Fuel over here is, put simply, basically twice the price daily than it is over in America when they're in a price hike season.

Spot on, I have been familiar w/ the cost over there, and I would tell my friends that whine,"Just be glad you are not paying what folks pay in the UK."
BTW, as of Sunday 5.20.07,11:56 am : $3.18 in Silver Spring MD...

20-May-2007, 04:38 PM
Is it common in the UK for people to have to commute 30 or more miles every day for work?...

I know a guy whose daily commute is from DC to Richmond...hehe..thats 107 mile commute every day....that would suck!

Yup,i work in the city of hull which is about 25 miles from home,so a 50 mile round trip a day,& then whatever petrol i use for my own use,such as shopping,seeing friends,travelling to events around the country,it gets very expensive!but i have to pay it out or i'd have no life,i NEED to use my car as much as i do,simple as that

20-May-2007, 04:46 PM
Ah mate, cost of living here is retarded.

Coucil Tax, for one, is through the roof, add on water rates and that alone can run over £2000 a year with ease ... then add on your electricity and fuel bills, the cost to feed yourself, the cost of fuelling your car, taxing your car and that's just the tip of the ice berg ... thanks a lot gordon brown, you absolute f*cking c*nt. :mad:

And some mind say "ah but you get free health care" ... believe me, people are jumping ship to pay for proper health care these days, even the Health Secretary herself said 'you're better off not going into hospital as you'll come out in worse health than when you went in', and without any concept of disgust at the issue being that bad ... how f*cked up is that?

Apparently that wanker fat guy who makes 'documentaries' (forgotten his name now) says in "Sicko" that the NHS is amazing and works well ... bollocks it does, come over here and do your research.

A good idea mis-managed beyond belief is a worthless idea. :(

Anyway, yaboo-sucks to petrol prices, and yes indeedy, the gubment sucks up a shedload of cash, something like over 60p per litre is purely tax (and our fuel is, as has been said, in the 90 to 100 pence per litre zone) ... mental, huh?


And in response to Tricky, indeed, if you don't live where you work (which is very rare these days, especially in the white collar band of work, which in itself defines commuting) you're burning up the miles like nobody's business. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of the UK *gasps* isn't London...so we don't have a great network of easy and readily available public transport...two thirds of the country doesn't live in the city, so the car actually IS necessary.

I know I'd be f*cked without access to a car. I even went by car to Manchester this week to shoot an interview and originally thought of going by train, but it was:

1) Too dangerous for my equipment
2) Too expensive
3) Too full of hastle
4) Far from efficient

If I had gone by train, I'd have had to:

1) Get a lift by car to Gloucester for a train
2) Sit on a sh*tty, smelly old train (which apparently burns more fuel per head than a car :rolleyes:) and worry about the safety of my equipment everytime I needed a slash or fell asleep
3) Arrive and get a taxi to my destination
4) Do the interview and get cutaways
5) Get a taxi back to train station
6) Wait for the train to arrive (if it wasn't cancelled because of a leaf on the line)
7) Train back to Gloucester
8) Get picked up by car to go home

Instead I went by car, which involved:

1) Get in car
2) Go to Manchester & get cutaways from the car (I wasn't doing the driving btw)
3) Park about 200 yards away from destination
4) Do interview
5) Get in car & go home

Easy...going by public transport would have been a total nightmare and totally unworkable to make all the stars align in terms of timing everything to work together, so again - the car wins - travelling by my own schedule, not that of crumbling infrastructures charged with running some crap trains.


That's the trouble with politicians these days, they don't realise there's an entire country and population beyond the confines of London, where - shock horror - there isn't a varied choice of public transport within spitting distance ready to go 24 hours a day to any possible destination in mind. :rolleyes:

21-May-2007, 12:22 PM
It's about 3.20 or so around here. Luckily I get gas through my company, though.

