View Full Version : The Manson murders

21-May-2007, 12:44 AM
I watched a documentry on this last night, pretty interesting. One girl could be getting paroled, shes been turned down 16 times in 37 years./

Think any of the girls will ever get paroled before they die?

21-May-2007, 01:33 AM
I got really into this case about 2 years ago between the novel and a site I can no longer find (I think it was shut down) that depicted literally minute by minute details of how the murders went down from the months and weeks leading uo the fateful night and beyond to the trial, with crime scene photos, uncensored photographs of the victims (yes, Sharon Tates pregant body), accompanying musical selections of the period for each page, autopsy photos .....

I honestly was scarred. It took me over a year to 'get over it' . One does not see these things and be immune. It truly was a life altering expereince for me. The horror, the tragedy, the shock of what these maniacs did is disturbing when seen at that intimacy.

The murderers are still alive today due to Califronais pussy rule of the time of the death penatly being unconstitutional


It's weird; I almost hate that I've experienced that on any level but know it is a must to fully fathom the henousness of the crime.

These peoplel literally walked into the home (through a screen window in fact) and butchered them in cold blood. Not merely shot but butchered with guns, knives, bootheals, stabbed dozen upon dozen times.

Jesus; this planet sometimes

21-May-2007, 02:10 AM
BTW: what docu? I didnt hear about it..I meant to ask?;)

Chic Freak
21-May-2007, 07:25 PM
It might be a case of trial by tabloid, them not wanting to release any of the Manson girls because they are *the Manson girls* and it would shake people's faith in the system if they were released. I'm not saying they should be, but I have a feeling that if they were less famous they might have been released.

21-May-2007, 08:32 PM
BTW: what docu? I didnt hear about it..I meant to ask?;)

I had written a whole thing about Manson and his girls and I deleted it by accident..lol

What I had said is: they won't get paroled, what they did was so horrific and animalistic even for its time back in 1969. They did more than kill they overkilled.
When they did the murders they were stone cold sober..no drugs..no booze!!!
Pure craziness! How would any parole board be able to pardon them?
Manson himself puts on a show everytime he goes before the parole board and of course is put back in the slammer...I mean what else has he known in his life besides prison?
The only one I can think of that you might be talking about Cody is Susan Atkins who supposedly turned her life around in prison..but, she was one of the worst of the group...she stabbed Sharon Tate I forget how many times and was going to take the baby but she didnt(I forget the reason she didnt)
I have followed their case I guess out of curiosity it is so bizarre, plus, it happened when I was a young person and everyone was scared out of their wits when the murders were going on at the time in Cali. So, it left a permanent impression on me of interest.

22-May-2007, 02:08 AM
no the one that turned around in prison went along on the second night of murders, the old couple. they were influenced by lsd so they might have not been completly sober but sure enough.

22-May-2007, 02:22 AM
certian members of the manson family will never be paroled

linda kasabian may be
tex watson was considered

but susan atkins ..never
sqeaky fromme ..never


if you want to read good books on the situation never mind helter skelter

read the garbage people
and the autobiography of charles manson he wrote in prison

the whole idea of the beatles telling him to start a race war shows
how mental and drugged up they were

22-May-2007, 05:40 AM
I saw documentary about it on TV, did you know that before the mason murders the Hollywood stars lived much more open lives and often invited strangers to their homes for dinners and parties? The documentary also showed mason in his cell and he gave this very long speach to the camera about he never killed anyone but if he did start killing there would be nobody left... :lol:
I think it is best that they all stay in jail, a group that kills defenseless families just for the hope of starting a race war should not go free.

22-May-2007, 06:22 AM
The thing with parole is you have to admit to what you've done and how bad you feel about having done it and what steps you're going to take to make good for that wrong. Any sociopath could certainly tell the panel what they'd like to hear. But the Manson killers are a special king of flogged up. I mean to be so mentally suceptible to someone as to brutally carry out a killing in that manner is IMHO an illustration of ones lack of affect. You can't even imagine where someone is mentally to be that hoodwinked and that crazy and thats why its hard to imagine that they can be rehabilitated. How do we know how to treat someone for that? I dont think they should ever be let out. They could easily fall under the spell of someone else. Someone just as sinister as Charlie.

Their crimes make me think of Charles Ng and Leonard Lake. It even makes me think of that Rothenberg who lit his 6 year old son on fire instead of having to hand him over to his ex wife during a nasty divorce. There's just something special about people with no feeling or respect for human life at alll.

23-May-2007, 05:33 PM
certian members of the manson family will never be paroled

linda kasabian may be
tex watson was considered

but susan atkins ..never
sqeaky fromme ..never


if you want to read good books on the situation never mind helter skelter

read the garbage people
and the autobiography of charles manson he wrote in prison

the whole idea of the beatles telling him to start a race war shows
how mental and drugged up they were

linda kasbian was never put in jail..she gave states evidence in trial..she didnt commit any of the murders, she was there so, she was acessory to the crime.
The rest I agree with you..the book Helter Skelter is a good read it gives pics and I believe the prosecuting attorney wrote it , Mr. Buglosi...cant remember how to spell it or his first name.

26-May-2007, 09:35 AM
There's just something special about people with no feeling or respect for human life at alll. Maybe its the other way around? They are like zombies I think, they do what they want witouth thinking about the concequencses for themselves or others no matter how much pain they create. Rare perhaps but special no.

26-May-2007, 05:23 PM
Maybe its the other way around? They are like zombies I think, they do what they want witouth thinking about the concequencses for themselves or others no matter how much pain they create. Rare perhaps but special no.

In a way you are right about the zombie part ..Manson had them progammed with drugs,sex and preaching to them and treating them like a "family" no rules to live by and he taught them his own religion, something about the "infinite". Susan Atkins said by killing those people she was loving them...ya had to have alot love to kill them she said. It was all the garbage Charlie taught them. If you read the book or watch the old movie it tells you alot about it.