25-May-2007, 05:00 AM
Here in WA we're paying something around $3.50 a gallon. It changes weekly.

darth los
25-May-2007, 05:04 AM
It's about $3.50 here in New York as well. :eek:

26-May-2007, 02:17 AM
I think in HK it would cost something like several hundred dollars to fill up your tank. I just finished paying $3.20 to drive 30 miles to pay $3.60 in my destination only to drive back with more expensive gas. I asked the guy at the station what made his gas so much more expensive and he said tourists. Figured! It reminded me of driving up PCH near Carmel and this jackass charged $5 a gallon (bear in mind this was TWO YEARS AGO) and had I not been on empty I wouldn't have even paid that but I had to. I eventually paid for two gallons and he was actually laughed at me for thinking there may be another gas station that may be cheaper up the road. In fact there was and the gas was like $3.35

Gas is so obscene i'm thinking of buying a vespa just to save money because as it is now i'm spending nearly $70 a week on gas. Either that or just save a ton of money altogether by moving to Thailand and spending the rest of my life luring tourists to a painful death.

26-May-2007, 03:15 AM
It's about $3.50 here in New York as well. :eek:

i dont see how pittsburgh has cheaper gas than my city and we have like 20 refineries

26-May-2007, 05:28 AM
Agreed, prices in Britain are retarded, so any Americans whining about the cost of fuel over there should take a moment to consider us chaps over here, you'd not survive over here with such poor mileage vehicles.

Fuel over here is, put simply, basically twice the price daily than it is over in America when they're in a price hike season.

Tell your government to stop taxing it so much.

Agreed, prices in Britain are retarded, so any Americans whining about the cost of fuel over there should take a moment to consider us chaps over here, you'd not survive over here with such poor mileage vehicles.

Fuel over here is, put simply, basically twice the price daily than it is over in America when they're in a price hike season.

Also, be glad Britain is small, imagine having to drive 20, 30, 40 miles to work every day. My girlfriend drives from New Haven to Stamford everyday for work because its the only place where she can make the connections she needs for her business. Its absurd.

26-May-2007, 09:13 AM
[QUOTE=Khardis;87591]Tell your government to stop taxing it so much.


We've done that countless times but they wont listen because they think they know whats best for us,and anyone who doesnt agree is stupid :mad:
There was a big fuel protest a few years ago when petrol went to the 90p per litre mark (its gone way past that now,i dont know why we arent protesting again),the entire country was gridlocked & all the petrol stations & fuel depots were picketed or blockaded,it literally brought the entire country to a standstill!i think after that labour brought in a law to suit itself so that there couldnt be a protest again,i remember hearing something on that.At the end of the day there is absolutely no need for the price we are paying for fuel,90% of it goes to line the governments coffers & i expect the price will go up even further when the smoking ban comes in on the first of july to make up for the income lost on cigarettes!

26-May-2007, 10:46 AM
And as for travelling to work, many people commute and have to travel 20, 30, 40 or more miles to work. My Dad had to do a long commute every day, pretty much a two hour round trip.

Then of course, if you're going freelance (which I'm starting to get into myself) then the work is anywhere and everywhere. I recently was in Manchester, and from where I live it was a 290 mile round trip, all for about two hours worth of filming. Even meeting the director at his house is more than 20 miles away, the nearest city is about 30, and that's the story all over the country.

It's so expensive to buy property in the city that the white collar office jockey types are forced out into the suburbs and surrounding countryside, so there's millions of people commuting to work everyday, and it's not just a tootle down the road, it's an ordeal in itself...and public transport won't fix it, chiefly because it's a load of rubbish in this country, but also because people need to work to their own schedules to get anything done - it's why I chose car over train for my trip to Manchester last week.

And aye, Tricky, I remember the fuel stooshy back in around 2000 wasn't it? Or was it the arse end of 1999? Not sure, but whenever it was I was bussing to and from Hereford as I was doing a taster course at the Art College there, the bus was absolutely packed. I was sat on the friggin' dashboard almost, it was completely crammed packed, WAAAAAAAY over the legal amount...cor blimey, the cues at Safeway petrol station back then, hehe, crazy goings on.

The Brits do need to get up in arms more though, they don't just sit and stay quiet, but they need to do more...but I sense there's another 'winter of discontent' coming soon...there's a culture of selfishness in society today, so people are very insular, but there's still people out there marching and protesting, although it's a shame a lot of it is just about the Iraq thing - yes, we know, Britain is against it, can we protest about things going arse over here at home already?!

26-May-2007, 03:09 PM
I commute 11 miles to work. Takes anywhere from 22 minutes to 42 minutes for the trip. Most people I know have that much of a commute or longer. In some cases much, much longer.

Regular gas is floating around $3.07 and $3.19 a gallon.

26-May-2007, 09:04 PM
High Gas Prices ...

Reliance on foriegn oil ...

Greedy Oil Corporations ...

It's a damn shame. We oughta organize a Worldwide Weeklong Boycott on gasoline.

27-May-2007, 03:52 AM
It's $3.59 a gallon here in the Detroit area. Some areas have it at $3.35, but most places its closer to the first price.

It sucks.

27-May-2007, 07:10 AM
I remember when gas was under a dollar! And I can remember the excitement of filling up my tank at the Speedway for like 95 cents and just being all giddy about having a full tank. Now i'm like gee should I fill up or hope it goes down by tommorow? I've become psycho now about having a full tank because i'm scurred the price will rise even higher overnight. Its murphys law though... once I fill up it goes down.

Oh so yes... tips for a successful drive off...

Put fake plates on your car from someplace else. Buy plates at a fair or something and pay in cash. Wear shoes too big for you and clothes that you buy from the salvation army. Dont shave for a few days and maybe you wanna add a few fake moles just for effect. ....waiiiiiiiiiiiit a minute... i've never seen a gas station that doesn't require you to pay before you pump except for one in like west west west texas in BFE where the pump was from the 60s... and the old man running it looked one heartbeat from dying. He was really trusting too I gave him 40 bucks and topped off my tank and told him I needed change back and without even checking the pump I used he gave me the change I said I needed. Hmmm.... see thats why i'm moving to Texas nice trusting people... god bless 'em

27-May-2007, 04:43 PM
I just filled up my car this morning, and it was nearly $3.40 per gallon, and totaled up to 48 bucks to fill my car up (which is the most it's ever cost to fill up:| )

05-Jun-2007, 08:27 PM
Thief Forces Woman to Fill His SUV With Gas
SALT LAKE CITY (June 4) - A woman was held up during a fill-up. The woman was pumping gasoline Sunday morning when a man stuck something in her back, told her it was a gun and ordered her to start filling up his sport utility vehicle instead of her own car, said Salt Lake City police Detective Jared Wihongi.

"This is definitely not common," Wihongi said Monday.

The woman put $15 worth in the other vehicle's tank before her debit card reached its limit.

Wihongi said surveillance video at the station showed two men in a large, white sport utility vehicle with Wyoming license plates. They could face aggravated robbery charges.

The woman was so shaken up by the incident she didn't call police until about three hours later.

darth los
06-Jun-2007, 12:07 AM
[QUOTE=Khardis;87591]Tell your government to stop taxing it so much.


We've done that countless times but they wont listen because they think they know whats best for us,and anyone who doesnt agree is stupid :mad:

Sounds to me like the prevailing philosophy of the current administration in america. Diverse opinions and meaningful debate, the conerstones of any "democracy", are not tolerated.

06-Jun-2007, 09:24 AM
Aye, this gubment listen to absolutely squat from the public, we're treated with contempt, even when nearly 2 million people protest by putting their name down against road pricing on the gubment's OWN feckin' website (which attracts wide media attention), they just barge on regardless.

It's twisted. They even completely disregard the public's hatred of Inheritance Tax and our demands to abolish it.

06-Jun-2007, 01:17 PM
Hmmm.... see thats why i'm moving to Texas nice trusting people with massive stockpiles of firearms and concealed weapons ... god bless 'em

Fixed. :)